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Scientology now and then.


New Member
Entered an Org in 1994. Bought the Dianetics book and a few other basics. Read through Diantetics in 2 days and was absolutely ecstatic. And even more so after Fundamental of thoughts.
It's probably still the highlight of my life reading the Dianetics book though. Made some courses, bought an auditing package and started on staff. As a staff member I was quickly turned off. Things weren't right. My auditing went well and fast though, and in ARC straightwire I had a past life recall involving space ships in space and what not. Extremely exciting for me. But here's where I blew, even though the auditing package wasn't nearly finnished. "Donation gatherings" and the pressure itself inside the org didn't make sense.

I was still very 'hot' for auditing though, I thought it was all my bad that I left in the first place. Many years later, in 2011, I started researching the net and found out what you all already know. That the church is corrupt and everyting about that. I also started reading some of these boards. I went off to a freezone for a weekend and continued my auditing. After that weekend my thoughts on Scientology was not the same anymore.

Before this, in 2007, I found something else (spiritually). No point in getting into details, but it involves another perspective on life that I never got from the COFS, a perspective that I still hold today.

Few questions

I only got up to ARC straightwire, but I still got a past life memory from a simple question. Why did this happen? I never had it before or even after happening to me.

Do you believe that Dianetics the moderns science of moderns health is all just made up, sort of? If it is, Hubbard must be even *more* of a genius than I ever thought. Wasn't he on to something? I met a lot of clears and sadly most of them couldn't, according to me, be measured to the book definition. Not even far.

Having matured, spiritually, I no longer think someone can come into this world, pay up big money and then 'go free'. Just like that.
But I wonder what all of you think. Being spiritually beings, or are you not, anymore?

Surely most or many of you must have continued on a spiritual path, no?

I have not read this board for many years and I hope nothing I wrote offended anyone.


Rabble Rouser
When you were born free - uh, why spend half a million bucks to go free - which, by the way, scn has never set anybody free.

scn will break people either in the wallet or the head - sometimes both. But, if that's what's ya want dive in : you'll get fucked hard !


stubborn rebel sheep!
Having matured, spiritually, I no longer think someone can come into this world, pay up big money and then 'go free'. Just like that.
But I wonder what all of you think. Being spiritually beings, or are you not, anymore?


Get free of what ??????

In the event we are spiritual beings...so what do we have to get free of ????
In the event we are only pieces of meat bodies..what do we have to get free of ????

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Welcome Dingo! :welcome:

Your name suggests we may hail from the same continent, though to keep your anonymity you don't have to confirm that!

I defined myself as a scientologist for over 3 decades and and there are 4 generations of family involved, and no, it doesn't work in any way shape or form.

The thing that gets people interested is those 'carrots' that seem to work, those 'wins' that give one hope. The truth is that most of it comes from other sources and is re-packaged as "scientology". A fact that sadly many people don't know until their lives are ruined and they start researching to find out what on earth happened to them.

I have certainly explored other spiritual paths and found bits here and there that have been of great help. I would never trust something 'all packaged and ready to go' as my father did though.




Surely most or many of you must have continued on a spiritual path, no?

Hi Dingo, I've started many threads with a similar themes. Everything from Out of Body Experience, Past lives, Lucid Dreaming (awake while dreaming), the occult antecedents of Scientology, and much more.

If you hunt around, clicking "Veda," you find a list of all my threads and their responses. Perhaps you'll find some of these to be of interest. :)

See Started Threads on left side. Hopefully the link will work.


Incredible String Band: Ex Scientoogists

Little David

Gold Meritorious Patron
Entered an Org in 1994. Bought the Dianetics book and a few other basics. Read through Diantetics in 2 days and was absolutely ecstatic.

It's probably still the highlight of my life reading the Dianetics book though.


Do you believe that Dianetics the moderns science of moderns health is all just made up, sort of? If it is, Hubbard must be even *more* of a genius than I ever thought. Wasn't he on to something?


I agree with what this 1951 reviewer of Dianetics wrote:

The lure of the pseudoscientific vocabulary and promises of dianetics cannot but condemn thousands who are beginning to emerge from scientific illiteracy to a continuation of their susceptibility to word-magic and semantic hash.



Gold Meritorious Patron
I only got up to ARC straightwire, but I still got a past life memory from a simple question. Why did this happen? I never had it before or even after happening to me.
We are able to use imagination to rehearse everything we do. In the past we might imagine fighting an enemy or catching a prey animal. Imagining something allows us to practice an action without the risk of doing it and with much less effort. It is a crucial evolutionary adaptation.

