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New Member
Hi Rob,

Its me Faadiel "Super Duper Declared SP" just want to say "gee thanks" you brought back some good or bad memories for me "depends how you look at it" ... I remember sitting at home after having had enough of the purif on Sunday afternoon to be exact and then there's a knock on the door and who is it "Robert Horn" come to get me. I'm rolling with laughter here, it was soooo long ago to my recollection 1989. Boy I felt like the principles office came to get me. Big restim for a rebel like me.

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New Member

Its been my experience that what gets you into the mess will get you out... At this point, specifically your Dad's ruin is what? The most important thing to handle is the fear of being wrong in the first place... Almost every person I've dealt with after leaving the church had to overcome the "wrongness" of being a dummy. of allowing themselves to continue to be betrayed and lied to. Its difficult but can be over come. So very gently ask you Dad - If you left the church, what would you do? Point out to him that Scientology will still be available to him without the church... its essential that you find wins from folks outside of the church to show to him. Don't push this hard, if you can print them out then discuss it with him. Then leave it alone for a bit. I've done this on a few occasions with good results. Remember he's enforcing his rightness "decision" to align himself with the greatest group on the planet... its going to be difficult.

I'm here to answer or help where I can.

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Troublesome Internet Fringe Dweller
I just found a post by Jeff Hawkins where he describes "Command Intention":

Sure, there have always been councils – Aides Council, Exec Strata, WDC. But the fact is, no one ever questioned the top guy – Hubbard. There is even a phrase for “doing what Hubbard says.” It’s called Command Intention. Hubbard was always Command. On the Apollo, his entries in the Orders of the Day were always printed under the heading “Command.”

Scientology was structured to carry out and enforce his orders. Every Sea Org Member swears to “uphold, forward and carry out Command Intention.” And the purpose of Ethics in an organization, we learned, was “to remove counter-intention from the environment.” Anyone not carrying out Command Intention was “CI.”

To ensure orders were carried out, there was an “LRH Comm Correction Form” which escalated Ethics gradients automatically for any non-compliance to LRH Orders. It was soon copied by every Programs Ops as “the way to get compliance.”

So you have a system where every Sea Org Member, executive and Programs Ops is dead-set on carrying out Command Intention, and where every Ethics Officer is working full-time to “remove counter-intention.” All Miscavige had to do was establish himself as “Command,” and he had the whole system working for him.

Ooops - missed this comment. Thanks for following up. Much appreciated.

Robert H

Hi Rob,

Its me Faadiel "Super Duper Declared SP" just want to say "gee thanks" you brought back some good or bad memories for me "depends how you look at it" ... I remember sitting at home after having had enough of the purif on Sunday afternoon to be exact and then there's a knock on the door and who is it "Robert Horn" come to get me. I'm rolling with laughter here, it was soooo long ago to my recollection 1998. Boy I felt like the principles office came to get me. Big restim for a rebel like me.


Hi Faadiel,

Let me be the first one to welcome you to this hangout for SP's.:clap:

Glad you laughed about that Purif incident. I remember having to do a lot of that. I actually quite enjoyed doing that at the time. It got me to get out of the Org for a while.
