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Why doesn't OT3 use the Valence Tech?


Squirrel Extraordinaire
One of the most linked items I use is the 'Scientological Onion' statement, and its further elaboration in the e-book 'Brainwashing Manual Parallels'. 'Parallels' is kind of a clunky PDF document, it's long, has lengthy End Notes, but no handy electronic Table of Contents that one can click and go to selected places in the doc., yet, it too is based on the 'Scientological Onion' template.

Using free Foxit pdf software, available online, I just made a rough and ready electronically-bookmarked version of that pdf, which pretty well matched Ambry's Contents page. Took about an hour. Then I carefully replaced it with the original! Grrr. Must be PTS. :)

I don't feel like doing it all again, but it's pretty easy to do, Veda.



Paul, are you retired? I find it hard to imagine the amount of time you spend on these projects unless you are. I wish I had that kind of time. If I send you html files of a book, and scan in some drawings, will you help me get it in shape as a fully indexed and table of contentsed PDF? I have permission from the author to get it into this shape, get it back to him for review, and then start distributing it.


Squirrel Extraordinaire
Paul, are you retired? I find it hard to imagine the amount of time you spend on these projects unless you are. I wish I had that kind of time. If I send you html files of a book, and scan in some drawings, will you help me get it in shape as a fully indexed and table of contentsed PDF? I have permission from the author to get it into this shape, get it back to him for review, and then start distributing it.

Semi-retired. PM me re the book, how big it is etc. Unless I'm interested in it I'm not about to donate 25+ hours of my time to your project. I am already in the middle of an eBook project that is very LONG and involves a lot of editing and I'm dragging my feet over it because it is such a hassle.

The two pdf eBooks I created I did all the work in Open Office (free software), then simply exported as pdf files. I didn't use any specialized pdf software like Foxit or Adobe Acrobat Pro.



Alright, I'll try again.

"Thetan" is a Hubbardism used by Scientologists. I'm not a Scientologist. "Operating Thetan" is another Hubbardism. If I were to describe psychical or paranormal sensitivities or abilities, I'd use another term. If I use a Hubbardism, I also use quotation marks.

There are a few seeming exceptions, and these are ordinary English words, not purely Hubbardisms, such as "auditing," which does have a basic definition, and root meaning of "listen," and means, broadly, "an examination of something." I think this is an excellent term, just as I think that the basic know-how and skills of an "auditor" are worthy of isolating from the rest of Scientology. (And when that happens, it's no longer Scientology, but another subject.) Even then, I usually place the word "auditing" in quotes, when referring to it as counselling.

One of the most linked items I use is the 'Scientological Onion' statement, and its further elaboration in the e-book 'Brainwashing Manual Parallels'. 'Parallels' is kind of a clunky PDF document, it's long, has lengthy End Notes, but no handy electronic Table of Contents that one can click and go to selected places in the doc., yet, it too is based on the 'Scientological Onion' template.

That template, or pattern, recognizes that there is some good in Scientology, used both as a "defense perimeter" outer layer, and as a medium of conveyance of ideas and intentions. Without that positive (or at least neutral) element or medium, Scientology would likely not have had much influence, and we probably wouldn't be discussing it right now.

I've described this in many ways, one being the lacquer & solvent analogy. These two ingredients combined make glue, and glue hardens as the solvent evaporates.

Scientology presents communication as the "universal solvent," and new Scientologists typically will read L. Ron Hubbard's inspirational words, "The simplicity of observation itself, and only itself, is functional and will take Man from the bottom to the top. And the only thing I am trying to get you to do is look."

Then, as that Scientologist continues his involvement with Scientology, the "bait and switch" nature of Scientology (remember the "Onion") kicks in, and he finds that he is encouraged to, selectively, not look. This selective not or un-looking, becomes internalized - becomes part of the person - and thereafter seems the natural way to be.

The "bait and switch" aspect, also becomes internalized, becomes part of the person. Once this happens, it's difficult or almost impossible to explain the basic template of Scientology, as the person IS that template.

A person is introduced to Scientology and is given the Scientology term, "Operating Thetan," along with a definition and description. An 'Operating Thetan' can do things without a body. He can perceive, he can communicate with others, he can move physical objects without a body. In short, he is a god.

Then the "switch" begins, gradually, "gradiently," it begins, and, eventually, the person is presented with a watered down version of "OT," and expected to accept that, and without seeing any contradiction, without seeing the "bait and switch."

And this is repeated throughout the truth-coated and truth-lubricated subject of Scientology.