There are two possibilities - either you imagined something that wasn't real or you had a vision of something that was real. We don't know whether what you imagined was real or not and as to why you imagined it, it would be hard to guess, especially when we don't know if it was a real memory or an imagined thing.

I'd like to point out that Hindus and Buddhists, who believe in past lives do no believe you can remember them. Scientology makes a unique claim that no one ever dared make before. My guess is that Hubbard created a system of helping people lie to themselves about past lives.
Do you believe that Dianetics the moderns science of moderns health is all just made up, sort of? If it is, Hubbard must be even *more* of a genius than I ever thought. Wasn't he on to something? I met a lot of clears and sadly most of them couldn't, according to me, be measured to the book definition. Not even far.
One of the things Hubbard did in Dianetics was to use sentence structure and language which is very difficult to understand. Because people don't understand it, they assume it is incredibly profound.

The pattern that is repeated in the book is very simple:

1) Create an obtuse, ambiguous sentence that is difficult or impossible to understand
2) Create another obtuse, ambiguous sentence that is difficult or impossible to understand
3) Create another obtuse, ambiguous sentence that is difficult or impossible to understand
4) Create another obtuse, ambiguous sentence that is difficult or impossible to understand
5) Write a simple sentence that makes an amazing claim.

By the time people have read sentences 1-4, they are confused and trying to latch on to anything that makes sense. Then the grand claim appears and it is easy to understand. So people are a little more likely to accept the idea. People may also assume that the four sentences they didn't understand are the proof for the fifth sentence. So it must be true. This is how the confusion technique works.

If someone wants to make outrageous claims like Hubbard did without any preamble, they would not be accepted. If someone adopts the confusion technique for an entire book (along with other tricks), they are more likely to have the ideas accepted. If Hubbard had any genius at all, it was in manipulating them into accepting ideas they would otherwise not accept.

Hubbard wanted to make slaves. He did not really want to help people.



I'd like to point out that Hindus and Buddhists, who believe in past lives do no believe you can remember them.


Really? I've read of how yogis and such can sometimes recall earlier existences.

And, apart from Hinduism and Buddhism, in recent times (1952), we have the famous case of Bridey Murphy.

And there are other examples.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that we just don't know for sure? but that, occasionally, there are odd occurrences that makes us wonder?

Hubbard turned "past life recall" into an assembly line business and, obviously used a great deal of (less than ethical) persuasion and suggestion on others, yet, having examined a great many pc (pre clear) folders (including ARC straight wire and Dianetics), while it appears to me that most of it is imagination, I cannot, in all fairness, say that every bit of it is merely imagination or delusion.

Once in a while.... :ohmy:



Regarding the open and serious discussion of reincarnation amongst psychotherapists in 1950, and the problem of Jung openly admitting that he consulted earlier lives while giving therapy to others:

"The zeitgeist, the spirit of the times, doesn't allow it. "



Benjamin Franklin:

"I look upon death to be as necessary to the constitution as sleep. We
shall rise refreshed in the morning."

"And, finding myself to exist in the world, I believe I shall, in some
shape or other always exist."

Jack London, author, best known for book "Call of the Wild":

"I did not begin when I was born, nor when I was conceived. I have been
growing, developing, through incalculable myriads of millenniums. All
my previous selves have their voices, echoes, promptings in me. Oh,
incalculable times again shall I be born."

Mark Twain:

"I have been born more times than anybody except Krishna."

Leo Tolstoy:

"As we live through thousands of dreams in our present life, so is our
present life only one of many thousands of such lives which we enter
from the other more real life and then return after death. Our life is
but one of the dreams of that more real life, and so it is endlessly,
until the very last one, the very real the life of God."

Henry Ford:

"I adopted the theory of reincarnation when I was 26. Genius is
experience. Some think to seem that it is a gift or talent, but it is
the fruit of long experience in many lives".

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, (German poet, playwright and scientist):

"As long as you are not aware of the continual law of Die and Be Again,
you are merely a vague guest on a dark Earth."

Freidrich Nietzsche:

"Live so that thou mayest desire to live again - that is thy duty - for
in any case thou wilt live again!"

Mahatma Gandhi:

"I cannot think of permanent enmity between man and man, and believing
as I do in the theory of reincarnation, I live in the hope that if not
in this birth, in some other birth I shall be able to hug all of
humanity in friendly embrace."

Ralph Waldo Emerson:

"The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary
abode, and it goes out of it anew it passes into other habitations, for
the soul is immortal."

"It is the secret of the world that all things subsist and do not die, but only retire a little from sight and afterwards return again.

Nothing is dead; men feign themselves dead, and endure mock funerals and there they stand looking out of the window, sound and well, in some strange new disguise."

