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How to talk to a scientologist

Hi - a couple of points.
When I was newly out I still didn't believe the 3P on Ron, the drug use, the bigamy, the do as I say, not as I do, drug rotted teeth etc. I was however receptive to 3P on DM, I already had little respect for him.

What changed it for me was reading a post somewhere on the web - about the inaccuracies in All About Radiation - you can't wash off gamma radation etc. I was all WTF? How could he put himself up as an authority on a subject with out boning up on it? Then I rembered the tape references where he says how he napped during those lectures, and his lousy grades in the course. Huhh? The sound of stable data shattering ensued.

Prior to that when I was still in, there was his bit in DMSMH I ran into on the basics, where he says nerve growth is due to physical impacts and is why cave man had bigger brains. What the hell ? So cave men walking into low lying branches and cave entrances gave them bigger brains? Was he joking or was he serious - and if he was serious, OMG!

(You think I am making it up? See p85-86 The cell and the organism)

It was faux pas like this that started to break down the myth around Mr. Know it all, our buddy, Ron.

My preamble leads me to dianaclass8 - she said that she has gotten many scios out, not by telling them nasty stuff, but by having them read stuff and comparing it. Then asking them gently what they think about it. What she shows them, I don't know. Perhaps you should ask her to post her technique - it would be a usefull tool for all of us.

Mimsey the helpful