Using free Foxit pdf software, available online, I just made a rough and ready electronically-bookmarked version of that pdf, which pretty well matched Ambry's Contents page. Took about an hour. Then I carefully replaced it with the original! Grrr. Must be PTS. :)

I don't feel like doing it all again, but it's pretty easy to do, Veda.


Thanks for the effort anyway. That you decided to have a go at it was unexpected, and also generous of you, especially in light of all the other work you're doing.

Incidentally, the place to visit for the most up to date version (with older typos and glitches corrected) is the doc. displayed on the current 'Critical Info Directory'. (Some of the text is bunched together in earlier versions. An easy way is to do a find on "Perls," and if that come up then that's the corrected doc.)

My PDF converter is pretty primitive, and I'm going to need to update it, although, realistically, it will be a while, plus I need to figure out the new rendition. (Remember, I drank a lot of radioactive milk as a child.)



Squirrel Extraordinaire
My PDF converter is pretty primitive, and I'm going to need to update it, although, realistically, it will be a while, plus I need to figure out the new rendition.

Check out the Foxit Reader stuff. It's free, much faster and lighter than Adobe Reader, and does neat tricks like commenting etc. too. I also got a free one-year license of Foxit Reader Pro, similar to Adobe Acrobat Pro but again much, much lighter and faster. To get the license I had to sign up for a free trial of some music download site, but I cancelled that after a day and it was all fine.



Patron with Honors
May I suggest to run OTIII only when confident of being exterior to the body.

There is a good reason not to jump right into NOT's. It is difficult to show a path in a tunnel if one does not know where the exit is.

Very interesting! There have been a few statements of OT 3 material being run before clear.
Not many.

If its OK I'd love to hear about it in great detail.

I've done OT2&3 twice now. I don't in fact believe the xenu/ OPT3 story. It all worked excellently though.

I think you masy find "NK + some numbers I can't remember" commenting on this.

Cat's Squirrel

Gold Meritorious Patron
Breaking the House at the Bellagio, and then at Caesar's and then at the Venetian, and then at Wynn and then....:thumbsup:

Well, it may be possible. This Christmas I've been reading a book called "Prior to Consciousness" by Nisargadatta Maharaj (a celebrated teacher in the Advaita / nonduality school). It consists of a series of dialogues Nisargadatta had with students, which were transcribed by a lady called Jean Dunn.

Apparently, when Jean needed money (she was a senior citizen in California) she used to go the nearest casino and play the slot machines, so assuming that worked for her, she must have had an ability of some kind there.

Also, Eckhart Tolle has said that one time when he was newly arrived in North America and hard up for money, he won $1,000 with a lottery ticket.

I'm not saying that gambling's a good thing (I come from a Methodist family background). but it seems that it sometimes works even for spiritually aware people.

(EDIT: I've tried to check the Jean Dunn story and can't find a reference, so I'm not confident about presenting it as truth).
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I will try to look up the prior to consciousness material.

It's funny you should mention the lottery and gambling thing, There is a person living in Katmandu who is an ex scio. He is on another blog and won the lottery twice and this week I was picking numbers in the ethers!

Maybe I should ask for help from the Secret Chiefs.The odds are worse than they were a decade ago or so.

I was just playing around on my meter changing the batteries. What a difference it made.

I spotted a cluster in front which was a copy of LRH. Its parts had additional personality copies of Crowley, Samuel Liddell and Moina Mathers. I thought this weird. I googled who she was and found 'magician' to be one of her hats. Goody for me.

Cat's Squirrel

Gold Meritorious Patron
I will try to look up the prior to consciousness material.

Its available on


There's some good stuff on that site.

It's funny you should mention the lottery and gambling thing, There is a person living in Katmandu who is an ex scio. He is on another blog and won the lottery twice and this week I was picking numbers in the ethers!

Maybe I should ask for help from the Secret Chiefs.The odds are worse than they were a decade ago or so.

I was just playing around on my meter changing the batteries. What a difference it made.

I spotted a cluster in front which was a copy of LRH. Its parts had additional personality copies of Crowley, Samuel Liddell and Moina Mathers. I thought this weird. I googled who she was and found 'magician' to be one of her hats. Goody for me.

