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How Scientology induces trauma


I will attempt to try and explain some of my experiences while I was involved in Scientology. The things I endured, and emotions I felt were very strong, and very painful. I just want to try and put it all in perspective, if nothing else, for myself.

I was reading some information today on trauma, different kinds, and how it affects people. I found it very interesting, therefor I will re-post sections of what I read, and make comparisons to how I felt while involved with Scientology.

And a little background on me, I am 26, was born into a Scientology family, both my parents were in the Sea Org, I joined when I was 13, and wanted out when I was 18. Not as easy as it sounds.

Alright how do we define trauma? This was a good explanation:

What is emotional or psychological trauma?
Trauma is the result of extraordinarily stressful events that shatter your sense of security, making you feel helpless and vulnerable in a dangerous world. Traumatic experiences often involve a threat to life or safety, but any situation that leaves you feeling frightened and alone can be traumatic, even if it doesn’t involve physical harm. Experiences involving betrayal, verbal abuse, or any major loss can be just as traumatizing as a life-threatening catastrophe, especially when they happen during childhood.
Whether the threat is physical or psychological, trauma results when an experience is so overwhelming that you freeze, go numb, or disconnect from what’s happening. While this automatic response protects you from the terror you feel, it also prevents you from moving on. Despite being cut off from your trauma-related feelings, you can’t escape them completely. They remain outside of conscious awareness in all their original intensity, influencing the way you see the world, react to everyday situations, and relate to others.


To me that was a wonderful explanation, because although I was not beaten or physically assaulted, I felt completely at the mercy of others when I was in Scientology. My first traumatic experience was when I was 15, when they kicked my father out. I was told I could no longer speak to him again. I've always felt guilt for feeling closer to my dad than my mom, especially since she died a year after he was kicked out. My dad always had the role of caregiver, he made me feel strong and safe. My mom on the other hand was very strict, and in all honesty I never felt I could have an open and honest conversation with her. My dad left the Sea Org when I was four, and my mom stayed in, that may have been the reason for my lack of closeness with her. My dad on the other hand was there every weekend to pick up my friends and I. We would watch movies, laugh, and just be kids, it was wonderful. My dad was in-charge of our school dances, he was very passionate about music, and so was I. He was the one person in this world I truly loved, and felt would always be there for me. When I was told I could no longer talk to him, I was devastated, I cried and cried. I remember attending the IAS event the very next day, and being so overwhelmed by emotions that I couldn't sit through the event. They kept speaking about "SPs" during the event, and now that my dad was one of them, any mention of them made me break into tears. I had to leave the event and take a walk to stop myself from crying.

So that was my first traumatic experience in Scientology. It still affects me to this day. I started crying while I was typing this, it brings back such strong memories, even now.

Here's another good excerpt from the same document above:

Attachment or developmental trauma
Stressful experiences in childhood—whether a one-time event such as a car accident or an ongoing situation caused by an unavailable or abusive parent­—can be traumatizing. Childhood trauma, known as attachment or developmental trauma, results from anything that disrupts a child’s sense of safety and security. This includes such things as an unstable or unsafe environment, separation from a parent, or a serious illness. Attachment trauma is most severe, however, when it involves betrayal or harm at the hands of a caregiver.
Attachment trauma has a negative impact on a child’s physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development. Children who have been traumatized see the world as a frightening and dangerous place. When childhood trauma is not resolved, this fundamental sense of fear and helplessness can carry over into adulthood, setting the stage for further trauma


I want to talk more about "betrayal or harm at the hands of a caregiver". That was very interesting to me, because that is exactly how I felt when I wanted to leave Scientology. I was basically raised by Scientologists, I went to a Scientology boarding school. I rarely saw my mom, and saw my dad once or twice a week, but the majority of my time was spent under the supervision of Scientologists. I grew to love and respect these people as my own family. I knew what was right and what was wrong based on what they told me. I learned from them, and they made me feel safe and loved. When I joined the Sea Org I still felt an attachment to my teachers and school mates, a close bond bound by Scientology and my belief in it. When I eventually left Scientology not one of the people that I had looked up to for so long were willing to speak to me. These people were like family to me, and not even one would say hello. When I left, I was sent to New Mexico, where I knew no one. My whole life I was around people in Scientology, now that I was out I had no security, no one I could trust, and no one to talk to. I felt abandoned in allot of ways. I was 21 when I left.

