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Scientology's TOP 100 biggest lies


The work was free - keep it so.

Honest beings have rights

Creating islands of sanity.

Happy Valley

There is no more ethical group on the planet.

We intend to salvage this sector.

Ron rose above the bank.

I have no second wife.

Doctor Hubbard

...a nuclear physicist...

...a 21 medal winner of WWII...

“This officer has no neurotic or psychotic tendencies of any kind whatsoever."

Make it go right.

There is so much good in the worst of us, And so much bad in the best of us, That it hardly behooves any of us. To talk about the rest of us.

The Way to Happiness

Clean Hands Make A Happy Life

Citizens Commission on Human Rights (Should be Citizens OMISSION of Human Rights)

The highest ability and the value of a being is to serve or their ability to server or something like that.

The single source of aberration...(Insert Blank: implants, psychs, SPs, engram, GPM, MU, etc.)

Having the Correct Technology...etc.

...only a handful of suggestions (less that twenty) had long-run value and none were major or basic...
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Gold Meritorious Patron
Joining Scientology staff is a religious commitment and all activities are entirely voluntary. Scientology is a religious philosophy and offers total freedom.


thanks Zhent!


What it really says....

Scientology views your acceptance to join the staff as a religious commitment on your part. At no stage is it a commitment from Scientology to help you advance further in your religion.

Scientology is a multi level marketing company and your duties will be to ensure that investor number one remains profitable.

All activities are entirely voluntary in the same sense as breathing, eating and sleeping are also entirely voluntary activities

Scientology has total freedom to use you for any activity, with or without your consent, and dispose of you at will.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Scientology makes the able more able.

No, not actually. Scientology redirects purpose and energy onto a false all-encompassing and infinite goal as part of a re-purpose of the re-made individual cult member.

Between that and the separation away from the rest of the world "out there" - PTS to the middle class (e.g., don't you dare actually prosper and have a stable existence), WOG (someone who isn't even trying), Raw Meat, etc - and the restriction of information and the pressure not to think outside of the Scientological framework, the sleep deprivation and the make-a-crisis urgency in all things - you have a classic destructive cult.

Thus overwhelming any good Scientology the technology might have done.

The lie is that Scientology is a philosophy and a religion - it's not. It's a destructive cult organization intended to milk money from its follower-victims.

Damn shame.


Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on

Scientology is not so good on that whole "The Truth Shall Set You Free" thing.

Hubbard and his personal messengers (Scientologists) get away with an ocean of lies because they say:

If it were a lie the tech wouldn't work

Then if you say the tech didn't work, they declare you an SP and attack you with more lies in the form of dead-agenting, manufactured-crimes and other illegal Fair Game terror tactics.

Hubbard is a monster and he has many little deputy monster-ettes working feverishly to spread the misery of Scientology as widely and profitably as possible.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Essentially, scientology consists of ethics, admin and tech.

When one of those doesn't work (and none of them really do, in the long run),
it can be always blamed on another, for not being properly implemented.

Nice trick. Reminds me of Three Stooges. And scientology orgs.

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Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
Essentially, scientology consists of ethics, admin and tech.

When one of those doesn't work (and none of them really do, in the long run),
it can be always blamed on another, for not being properly implemented.

Nice trick. Reminds me of Three Stooges. And scientology orgs.



I wonder how a Scientologist would interpret that same photo. . .


"That big being in the middle is totally at cause and VGI's.
Those other DB's must have put a lot of entheta and CI
on his lines and not responded to the lesser gradients of ethics."

- Billy Blowdown - OT VIII - Patron Stoogitorious -


Gold Meritorious Patron
"I wonder how a Scientologist would interpret that same photo. . ."


Hmm.. That's probably how ^^^, in a attempt to "handle" whatever.

Seriously though, I believe many can and will wake up eventually.

Hopefully, really soon.

P.S. The con is still alive, but so are the stooges. :lol:
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Well...since we're onto the Stooges...WWRD?

Besides running and hiding with suitcases full of drugs and cash What Would Ron Do?

He'd join the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises and become a...drum roll, please...

WISE Guy!!!



