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Ron THE Hypnotist


Gold Meritorious Patron
David Miscavige's Twin City high deal org speech has the "right pitch"

Dan Sherman hypnotic writing.

2:EVERY level
6: FULL restoration
8:ENTIRE chronology
11:ALL of
16:TOTAL conceptual
21: FULL
22:ALL lrh
33:EVERY facet
39:ALL the tech
43:EVERY life ruin
113: factor of 10
137:ENDLESS vast
141: Honest to god TOTAL



Gold Meritorious Patron
American Clinical Course No 1

Whats up Hat?



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Gold Meritorious Patron
A FAST hypnosis technique
this seems so familiar,
anyone who recalls something like this, please pm me..

Encyclopedia of Hypnotism by Carla Emery wrote:

The paternal induction style is abrupt, shocking, dictatorial, highly
authoritarian in tone, a domineering technique based on fear. A
paternal-style induction uses a fast, directive induction method with
a cold, unfriendly tone of voice. Ferenczi said that paternal hypnosis
reawakens the hating and fearing attitude learned by a little child
when disciplined by his parents. He said that, in paternal hypnosis,
the subject is motivated by need for "abasement" and for "compliance."
According to psychoanalysts, that need for abasement is an infantile,
erotic, masochistic complex.

Such a subject is in awe of the hypnotist, and submits to the
operator's demands out of fear of him.
...the hypnotist with the imposing exterior, who works by frightening
and startling...[is like] the stern, all-powerful father, to believe
in, to obey, to imitate whom, is the highest ambition of every

[hypnosis] consists in the deliberate establishment of conditions
under which the tendency to blind belief and uncritical obedience
present in everyone, but usually kept repressed by the censor (remains
of the infantile-erotic loving and fearing of the parents), may
unconsciously be transferred to the person hypnotizing... (Ferenczi,
Sex in Psychoanalysis,Ch. 2)

Hypnosis always arouses a childlike state of mind: dependence and
transference. Transference means relating to the hypnotist as if to a
parent figure, hero, or godlike spiritual leader.

...the hypnotic subject is being directed to assume a state of mind in
which mature discriminations are excluded and childish dependence upon
the hypnotist is encouraged.

As some people are pleased to be in a state where life seems narrowed
down to an easily manageable level of closeness with a powerful
guiding parent, hypnosis is in no danger of extinction... (Kovel, p.

In the midst of World War II, Margaret Estabrook reported, in a
Seattle newspaper, on research which created
an artificial childhood: ...hypnosis is a peculiar relationship
between two people. The hypnotist is a figure of parental authority,
just as a doctor is to a patient, or a teacher to his pupil. Even more
strikingly than in these other relationships, the subject tends to
respond emotionally to the hypnotist in the same manner that he
responded to his own parents in his childhood. In particular,
"parental" commands in the form of suggestions are readily obeyed...
(Margaret Estabrook, 1942, p. 1)
A hypnotist's use of authority can vary wildly. He can create the
state, then let the subject take full control; training in biofeedback
does that. At the other extreme, the hypnotist uses a totally
authoritarian strategy in which the subject never is expected to have
self-control in the hypnotic state again. Suggested total amnesia for
all events under trance may cause the subject to be consciously
unknowing of their hypnotic relationship. Complete amnesia is not
typical, however, even of deep trance events. Hypnosis, at best, is a
special way of encouraging a subject's unconscious mind to activate
its own capacity for healing. At worst, it can be the tool of an
abusive parasitizing of one mind by another for the purpose of


Also see
Hypnosis for Salesmen - this 61 page booklet describes TR0
Making Ron Well Thought Of ESMB LINK
A Bold statement ESMB LINK (and next few pages )


Gold Meritorious Patron
Art Coulture to Idella Stone [1960] from the ABERREE

Hypnosis in Scientology processing

... the suggestions inherent in Scientological processing
are not classical hypnotism. they operate at a
subtler level. Also, I do not see how what the preclear
does in session can be isolated from what he
does outside. As for his statement, 'If the book Dianetics
is read carefully one can find that L. Ron Hubbard has
stated that these states do occur because they are
brought up from the past'. Evidently, Mr. Ross believes
that if Mr. Hubbard says a thing is so that makes it so .
This is a hypnotic suggestion many Scientologists seem
to have accepted.

"The enclosed is a response to Idella Stone's article.
I have a high respect for her, and hope this may clarify
matters a bit for her and for others.

