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Language (words) and becoming a Scientologist

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
The above list confuses 'theory' with utter codswallop, renamed plagiarism and deliberately polluted platitude.


I was asked what were UNIQUE theories. And nowhere in the definitions of theory (theories) does it say it has to be logical or illogical or anything else.

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
Incidents I and II are not theories. They are speculative incidents.

They are Hubbard's theories as to alleged incidents that happened.

O/W theory is interesting, but hardly unique. Heard of the Catholics?

Yes, dollink. I'm a former member of a Catholic (lay) religious order. And the theories aren't the same.

The logics are speculation, the axioms are theories, I'll give you that, but those theories are rewording of Golden Dawn teachings, for the most part. Hubbard just tweaked them a little and gave them pseudoscientific words rather than using words like Will, or as in other "philosophies", Atman, etc.

Many theories are speculative in nature.

The nature of theta is a classed dualism between spirit and matter. Old as Descartes.

Hubbard had his own take and his own ideas as to the nature and characteristics of same.

SPs: bad people, hardly unique.

There's a LOT more to his theories about SPs than that.

PTS: people affected by bad people, not exactly new.

There's a LOT more to his theories about PTSness than that.

DBs: a rehash of karma, in that we come back as something "lower order" than we had been before.

It's a separate theory and although somewhat similar (not very) to some other ones, that doesn't mean it isn't a theory or isn't unique. There is nothing that says theories cannot have any similarity to other ones.

Genetic Entities: same as "nature spirits"

No, they're not.

The Tone Scale is an interesting theory, and the only modern equivalent is stages of grief, which I'm not sure was around in Hubbard's time. Perhaps unique, and a theory, no doubt.


Know to mystery scale? Hardly unique to suggest that one could proceed from not knowing to knowledge.

No one else has that scale.

The data series is a list of ways a person can distort truth. These ways weren't unknown before Hubbard, and have been employed by spies throughout history. Previously known as deception.

The layout and the characteristics and theories regarding same are unique to Scn.

Emeter reads were known before Hubbard, by Jung. Why they matter and what they mean are theories of Hubbard's, but it is highly likely he stole them from Volney Matheson.

Jung didn't have theta bops or rock slams or dirty needles. That's why I said emeter READS.

DED/DEDEX: I refer you to O/W.

Not the same theory.

O/W Sequence: I refer you to O/W.

Part and parcel of Hubbard's theories about overts, withholds and their effects.

Missed Withhold: are you hiding something? you think people didn't know that when they were "almost found out about", prior to Hubbard, that the person wouldn't become highly critical or very unstable? I refer you to the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

That's not what a missed withhold is.

Demo kits: people were doing "labs" in course having to do with abstract phenomena since before Hubbard was born.

They didn't have Hubbard's theories on study tech and his methods.

Sex and Pain HCOB: is pure speculation, and I'd submit has been disproven.

Where is it written that theories cannot be speculative and must always be correct?

KRC/ARC Triangles are reformulations of Rosicrucian symbols and triads.

You may think so but I'm looking at the underlying concept. I've not heard of that exactly concept anywhere else.

Looks like all you've got is the Tone Scale (which I'd submit is worthy of further inspection, although I think Hubbard's take on how it presents in terms of sexuality has been shown to be false).

No, actually it doesn't look that way at all.

Some other ones:

Op terms

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
Main Entry: the·o·ry
Pronunciation: \ˈthē-ə-rē, ˈthir-ē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural the·o·ries
Etymology: Late Latin theoria, from Greek theōria, from theōrein
Date: 1592
1: the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another
2: abstract thought : speculation
3: the general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art <music theory>
4 a: a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action <her method is based on the theory that all children want to learn> b: an ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances —often used in the phrase in theory<in theory, we have always advocated freedom for all>
5: a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena <the wave theory of light>
6 a: a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation b: an unproved assumption : conjecture c: a body of theorems presenting a concise systematic view of a subject <theory of equations>
synonyms see hypothesis


Patron Meritorious
As a CoS outsider, scientology nomenclature has always struck me as very similar to Newspeak in "1984". Compare Orwell's word "ungood" to Hubbard's "entheta".

Language can influence how people think, and I think Hubbard made up a lot of these words to help control the way his followers perceived the world. After all, once you've labeled certain people "wogs" or suppresive persons", how can you see them as anything but inferior and possibly dangerous?

It's all part of the mind control.

Personally, I agree that much of LRH's warping of the English language was done for thought control purposes.

I just saw an interesting Newsweek article on the influence of language on thought processes:

Sharon Begley

What’s in a Word?

Language may shape our thoughts



Gold Meritorious Patron

- How do you pick up Scientology-speak? Is it a gradual process? Is it a bad thing to not pick it up quickly enough? How do you get used to the new meanings of old words, and new words altogether?
I picked it up by talking to my family (second gen here) - but I didn't speak the "full-blown" lingo until I joined staff. It took time, but being on staff and being surrounded by people 24/7 who spoke in scientolgese so I think I prolly picked it up pretty fast. You just get used to using the lingo/language more and more. The more scientology you know and the mroe you are around other people who 'speak the same language, the faster you learn
- Do you actually notice you're using words to mean something else than you're used to? at first yes you do, but this fades(for example, "ethics"...) Do you try to ignore the fact, or do you embrace it?EMBRASED it!!! I was a scientologist now! Did it feel weird to start using words invented by Hubbard?yes, in the beginning I was never sure if I was using the words correctly
- Did you feel bad at first referring to people as "wogs", "PTS" and "SP"? only until I adopted the common scientological holier than thou attitude - then I was "better" than the wogs or PTSes or SP's
- Did the TRs change you? Have you used TR methods in everyday life? yes, they showed me a more controlled robotic unemotional way to talk. (just sayin' people)
- Did you really think Hubbard was infallible? Yes, I truly didDid you think it was okay for DM to change Hubbard's writing? never and that is why it HAS to be explained to the public who are still in over and over. Frankly the changes to the Ethics book and the Golden Age of Tech ALWAYS bothered and frankly quite scared me as a scientologist Could you have believed it was okay? possibly, I could have possibly gotten brainwashed enough to buy into it. But I got out and I am not there, so it is hard for me to answer honestly from this side of the fence
- I know it's hard to go back to "normal" words and speech after leaving Scientology... but how hard, really? very difficult for me. It was all I spoke. I was on staff so ALWAYS at the org, always speaking the language. When I attended family functions my Mom would have to constantly remind me to curb by scientology terms, I didn't even realize I was doing itDo you still catch yourself using "Scieno-speak"? Yes, but only here or when I am speaking with family who are still inAre you glad to now use words that were "forbidden" in the cult? I am glad to have this as well as all my other freedoms, yes!
- And, of course... for those who did OT3 or higher... did you really think you could talk with everything described there (not just BTs, but also trees, animals, etc. as said in the OT levels)? I never made it to OT 3And did you really think words (i.e. reading OT3 too soon) could cause illness or death? Yes, I absolutely did. I shake my head as I read this. I remember the first time I saw the South Park episode where the whole OT 3 Xenu story was told, I literally covered my ears, shut my eyes and hummed until the part was over. (my poor significant other). When I broke down and finally read it I waited for over a week for something horrible to happen. Some kind of illness, massive car accident, SOMETHING. Guess what? Not even a runny nose. All I felt was the stress and anxiety over the anticipation of something happening.

Thanks in advance for anything. If there are already some threads I could read on the subject, let me know. :)

I always enjoy answering questions of this nature!