When I was 17 I married a boy I was in love with. He was separated from me, and I was refused communication from him when he wanted to leave Scientology. That was the next major earth-shattering trauma I experienced. If you have ever been in love and know what that feels like, that is exactly how I felt towards him. I was young and my emotions were very strong. When he left without permission, and did not return for a day, my mind was a blur, I do not remember being able to feel or hear or even see clearly, I was devastated. I didn't even know if he was returning. He did, and the security staff brought him back to be put on the "RPF". I was still not allowed any contact with him. I know now that my emotions were stronger than his, and that I loved him much more than he loved me. I know that now, but back then I was left in total doubt and uncertainty about our relationship, because no one would let me see or speak to him. He was the reason I decided to leave the Sea Org, I wanted to be with him again. When he left I was not told, a friend of mine had to sneak me that information. I had to endure that same pain and uncertainty for seven years, because I was not allowed to speak to him. I never was fully able to let go because of that. It took me four years to just be able talk to him again, not because he didn't want to, or because I didn't want to, but because we weren't allowed to. I gave up everyone I knew in Scientology to have a chance to be with him again.

Here's a list that shows how much my past traumatic experiences affects me to this day.

Is Emotional Trauma a Factor in Your Life?
Respond yes or no to the following to determine if you might be living with the aftermath of a traumatic event:
Can you stand to be alone without turning on your cell phone, computer, or TV? No.
Do you rely on coffee, cigarettes, or alcohol to lift and/or calm you? No
Are you plagued by physical conditions for which there appear to be no cures? Not sure, I'm about to see a doctor.
Do you “lose it” with certain people or in certain situations? Yes
Do you avoid things you wish you could do? Yes
Do you have to be accomplishing something in order to feel good? Yes
Do you frequently behave in ways that you regret? Yes
Do you suffer from mysterious ailments that come and go? Yes
Do you find it impossible to focus on some things for more than a time? Yes
Is it hard for you to trust people? Yes
Do you feel depressed or anxious although you have tried conventional treatments? Yes
Is it difficult for you to commit to a relationship? No, but I also don't let myself look very hard either.

I'm just trying to understand why life today is so hard for me. I know I still need more answers, but I feel without Scientology I would have been allot better off. My life is just so difficult. I battle insomnia daily. I go through life feeling less than able, partly because I have so many issues mentally, but also because my health is failing me. My hair has been falling out for years, my skin looks horrible, I don't heal quickly and just have so many physical problems it makes it very hard for me to enjoy life. Holding down a job is difficult because I can't sleep, than I mentally loose it, and things just get worse.

I'm not trying to whine or moan about all my misfortunes, I'm just trying to understand and really look at why things are just not getting better for me


Silver Meritorious Sponsor
Thanks for posting some of your story Sabrina. Hopefully you'll tell us more and feel safe in doing so here.

I'm not thinking that you're whining, but, I do think that finding a way to improve your situation is probably more important than finding out 'why' it's so difficult right now. Hopefully people here can help you. Good luck.


Wisened One

Thank you for sharing more of your stories, Sabrina.

I'm glad you did, it's going to help many others who read this board. :hug:

Wisened One


Patron Meritorious
Two things come to mind sabrina- the first is that I have a daughter your age and the second is the fact that my little story pales to insignificance next to yours (and all the people whose families were in this), so I may have no leg to stand on when I write this. But I can very easily imagine you being exactly the age of a child of mine had I stayed in Scientology, and it breaks my heart to hear about what's happened and is still happening to you.

The world is bigger than the small dark hole Scientology occupies. That's all I can tell you. There's things out here, and you should concentrate on something you love again. It will help.

My hope is that very soon you'll be able to look at the possibility of your future rather than the sadness in your past. It probably won't be easy. But it is worth trying. If you pass everything else I've said - at least believe it is worth trying. K?

Good twin

Sabrina- I think a simple approach is best. Yes, it can hurt to really try to assess all of the damage before you give yourself some healing first.

I suggest you make a list of things you haven't done and things you haven't had. Keep it simple. Then give yourself those things. Like-

I never had a puppy.
I never wasted a whole day.
I never watched old movies on TV for hours on end.
I never spent a whole day fishing.
I never had a mini skirt.
I never got a tatoo.

Just any silly thing. Let yourself enjoy some simple pleasures. If you do this you will find more things to enjoy and you will come to realize that you enjoy them more then most people who were never deprived of simple pleasures.

We really love you here honey. We're pulling for you.
Good Twin


Still raging
Thank you

Wow, thank you Sabrina, this has given insight to things I am going through. You are couragous for facing up to the truth of your experience, and well done for finding this gem of insight, it will help me, and I really hope you fiind healing, it is a long process, I got out eighteen months ago after twenty years, and I have a ways to go, but I appreciate every second of freedom.

Best to you.