Dear Idella,
I would like to comment if I may on your article
"Scientology is not Hypnosis'
in the Jan/Feb ABERREE. it is a basically friendly
comment.Firstly I fully understand how you felt
on reading my previous article in which I stated
that scientological processing induces a state
of Hypnosis in the Preclear . For several years
i too was certain that processing did not induce\
Hypnosis -- rather the opposite
. I am sure that
you conscientiously avoided giving positive suggestions
, using an authoritarian manner , or any other of the
techniques of classical hypnotism. It is only natural that
you should resent my implication that you did otherwise .

May I call to your attention to two statements "Idella
Stone 'I must protest strongly Art Coultures article in
the December ABERREE claiming that Scientology is
Hypnotism.' "Art Coulture, ('December ABERREE ) 'Now
it should be clearly emphasized that I am not saying
that the Auditor uses Hypnotism'
"It seems to me Idella, that your natural resentment
led you to miss the point of my article. We must make
a distinction between hypnotism-- which refers to the
technique of positive suggestion , authoritarian manner
etc, that are classically used to induce hypnosis--and
hypnosis , which refers to state of increased suggestibility
in the preclear. Hynosis can be induced by hypnotism ,
it can also be induced by drugs.

The point of my Article
was that a state of hypnosis is induced by scientological
processing, despite the best intentions of the auditor.

Your article mounted essentially to a statement that the
techniques of classical hypnotism are not used in scientology.
I agree with you on this.
But, what is happening to the preclear? I believe that you and
other conscientious Scientology auditors are so intent on
avoiding hypnotism that you have overlooked the possibility
that hypnosis may be induced by other means . You
assume that because you have conscientiously reduced
suggestion to a minimum , hypnosis therefore could not be
present , also you are auditing to a specific belief -the
theory of scientology -- which causes you to overlook signs
of hypnosis when they do occur.

Never underestimate the power of suggestion , As you
yourself point out , it is almost impossible to avoid using some
suggestions . When non-verbal suggestions are included ,
it is indeed impossible. Let me show you what I mean
using an early technique nearly everyone knows about.

"close you eyes please, and relax, now please return to
a recent incident of pleasure and tell me what happens "
"Then after a pleasure incident is recounted :'now please
return to the earliest incident you can remember ', and
later 'return to an earlier incident' and so on, the suggestion
'return' is repeated again and again .

The non-verbal suggestion
that the phenomena that occur are always the record of
true incidents is inevitably installed . I am sure that you
conscientiously are not using an authoritarian manner , but the preclear
has come to you for help; he has placed himself in your hands ;
reactively you are an authority to him, no matter what you do
to avoid it.

The verbal and non-verbal suggestions that are unavoidably part
of processing technique inevitably have authority--at the reactive
level . "

I submit that a state of increased suggestibility is
induced in the preclear by the processing , and that most if not
all prenatal engrams are produced by the suggestions that are
inherent in the technique ."The same be said of sperm and ovum
sequences , past deaths , facsimile one etc

"Lets look at it from
another angle . One of the remarkable features of the engram
phenomena is its verbal content'. Now the auditor , if not the
preclear is operating on the belief that the engram phenomena
is actually the recording of a real incident, and that the phrases
produced are the recordings of statements actually made by
persons in the incident . But lets suspend this belief for the
moment and look objectively at what is actually happening ,
you really don't know where the phrases are coming from ,
some might come from a real incident , others might be produced
by imagination , still others might be produced by previous
verbal and non verbal suggestions of the auditor of which he
is unaware . But two things are observable
(1) The phrases do occur (2) The preclear immediately responds
to the phrases as suggestions , here is another sign of increased suggestibility.

I am sure that as a preclear you were always able to reject
any so-called "suggestion" which I felt was not right for me'.

The man who opened a window under a post hypnotic command
was equally sure he did it for analytical reasons . If you were
in a state of hypnosis you would not be aware of it--and neither
would your auditor if he were unaware of the suggestions
inherent in processing as described above . This would be
especially be true if you had accepted (thru reading and
training) the suggestion that processing did not induce

Lets look at another angle from Dick Fojuts letter
in the Jan Feb ABERREE , Dick says When Ron gave the
RADIATION CONGRESS in 56 he surprised all of us present
with the statement that processes that worked in 1950 ,
did not work in 1951! He then proceeded to tell us that
new processes developed each year thereafter worked
in the year developed --but failed to work each succeeding year
-- all the way upo to present time!"