Yeah, the magickal path seems to work for some (Israel Regardie, for one), but I think there are traps with it. Here's what I think is a good essay on the subject;



Thanks for this Cat,



The most important activity of any spirit is its impressing its will upon reality in various ways. This is mirrored within the normal conscious mind by the assignation of meaning to things. When a person thinks and visualizes, various significances are attached to masses and energies created within the "mind", or to be more accurate, within one's immediate space of a few feet from one's head. A normal thought which you are likely to perceive consists of a very small lump of mass with a large meaning attached or assigned to it. The lump of mass is nondescript in appearance and only serves to anchor the meaning. A mental image picture on the other hand is an energy field that has been molded to a particular shape. It is a lot of mass/energy with only the significance attached to it that results from recognition of its shape. But these are only echoes of how a spirit controls reality. The way to directly control reality is to assign significance, meaning, characteristics, behavior, etc. to the physical universe in the same manner as one assigns it to mental masses. This is the easiest thing in the world to do if one does it effortlessly. And it is the hardest thing to do if one struggles with it. A person has become so accustomed to operating a meat body by means of effort and resistance, that the same technique is often

I like the Ghost Dance articles and Max Sandor's little purple notebook for escaping this universe.

I think you can possibly treat each of these specialized aspects as a valence...and get somewhere with it.

This llink is from the section on the cipher manuscript so hotly debated between the London and Paris Lodges of the Golden Dawn. I think it was stated to be part of the mythology of Abremelin the mage. He was a Jew who supposedly, after wandering in search became enlightened in Egypt. I don't know the entire story. But spiritual alchemy and change and a rising in one's awareness are the goals.

You hit me spot on with Ouran though as I began to see masses as being more neutral and filled with light.....clouds of impressionable building material full of living-ness. Yesterday these were ominous layered, some back, some front....and filled me with dark depression. The magic is in knowing this material aims to serve; it's purpose is to receive impressions and enable your projections into reality.

I am googling your other link now.

OK. I just downloaded the I AM THAT pdf to enjoy after dinner. Looks interesting. I have paid more attention to the uncanny manipulations to our thought structuring during this Obama administration. I feel we may lose much freedom if we do not wake up and smell the coffee.

Goodness ....so many ebooks to choose. Thanks again for searching for that.
I was looking at a PBS program last night on the Himalayas. A small portion took in Buddhism in a different way than usually offered for public consumption. I had done some rethinking on the phrases used in the Book of Thomas where he is claiming to be quoting Jesus.
Saying #7
Jesus said: Blessed is the lion, which the man shall eat, and the lion become man; and cursed is the man whom the lion shall eat, and the lion become man.
These words seemed particularly 'eastern' or Tibetan to me after last night's watching. I mean, before the complications of Hinduism and some other colorful fractioning was added to spice it up.
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Cat's Squirrel

Gold Meritorious Patron
I will try to look up the prior to consciousness material.

It's funny you should mention the lottery and gambling thing, There is a person living in Katmandu who is an ex scio. He is on another blog and won the lottery twice and this week I was picking numbers in the ethers!

Maybe I should ask for help from the Secret Chiefs.The odds are worse than they were a decade ago or so.

I was just playing around on my meter changing the batteries. What a difference it made.

I spotted a cluster in front which was a copy of LRH. Its parts had additional personality copies of Crowley, Samuel Liddell and Moina Mathers. I thought this weird. I googled who she was and found 'magician' to be one of her hats. Goody for me.

A quick update: I've just found the quote about Jean Dunn playing the slot machines - it comes from Joan Tollifson's excellent book about nonduality "Awake In The Heartland."

Joan's books are a fine answer to anyone who thinks spirituality is to do with becoming progressively more perfect; as she says, Nisargadatta sold cigarettes and was a heavy smoker himself, finally dying of a smoking-related cancer. (So was Jean Dunn, and Nisargadatta's own guru Siddharameshwar Maharaj was a smoker too).

Cat's Squirrel

Gold Meritorious Patron
Thanks for this Cat,

I like the Ghost Dance articles and Max Sandor's little purple notebook for escaping this universe.

I think you can possibly treat each of these specialized aspects as a valence...and get somewhere with it.

This llink is from the section on the cipher manuscript so hotly debated between the London and Paris Lodges of the Golden Dawn. I think it was stated to be part of the mythology of Abremelin the mage. He was a Jew who supposedly, after wandering in search became enlightened in Egypt. I don't know the entire story. But spiritual alchemy and change and a rising in one's awareness are the goals.

You hit me spot on with Ouran though as I began to see masses as being more neutral and filled with light.....clouds of impressionable building material full of living-ness. Yesterday these were ominous layered, some back, some front....and filled me with dark depression. The magic is in knowing this material aims to serve; it's purpose is to receive impressions and enable your projections into reality.

I am googling your other link now.