Patron with Honors
on a humorous note, my wife who just left Sea Organization (want a room mate?) says Scientology hurts people by existing (I think she's trying to be funny)


Silver Meritorious Sponsor
on a humorous note, my wife who just left Sea Organization (want a room mate?) says Scientology hurts people by existing (I think she's trying to be funny)

Or, in scientologese... the 4th Dynamic is PTS to mankind's only hope :)


Free to shine

Shiny & Free
I'm just trying to understand why life today is so hard for me. I know I still need more answers, but I feel without Scientology I would have been allot better off. My life is just so difficult. I battle insomnia daily. I go through life feeling less than able, partly because I have so many issues mentally, but also because my health is failing me. My hair has been falling out for years, my skin looks horrible, I don't heal quickly and just have so many physical problems it makes it very hard for me to enjoy life. Holding down a job is difficult because I can't sleep, than I mentally loose it, and things just get worse.

I'm not trying to whine or moan about all my misfortunes, I'm just trying to understand and really look at why things are just not getting better for me

Oh Sabrina! Geez, the problems that those of us who had the family unit replaced by 'staff' are so complex. :grouch:

The first thing is, you are not alone. The experiences may be different, but they have the same theme. I didn't think anyone could possibly understand the complexities until I found ESMB.

I found the best one to work on for myself was "who am I" as seperate from the categories and labels I had been assigned all my life. It's a long process, and one of establishing self esteem and confidence. I think part of it is also identifying those traumas so you can let them go.

Some of the most helpful advice ever is what Lionheart has written. I'll try and find some of his posts for you, if you haven't read them. The process of 'letting go' is very powerful, once you have identified the events, experiences and memories that most affect you. You are doing that, and it's good stuff. :happydance:

:bighug: :console: :handinhand: :kiss:


Hi Sabrina, thank you for sharing this with us. I can hardly imagine the pain you had to go through. But I am sure you'll be able to overcome all that. In my own experience, being here and sharing our thoughts can help a lot to get over a lot of the stuff that went on inside. I truly hope you recover in full and please let me know if I can be of assistance in any way.

My life is just so difficult. I battle insomnia daily. I go through life feeling less than able, partly because I have so many issues mentally, but also because my health is failing me. My hair has been falling out for years, my skin looks horrible, I don't heal quickly and just have so many physical problems it makes it very hard for me to enjoy life. Holding down a job is difficult because I can't sleep, than I mentally loose it, and things just get worse.

On the other hand, I am not a doctor, but someone very close to me had similar symptoms. She went to an endocrinologist and found out that she had a problem with her thyroid and pituitary glands (insomnia, falling hair, skin problems, and bad healing are some of the symptoms associated to both, as well as depression and difficulty to concentrate). She was treated with hormone medication and those problems disappeared. I do not wish to imply that this is your case, but it might be worth trying a check-up with a good endocrinologist.


Yes Sabrina, please, a full thorough physical by some one you trust is an excellent idea. And do update us on your story as it unfolds....we tend to "hide" the bad stuff, as it made us feel degraded. That is a mistake...just let it all go. I can't begin to tell you some of the things I have on my "weird" resume....but put into a broader perspective, eh..we all live learn and grow.



Glad to get all the responses. I am trying to deal with reality right now. Taking some time off of work and reflecting. I started to do some research today, really in search of something that may help me with past traumatic experiences. Didn't find anything really, but what I did find I thought was pretty interesting. So I decided to read up on it and than my mind started to go. I felt I should put my feelings and thoughts down, if I had a therapist I wouldn't need to. Sometimes I just feel like I have to talk about things. Everything I'm going through right now could very well be something physical, although I doubt it. But I do have a doctors appointment next week, so I'll keep you posted, and let you know what happens. I'm just looking for ways to improve my life.


Patron Meritorious
It is called PTSD. It is what they say I have.

It can get so bad you don't want to get the mail and I have to pry myself out of the house and I am net bound a lot.

Not many understand it so I quit taking about it.


Patron Meritorious
Dear Sabrina,

Thank you for sharing your story. I am so sorry you had to go through all this. But you are amongst people that can understand you. I wasnt raised in $cientology so its hard for me to understand that part but I do have children and thank god I left the SO when they were extremely young (the oldest was 4 than). I did leave mostly for them. And me too but anyway thats another story.

As for your symptoms I do agree with ExCMO, it sounds alot like hypothyroid which is very treatable. I suggest to you to first tell the doctor about your symptoms and ask for a blood test for your thyroid if he/she doesnt suggest you do one. Its very easy (I had a blood test for my thyroid). Not only do you have a physical problem but you also have to deal with the trauma of your experience. Please, let us know how it went with the doctor.

I give you a big hug


Patron with Honors
It is called PTSD. It is what they say I have.

It can get so bad you don't want to get the mail and I have to pry myself out of the house and I am net bound a lot.

Not many understand it so I quit taking about it.

Giuseppe has this also - well not anymore, it has been more than 10 years since Giuseppe left, and so it faded away eventually.

Also, something else very major catastrophe happened Giuseppe, recently, so that probably helped me 'not care' about the church and their shenanigans.

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Giuseppe has this also - well not anymore, it has been more than 10 years since Giuseppe left, and so it faded away eventually.