General George S. Patton:

"So as through a glass and darkly, the age long strife I see, Where I
fought in many guises, many names, but always me."

Albert Schweitzer:

"Reincarnation contains a most comforting explanation of reality by
means of which Indian thought surmounts difficulties which baffle the
thinkers of Europe."

Walt Whitman:

"I know I am deathless. No doubt I have died myself ten thousand times
before. I laugh at what you call dissolution, and I know the amplitude
of time."

William Wordsworth:

"Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting; The Soul that rises with
us, our life's Star, Hath had elsewhere its setting. And cometh from

Jalalu Rumi (Islamic Poet of the 13th century):

"I died as a mineral and became a plant, I died as a plant and rose to
animal, I died as animal and I was man. Why should I fear ? When was I
less by dying?"

Carl Jung (See above video on Jung in opening post):

"My life often seemed to me like a story that has no beginning and no
end. I had the feeling that I was an historical fragment, an excerpt
for which the preceding and succeeding text was missing. I could well
imagine that I might have lived in former centuries and there
encountered questions I was not yet able to answer; that I had been
born again because I had not fulfilled the task given to me."

Henry David Thoreau:

"Why should we be startled by death? Life is a constant putting off of
the mortal coil - coat, cuticle, flesh and bones, all old clothes."


"I am confident that there truly is such a thing as living again, that
the living spring from the dead, and that the souls of the dead are in

Jesus Christ in Gnostic Gospels: Pistis Sophia:

"Souls are poured from one into another of different kinds of bodies of
the world."


"It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in
nature is resurrection."


"God generates beings, and sends them back over and over again, till
they return to Him."

Josephus (most well known Jewish historian from the time of Jesus):

"All pure and holy spirits live on in heavenly places, and in course of
time they are again sent down to inhabit righteous bodies."

Honore Balzac (French writer):

"All human beings go through a previous life... Who knows how many
fleshly forms the heir of heaven occupies before he can be brought to
understand the value of that silence and solitude of spiritual worlds?"

Arthur Schopenhauer (Philosopher):

"Were an Asiatic to ask me for a definition of Europe, I should be
forced to answer him: It is that part of the world which is haunted by
the incredible delusion that man was created out of nothing, and that
his present birth is his first entrance into life."

Paul Gauguin (French post-impressionist painter):

"When the physical organism breaks up, the soul survives. It then takes
on another body."

George Harrison:

"Friends are all souls that we've known in other lives. We're drawn to
each other. Even if I have only known them a day., it doesn't matter.
I'm not going to wait till I have known them for two years, because
anyway, we must have met somewhere before, you know."


"Among the ancient Greeks, reincarnation was a doctrine closely
associated with the followers of the philosopher and mathematician
Pythagoras. According to Pythagorean teaching, the soul survives
physical death.

"After a series of reincarnations each one following a period of psychic
cleansing in spiritual environments the soul becomes free eternally from
the cycle of reincarnations."

Excerpt from 'The Act of Creation' by Arthur Koestler:

"At the age of twenty-two, he [Benjamin Franklin] composed a Pythagorean epitaph for himself; at the age of eighty-four, the year of his death, he ordered that it should appear, unchanged, on his tomb. It reads:

The Body
Benjamin Franklin
(Like the Cover of an Old Book
Its Contents Torn Out
And stript of its Lettering and Gilding)
Lies Here, Food for Worms.
But the Work Shall Not Be Lost
For It Will (As He Believed) Appear Once More
In a New and More Elegant Edition
Revised and Corrected
The Author


"Man doth not yield himself to the angels, nor unto death utterly, save only through his feeble will."

Joseph Glanvill​

:) On that note, any humorous videos or quotes regarding reincarnation are welcome.



Gold Meritorious Patron
Really? I've read of how yogis and such can sometimes recall earlier existences.
You are correct that there are stories of yogis who reported to recall past lives. Those yogis had apparently been spiritual for many lives. The idea that average people can recall past lives with minimal training in a single life is unique to Scientology.

Why should Scientology arrive on the scenes in the 1950s with a special system that surpassed the training skills of the greatest yogis for thousands of years?

If Scientology really had technology for remembering past lives on high tech worlds, why would they not have taken over the world with their alien technology? If any of their '''tech''' was real, they would be running NASA right now and it would be called the 'Space Org.'

That was more where I was going with that.
And, apart from Hinduism and Buddhism, in recent times (1952), we have the famous case of Bridey Murphy.

And there are other examples.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that we just don't know for sure? but that, occasionally, there are odd occurrences that makes us wonder?

Maybe we don't know. Definitely Scientology doesn't know.