OK. I just downloaded the I AM THAT pdf to enjoy after dinner. Looks interesting. I have paid more attention to the uncanny manipulations to our thought structuring during this Obama administration. I feel we may lose much freedom if we do not wake up and smell the coffee.

Goodness ....so many ebooks to choose. Thanks again for searching for that.
I was looking at a PBS program last night on the Himalayas. A small portion took in Buddhism in a different way than usually offered for public consumption. I had done some rethinking on the phrases used in the Book of Thomas where he is claiming to be quoting Jesus.
Saying #7
Jesus said: Blessed is the lion, which the man shall eat, and the lion become man; and cursed is the man whom the lion shall eat, and the lion become man.
These words seemed particularly 'eastern' or Tibetan to me after last night's watching. I mean, before the complications of Hinduism and some other colorful fractioning was added to spice it up.

Excellent! My stepdad's reading "I Am That" at the moment; it's one of the classics of the Advaita / nonduality field and a great book apparently. I hope you get something out of it.

Apparently, if you can grasp Advaita you don't need any other teaching - it's the highest one there is.


I got lost in the cipher manuscript last night as I was excited to find so much disclosure on the part of The Golden Dawn. I put Ouran next. Even though I skimmed Prior to Consciousness, I found it taking more concentration than I had attention to give. It is STILL on my read list this week. So is I AM THAT.



The Zen flavor of Buddhism has its origin in a guy from India who went by the name of Bodhidarma. Bodhidarma moved to China and started a group, which became known as Chan. The Chinese word Chan became Zen in Japanese, which is the usual name used in the West. Zen is a type of Mahayana Buddhism, and it exhibits the usual watering-down associated with Mahayana sects. But unlike most such, Zen either retained or rediscovered a single very important datum which they applied with great enthusiasm:
"Normal reality" is not the truth, but is instead an apparency.

Zen addresses the truth behind the apparency. Zen is next to impossible to put into words. This is a problem with most higher truths, with truths senior to apparency -- they cannot be communicated accurately using words. Various people have attempted to explain these truths with words anyway (as I'm doing here), usually by arbitrarily dividing everything into the two groups I've already mentioned. The scios often talk about Truth versus Apparency, so I'm using those terms. Ouspenski talked about the same things but he labeled them "Nomemon" and "Phenomenon." Their point in both cases is that "normal reality" is not the real truth, but words can only express normal reality. Many enlightened people have attempted to explain "Truth" anyway, often with ludicrous or nonsensical results. It's not their fault. It is merely that language is limited to expressing the apparency well, and the Truth either badly or not at all. The best that can be expected of words is to point toward the truth in such a manner that a person can "cognite" on their own.

The Zen Buddhists take their single stable datum and apply it vigorously by the means of actions, little stories, and especially insoluble verbal problems (called "koans") in order to break each other out of normal consciousness and only perceiving the apparency. Their technique is often the opposite of pointing toward the truth. Instead they usually point with words at something impossible, with the intention of leaving the listener with no recourse but to reject all words.

The essence of Zen is the destruction of the automaticity of the thinking mind and with it the destruction of being a separate self existing as a small single viewpoint. This frees YOU, the spirit, to know more DIRECTLY. There's a hell of a big difference between thinking and knowing. Zen koan technique seems to have its roots in Buddha's replies rejecting four questions asked of him, which translated from the sanskrit form the following pattern:

I am.
I am not.
I both am and am not.
I neither am nor am not.

The above contradictions, all held equally and simultaneously, tie the thinking mental computer into knots, short circuits it. It is intended to allow the spirit (you) to free itself from name-and-form, subject and object, self and the thing viewed. The purpose is twofold. First to acquire a direct view of reality without via; and second to achieve PERVASION, replacing normal consciousness -- which is a single location point of view -- with occupying whole spaces and the persons/object within them.

This is a two step process. The first step is to break free of the thinking machine; then the second is to expand the space one is BEING and pervade a large area instead of a small one (most spirits occupy no more than an inch or two of physical universe space)



I just started Jean Dunn's work. It is really quite an easy read. I guess I was expecting a complicated reality to be presented to me. Pleasantly surprised. Thankyou.
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I got sidetracked into another link I openened while researching pervasion. It was Materia Prima.

I had noticed in the valence technique that one can ask the mass or spatially located identity WHAT WERE YOU BEFORE YOU BECAME THAT. Often times if it was a collective mass operating as a valence copy of something ....and will get thinner or lighter. It could signal it could be potentially ANYTHING. I t can be intuited as spirit or as that element generated into the world BY spirit so as to become eventual reality. Maybe this phenomena of neutral spirita left behind once a fixed perspective is released constitutes the building blocks of what we will engineer next.