Gold Meritorious Patron
The following is a therapy topic list for former
Scientologists, but also generally applies to any intense group
experience. Cults, religions, governments, corporations, and
militaries all might qualify, as almost all groups immediately
assume they are senior to the individual (contrary to the U.S.
Constitution). Groups can easily engender dependency, habitual
activity, and addiction. The "opiated masses" can only take you
so far in the quest for truth, perception, freedom and God. The
purpose of this list is to bring things up for discussion that
encourage strong INDEPENDENCE for all individuals...
1) You felt Scientology had become the spiritual mafia.
2) Didn't know that all humans were groupies.
3) Looking for a flashier dog and pony act, for a father.
4) Thought you were a galactic spaceship captain.
5) Bought the idea that ethics had anything at all to do with
6) Never considered that reincarnation phenomena might just be
RNA/DNA genetic recall.
7) Used the staff make-wrong that "the field has no integrity."
8) Used the field make-wrong that "the staff has low havingness."
9) Called para-military thought a religion.
10) Hated other groups.
11) Used "having met Hubbard" for personal altitude and gain.
12) Never fully examined the promoted group image of rich homies
and renegade Jews.
13) Misguided belief that any of the services offered were "more
powerful" than the Communication Course.
14) It gave you a cloak and dagger, suspense/intrigue, power-
broker rush.
15) Addicted to higher-consciousness sex.
16) You were convinced that you owed your allegiance to a group
that changed daily.
17) Never knew that enlightenment doesn't care how you got there.
18) You believed people could influence your own private
communication line with God.
19) Used Scientology as a criminal and/or drug substitute.
20) Never understood that "your item" changes as soon as you find
21) Stayed on solely because the party was so good in the 50's.
22) You're a low-rent, back-biting, belly-crawling "natural"
23) Secretly loved the psychic wars inherent in "heavy ethics."
24) You preferred the Western bigotry in "having all the
25) You miss having an adopted spiritual family.
26) Failed to examine "organized" and "religion" as conflicting
27) Money scoundrel.
28) You bought the idea that spirituality has any "technology."
29) You've always been a belief systems junkie.
30) Loved all the abbreviations.
31) It changed your life, then you wouldn't leave until it
wrecked it.
32) You've always enjoyed long lists.
33) You got a juvenile high in calling God a "cootie."
34) You've have joined something else anyway.
35) Missed the boat on "being a hippie."
36) You liked putting souls in metaphysical prison.
37) Didn't know Hubbard was scared to die.
38) The greatest good for the greatest number of numbers.
39) Choked on your own swallowed pride.
40) You disseminated with a "little Founder" make-wrong.
41) Believed that spirituality had any even remote connection to
42) Never knew that the word "WOG" was a center-core term for
white dick power.
43) Smoked a cigarette after mental orgasms.
44) Carried your own roll of toilet paper.
45) Expulsion propulsion.
46) Traded off guaranteed constitutional rights for "high-priced
47) They convinced you that all realizations prior to Scientology
were invalid.
48) Everyone graduates sooner or later.
49) Efforting at love.
50) You always knew that you were a being of Supreme...
51) Pretended godship you weren't even close to.
52) Couldn't handle just being an *ordinary* miraculous life
53) No confront on your current lifetime.
54) Big wins as a G.O. spy.
55) Attracted by a group that always discussed impact and injury.
56) Undersold friendship, help and common decency.
57) Used the mental-vertical concepts of "up & down" to try to
position the spiritual plane.
58) You called hate ability.
59) Used the legal world against freedom of speech.
60) Bought and sold emotional slaves as followers.
61) Too many secrets made your self-to-self Flow 0 too busy.
62) You deserted Nature because you couldn't control it.
63) Their exchange dropped way out--so did you.
64) Wanted to be a victim anyway.
65) Volunteering gives you an endorphin-opiate rush to the brain.
66) Rich launched-liberal on an all-expenses-paid guilt trip.
67) Never went exterior to the group.
68) Still waiting for the spaceships to land or the world to blow
69) Never knew you could be a spiritual pollutant.
70) Got recruited to fight the group after you left fighting.
71) Messiah sucker punch.
72) Once upon an ego, you temporarily grew up.
73) You plotted your moods vertically rather than horizontally.
74) Constantly changing viewpoints to justify your actions.
75) Power and greed got a hold on you.
76) Liked to cheer at group events.
77) Proved you could be "in-charge."
78) Failed to grasp that awareness takes longer than it takes.
79) You need a miracle everyday.
80) Mental nude-dancing tendencies.
81) You yearned for the fresh taste of new perception.
82) Realizations bordering on cosmic sensuality.
83) Got tired of "urgent orders."
84) New breed ecstasy.
85) Sibling rivalries brought forward into mental competition.
86) You stopped listening to your poetry within.
87) Uncoordinated voice and vision.
88) Your Honor was out of town--judgmental.
89) Tripped on juvenile footing.
90) You preferred unenforced coffee shop enlightenment.
91) You should've stuck with Einstein's definitions of matter,
energy, space and time.
92) Delusions of supremacy.
93) Kept seeking a group high because you were a geek in high
94) You loved emotional hitchhiking through the opiated masses.
95) You enjoyed lying in the name of secrecy.
96) You were a low-rent scammer from birth.
97) You were too god at PR bullshit.
98) It took years to reorient after you left.
99) You weren't tragically hip enough to walk when it was time.
100) Absorbed by the group pecking order.
101) They wanted all your money.