This is exactly what one would expect on the hypothesis
that followers of Hubbard were in a state of chronic hypnosis .

This could be spelled out in detail.. But we don't need to here .
Fojut goes on to report that Hubbard attributed this to
Radiation poisoning and he gave us a "cheap"? way to overcome
, in our bodies and our banks , the increasing pollution of the
atmosphere with radiation "Dianezine" (which my wife and I
diligently used 4 or 5 months as per instructions)
Everywhere we looked auditors and preclears were
complaining about spinning from that dirty radiation ...
then Ron ...admitted there was no great radiation pollution...
"I understand, Idella, that one who believes hypnotism does
harm, and who has conscientiously tried to avoid positive
suggestions and an authoritarian manner, would dislike the
idea that she had been inadvertently inducing hypnosis
without realizing it.Yet isn't it better to know the truth
-- even if it hurts at first?

"Actually, please note that I am not saying processing
is BAD, or that it does not help some people. On the
contrary, I specifically said, 'the fact remains that some
people are helped'. I am simply trying to bring out a point
of basic importance: Scientological processing thru
suggestions inherent in its techniques induces a state of
hypnosis in the preclear. It is basically a modified form of

"Surely this is worth knowing. How many hundreds of
preclears have spent thousands of hours and hundreds of
thousands of dollars in a state of hypnosis believing they
were not?

"Please note that Art Coulter isn't the only one who says
or has said that processing induces hypnosis. Dr. J.A. Winter
said it. James Welgos says it. Volney Mathison says it, too.
And many others. "Why not submit the matter to a scientific
test such as I suggested? Get an impartial hypnotist, have
an auditor give processing for awhile, and then let the
hypnotist, working thru the auditor without the knowledge
of the preclear, test the suggestibility of the preclear.

"My prediction: At least 7 out of 10 preclears will show
increased suggestibility.

"'As Jim Welgos says : 'If a man is strongly influenced
by words, you can tell him that he is not going to be
hypnotized and then go ahead and hypnotize him and
he will go away feeling that he wasn't hypnotized.'

I believe that nearly everyone who has had processing
has been under hypnosis without knowing it -- because
he has accepted the suggestion that hypnosis is not

"I believe the time has come to pull that suggestion and
take a look at what has actually been happening." --
Art Coulter, Columbus, Ohio.March 1960​


Volney G Mathison on Hypnosis
WE are dropping our trade mark "Presleep tapes" altho by now we have mailed out
over a million pieces of literature wherein we explicitly exposed sleep learning as being ineffective and of no serious value we still find our term presleep is persistently misinterpreted as pertaining to some form of sleep learning , hereafter our personalized recordings will be labeled exclusively as 'self suggestion' and ;'self hypno' tapes.

Less than two years ago when the A M A formally endorsed hypnosis only about 200 american medical doctors were using hypnosis, the number has already increased to over 6,000, so now the time has come to emphasize that we do not use or recommend sleep learning, secondly that we not use any of the rigmaroles of psychoanalysis , either in its conventional methodology or in any of its disguises , such as Dianetics , we use only self suggestion therapy [like LRH and his Admissions..ah hem Affirmations tech ..Rise Sir Ron above the bank~lets speculate] or Hypnosis, self Hypnosis and self Hypnotherapy.
Volney G Mathison, Los Angeles Calif 1960.


Volume 6, Issue 10
March 1960


Re: Technique 88 lectures, 1952, Phoenix, AZ.

He was not entirely off, if he was he couldn't have recruited all of you


Gold Meritorious Patron
"Hypnotizing Noises

One can learn the technique of mass hypnosis through the study of individual hypnosis. Sudden fright, fear and terror was the old hypnotic method utilized by dictators. The fearful fixation on a symbol, the flag, the mass regulations, places the mass under the spell. Certain archaic noises fascinate men and keep them enthralled-the tom-tom, jazz rhythms, the military march, the intonation of a celebrated orator, the national anthem. These are seductive and fascinating and deeply moving. There exist revolutionary and erotizing sounds, captivating the audience in their spell. Rhythm has always exercised a seductive influence on the mass. It stimulates and unites, and transfers all kinds of mass-emotions.
Sound and word are good vehicles for transference. The word, especially, can make a mass-man out of us. The radio has enhanced the power of the word. Even when I am alone with my talking radio I am united with the huge mass of other listeners. Modern mind-its unconscious portion in particular-is molded by radio and advertising, by the slogans which are constantly reiterated."

Delusion and Mass Delusion by Joost Meerloo