The ideas of clusters and identities embedded in the prima materia of the unconscious and their programmed automaticities is related to the subject of alchemy where all is one, or all can be rejoined in the one. But the originator of this Divine building material is not contained in it but outside of it.

Karl Jung adds his thoughts


Materia Prima: The Nature of the First Matter in the Esoteric and Scientific Traditions Presented at the Hidden In Plain Sight Conference at the Rosicrucian Order AMORC, San Jose, California, on July 23, 2010. Dennis William Hauck, Ph.D. Author and lecturer on alchemy and its modern applications.


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Hats, you always bring up such fascinating ideas and make me have to read and Google to follow you.

That one was super cool. :thumbsup:

Jung said:

Psychologically speaking, we become inflated when, as an ego, we unconsciously identify with the Self (the wholeness of our being, which includes both conscious and unconscious elements). When we become inflated we act out our unconscious in the world and live beyond our means, beyond the boundaries of who we are as human beings. Not separate from our own mind, the prima materia, like an instantaneous feedback system, will then shape-shift and nonlocally reflect back our state of unconscious “inflation,” so as to keep us in balance. The prima materia in its lead-like aspect contains the spirit of depression, a downward movement into the depths of our being which is felt as melancholia, and which corresponds to the encounter with the shadow in psychology. Just like a dream compensates a one-sidedness, when we are unconsciously inflated, be it personally or collectively, the prima materia constellates a circumstance that will shock and awe us into humility so as to puncture our spell. When we are inflated, the prima materia will “ground” us so as to bring us back down to earth. Hopefully the “crash” won’t be too hard.




Prima Materia

The “famous secret,” and the basis of the alchemical opus is the unique prima materia, which is the chaos and raw material out of which the refined substance or “gold” is produced. To the alchemists, there was a spirit hidden in the darkness of the prima materia, a divine spark buried in the darkness of matter. Speaking about a spirit being hidden in matter, Jung clarifies, “The psychological equivalent of this theme is the projection of a highly fascinating unconscious content which, like all such contents, exhibits a numinous – ‘divine,’ or ‘sacred’ – quality.” The much-prized prima materia is the psychic flypaper which catches every imaginable projection buzzing around in the human mind. Symbolically speaking, the enigmatic prima materia represents the unknown substance within us that carries the projections of the unconscious. It is the psychic emulsion or medium in which the subconscious contents within us are encoded. The prima materia is thus a symbol for the unconscious itself.


Oh I'm fascinated now, Hats.

Check this out:

And just as, in Christianity, the Godhead conceals itself in the man of low degree,” Jung writes, “so in the ‘philosophy’ [alchemy] it hides in the uncomely stone.” Symbolically, this is the stone “rejected by the builders,” which ultimately becomes the cornerstone. It is an archetypal, universal idea that the highest value is to be found in the lowest, that the blessing is to be found in the curse, and that the wisdom is to be found in ignorance. It is an archetypal experience that the highest value – what Jung calls the Self, and others call “The Messiah” – unless recognized for its divinity, is typically contracted against and reacted to with scorn, revulsion, contempt, and disgust.

So according to Jung, alchemists and Jesus, that which we most despise in ourselves (and others), that which we work the hardest to hide, is exactly what we need to recognize and accept the most.

This is some seriously cool stuff. Luv it. Thanks, Hats. :thumbsup:


Your timing on bringing this up is extraordinary, too, Hats. I always thought you and I had a bit of a bond.

The whole death/rebirth idea (while one is alive, when they have a new start) was something I was pondering last night, and here it is:

It is an archetypal, shamanic idea that we have to descend into the unconscious, making a “nekyia,” a night sea journey, into the depths of our own darkness so that we can discover “The Pearl of Great Price,” another of the stone’s many names. The initial stage is the “nigredo,” the blackness of death, the darkness darker than dark, which is actually the seed for the future birth of the living opus.

That really gives an entirely different meaning to Jesus' statements about having to die first in order to be born, to be blinded first in order to see.

This is really enlightening. It's deep stuff!

And here's why L Ron made the statement about OT3. Jung said:

The tantalizing prima materia had a dangerous, toxic aspect, however, and was considered “bedeviled,” causing insanity if not approached with the highest regard.

But IMHO, L Ron missed the mark with OT3. It wasn't about other beings at all. It was about the basic material of life and each of us reaching that and enhancing it.