102) You're not even supposed to be reading this list.
103) They got you to hate yourself by "wasting" the best years of
your life.
104) Higher-consciousness heartburn.
105) Still think that you can control more than about 10-20% of
your destiny.
106) We were the "loud brat" cliche at metaphysical kindergarten.
107) You accepted that truth and love can be "overrun."
108) Called anything you didn't like enturbulation.
109) You miss the soaring altitude of false humility.
110) All of the above--and you'd do it again!
~~~~~Welcome to Earth!~~~~~
Dead Commodore Research done by John Ausley, 1991

Just thought this should be on ESMB rather than lost in the ARS

Idle Morgue

Gold Meritorious Patron
Scientology WORKS when 100% standardly applied! (the lie is it CAN'T be 100% standardly applied because it does not WORK)! :omg:


Scientology WORKS when 100% standardly applied! (the lie is it CAN'T be 100% standardly applied because it does not WORK)! :omg:

Well, to a degree certain aspects of the tech "do work".

The tech of "hard sell" does surely "work" to overwhelm Scientologists into paying absurd amounts of money and contributing all sorts of time to the Scientology "movement".

The tech of "PR" surely works to keep the suckers on the receiving end of a near endless stream of lies and make-believe "facts" about Hubbard and Scientology.

The tech of "noisy investigations" and "overwhelming lawsuits" DOES surely "work", at least some of the time, to shut critics and enemies up.

The threat of being found guilty of suppressive acts and declared does "work" to keep many Scientology members in line, and behaving as "they should".

The various aspects of the "tech" that perpetrate the "mind control" facets of the subject often do "work". The "ruin-finding drill" does "work" at times to cave some sorry sod into his "failings", and enables the reg to manipulate the person onto services.

Though granted, the continued application of these methods keeps surfacing on various media outlets, with people who have had BAD expereinces with some aspect of this "tech", and to some degree this "hurts them more than it helps". I think it is like the idea of diminishing returns - while the Church of Scientology may continue to make some money and gain some new members by the continued application of standard "Admin Tech", an ever-increasing backlash will continue to grow and expand simply by people getting mad and angry about what happened to them by this "standard application of Scientology idiocy". In the end, the negative results of them applying Hubbard's ideas (the footbullet phenomena) will outweigh the benefits to the Church organization.

Now, the actual "tech" of "spiritual advancement", yes, THAT doesn't work very well. :confused2:
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Gold Meritorious Patron
LRH: No, I never had a 2nd wife.


That was true after a fashion, due to the polygamy involved. BTW ... you can have as many wives as you like without breaking any law, provided that the marriages are not licensed by the state. The HubTurd's marriages WERE licensed tho.



Patron with Honors
The list has just begun. Got more LIES to add?


1. Scn is The Bridge to Total Freedom.
2. You can become an Operating Thetan.
3. You can achieve the state of Clear.
4. There is no disconnection.
5. Fair Game is canceled.
6. Ron did not die, he purposely dropped his body in order to research upper levels for you.
7. The Sea Org is the most ethical group on the planet.
8. Scientology works.
9. Psychs are an evil wholetrack conspiracy to enslave you.
10. You need to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get rid of body thetans if you want to be free and happy.
11. DMSMH results in mental health and clear.
12. L. Ron Hubbard is the true and only Source of freedom tech.
13. Scientology controls your ‘eternity’.
14. Hubbard is mankind’s greatest friend.
15. Keeping Scientology Working is the greatest good.
16. Scientology is a religion not a business.
17. Scientology believes in The Creed of the Church of Scn.
18. Church of Scientology believes in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
19. L. Ron Hubbard is an ethical Operating Thetan who rose above the bank to save mankind from eternal suffering.
20. Scientology handles the causes of war, criminality and insanity.
21. CoS senior management is not liars and criminals.
22. Scientology is the fastest growing religion in the world with over 10 Million members.
23. Scientology is clearing the planet.
24. Ron’s technology will make you cause over life.
25. All illness and accidents are from PTS and suppressives.
26. Ideal Orgs are ideal.
27. The Golden Age of Technology is unaltered LRH tech.
28. Applying ethics conditions makes one ethical.
29. Mary Sue Hubbard and the other criminal leaders of Scientology that went to prison were not following Hubbard’s policies and orders.
30. Office of Special Affairs is not the same as the Guardians Office except better at lying and hiding crimes.
31. The religious leader of CoS, COB, is not a sociopathic sadist who physically beats and psychologically terrorizes staff.
32. Hubbard didn't believe in or use drugs.
33. At the top of the Grade Chart beings can exteriorize with perception and other paranormal powers.
34. …
35. …
36. …

L Ron Hubbard created a workable source of ethics, tech and admin.

compare Hubbardism to what I see and found



Patron with Honors
I'm not sure about that. As far as I know, the lie is that L Ron Hubbard had any war injuries to start with . . .


Idolatry practice at its finest. Without a God, how is it possible for humanity to get better?

Scientific investigation, Ron motto. The followers believed that, and created the scientific proof. Ron provided the incentive through speculative fiction.

He was on the money a few times, and his growing fear of a world full of monsters drove him out of the ball park with ethics and PTS/SP tech

My take on ethics