Also, something else very major catastrophe happened Giuseppe, recently, so that probably helped me 'not care' about the church and their shenanigans.

I hope you are OK Giuseppe.
Yes, sometimes life does bring things to help evaluate importances. :)


Patron Meritorious
For me it was more than one thing.

I grew up with abuse. One thing lead to another. Ellie Perkins was my first auditor. She was why I stayed in it for I knew the auditing worked. Well one thing lead to another as prices went sky high.

I then found I had cancer and that lead to more church stuff where I was not so kindly told to leave the church. I liked the people a but too much let;s say and I gave them my soul. I know not wise.

I think the church helped me to lose my job. Not sure on that but my problems started at the time I was deadfiled.

Then I lost my mom. Nothing was safe for me. Not my family not the church nothing.

PTSD really does not go away with the current methods that is used by regular mental treatment people.. It sometimes gets better and then worse. I expect to work it out when I work in the freezone with someone.

I liked the people at ASHO a bit too much and I sold my soul to that fact. That was when it started for me. But it could have started when I was a kid or had cancer. They think it was when I was a kid.

It has not been ten years so maybe that is how long it takes. I know it is taking me a very long time to leave it behind.


Giuseppe has this also - well not anymore, it has been more than 10 years since Giuseppe left, and so it faded away eventually.

Also, something else very major catastrophe happened Giuseppe, recently, so that probably helped me 'not care' about the church and their shenanigans.

Kathy (ImOut)

Gold Meritorious Patron
I have found that acupuncture is a wonderful treatment for all sorts of wows or physical conditions.

Today I was talking to my acupuncturist and told her that I hadn't been sleeping well for about 4 weeks (since returning from my husband's mother's funeral - didn't know the lady, so I'm not in grief). She said she needed to work on my "shin" (I'm guessing that's how it's spelled). I asked, what's that. Her response was: Your spirit's not happy. Amazingly, that's pretty much what I was thinking. And I also told her I was too embarrassed to tell her what my thoughts on it were. She understood and I said I'll call for an appointment next week.

I also told her I'd have a glass a wine and a cup of Sleeytime tea tonight and see how the sleep goes. I'd had the wine.:happydance: I still need to make the tea.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Quote From Sabrina:
Sometimes I just feel like I have to talk about things. Everything I'm going through right now could very well be something physical, although I doubt it. But I do have a doctors appointment next week, so I'll keep you posted, and let you know what happens. I'm just looking for ways to improve my life.

Sabrina, I am so sorry for what you went through. I do believe betrayal in the form of "help" is the hardest to recover from. It does seem to steal the life from us. But I think the guys are right and first thing to do is make sure you are physically doing well. Also, LOTS of sleep, vitamins, walks, and good books!!

One thing that really made being out OK for me is seeing all of the little beautiful things in life you are now free to enjoy! A funny joke, a good movie,a sunny day gardening and listening to the birds, a nap in the afternoon on a cold day....etc.

And give yourself a big hug for reclaiming your own life!!!:clap: :happydance: :clap: :happydance:


Patron with Honors
Hey Sabrina,

I am just a couple of years older than you. I got out of the SO when I was 18. I endured quite a bit of crap like it sounds you have too.

Keep in mind, the most important thing is that you are a SURVIVOR. You need to know that what you endured and what other people in similar situations have endured is something that will either make you or break you. Consider that it made you. It has made you who you are today, shaped what you stand for, helped you establish what you believe in... I could go on. I have to remind myself constantly that it did not kill me but in fact made me stronger. There is not a whole lot in this world that I cannot endure now. Been there, done that, wrote the fucking book.

It's a tough thing to do, it takes a helluva lot of time to heal. For me it has been almost 11 years out of the SO. I am in therapy. I have a wonderful Psychologist who practices "Cognitive Behavior Therapy" who is helping me immensely. I went to the ER 2xs in the past year for mysterious ailments. Got scanned, tested, examined every which way imaginable. The Drs. could not give me any answers. I thought I was gonna die I was so screwed up. When I finally got myself in for some mental help, the therapist was able to explain quite well to me how horribly my stress levels were affecting my body. I still have weird shit go on with my body but since I have had all the tests, I can rest easier knowing that I am not going to drop dead anytime in the near future and it's just the stress getting to me. It can spiral out of control though if you suspect you have some horrible disease, the anxiety about it can exacerbate the symptoms. I hope for your sake that it is nothing serious. Never underestimate the power that your mind has over your body. Stress can be a nasty thing.

Like other people suggested, find things that you can take pleasure in. Simple things. Force yourself to do thing as often as you can. Try not to hideyhole yourself from the world. Trust me, I know how tempting that can be. If you want to pm me, I would love to see if I can help you out... just as another woman who has been there, done that and is still trying to figure it all out.

Best of luck,