Squirrel Extraordinaire
There's always the personal "But I KNOW I was Cleopatra" revelation angle. Highly unreliable.

But what does tend to reinforce the idea is when there's some lifelong difficulty one has had, and tried various ways to fix it and never succeeded, then one day one encounters some incident from a past life that perfectly explains the long-term difficulty and it relieves instantly never to return. It's happened to me. The details don't matter much, and it's not as momentous as the lame walking, but it was something I'd had all my life that was causing trouble, it relieved one day (in a False Data Stripping session, of all things) in 1986, and has never come back since.



Class Clown
There's always the personal "But I KNOW I was Cleopatra" revelation angle. Highly unreliable.

But what does tend to reinforce the idea is when there's some lifelong difficulty one has had, and tried various ways to fix it and never succeeded, then one day one encounters some incident from a past life that perfectly explains the long-term difficulty and it relieves instantly never to return. It's happened to me. The details don't matter much, and it's not as momentous as the lame walking, but it was something I'd had all my life that was causing trouble, it relieved one day (in a False Data Stripping session, of all things) in 1986, and has never come back since.


Funny you should say that.

I only ever had one auditing session. Suffice to say I always had some back problems since year dot and it came up in that session as a past life incident (which I still remember very clearly from 1978) and it ended there. I still had some back troubles after that, but not in the same way. Oh, BTW, happy hunting there Mr. Ferris.....

Placebo effect?:confused2:

Dunno. But I'm not convinced scn has the answer and because of that session, it took me some time to get my head around it and move on from it.

Some of the stuff that happened in there really took some getting the old head around sometimes.


Really? I've read of how yogis and such can sometimes recall earlier existences.

And, apart from Hinduism and Buddhism, in recent times (1952), we have the famous case of Bridey Murphy.

And there are other examples.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that we just don't know for sure? but that, occasionally, there are odd occurrences that makes us wonder?

Hubbard turned "past life recall" into an assembly line business and, obviously used a great deal of (less than ethical) persuasion and suggestion on others, yet, having examined a great many pc (pre clear) folders (including ARC straight wire and Dianetics), while it appears to me that most of it is imagination, I cannot, in all fairness, say that every bit of it is merely imagination or delusion.

Once in a while.... :ohmy:



Regarding the open and serious discussion of reincarnation amongst psychotherapists in 1950, and the problem of Jung openly admitting that he consulted earlier lives while giving therapy to others:

"The zeitgeist, the spirit of the times, doesn't allow it. "



Benjamin Franklin:

"I look upon death to be as necessary to the constitution as sleep. We
shall rise refreshed in the morning."

"And, finding myself to exist in the world, I believe I shall, in some
shape or other always exist."

Jack London, author, best known for book "Call of the Wild":

"I did not begin when I was born, nor when I was conceived. I have been
growing, developing, through incalculable myriads of millenniums. All
my previous selves have their voices, echoes, promptings in me. Oh,
incalculable times again shall I be born."

Mark Twain:

"I have been born more times than anybody except Krishna."

Leo Tolstoy:

"As we live through thousands of dreams in our present life, so is our
present life only one of many thousands of such lives which we enter
from the other more real life and then return after death. Our life is
but one of the dreams of that more real life, and so it is endlessly,
until the very last one, the very real the life of God."

Henry Ford:

"I adopted the theory of reincarnation when I was 26. Genius is
experience. Some think to seem that it is a gift or talent, but it is
the fruit of long experience in many lives".

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, (German poet, playwright and scientist):

"As long as you are not aware of the continual law of Die and Be Again,
you are merely a vague guest on a dark Earth."

Freidrich Nietzsche:

"Live so that thou mayest desire to live again - that is thy duty - for
in any case thou wilt live again!"

Mahatma Gandhi:

"I cannot think of permanent enmity between man and man, and believing
as I do in the theory of reincarnation, I live in the hope that if not
in this birth, in some other birth I shall be able to hug all of
humanity in friendly embrace."

Ralph Waldo Emerson:

"The soul comes from without into the human body, as into a temporary
abode, and it goes out of it anew it passes into other habitations, for
the soul is immortal."

"It is the secret of the world that all things subsist and do not die, but only retire a little from sight and afterwards return again.

Nothing is dead; men feign themselves dead, and endure mock funerals and there they stand looking out of the window, sound and well, in some strange new disguise."

General George S. Patton:

"So as through a glass and darkly, the age long strife I see, Where I
fought in many guises, many names, but always me."

Albert Schweitzer:

"Reincarnation contains a most comforting explanation of reality by
means of which Indian thought surmounts difficulties which baffle the
thinkers of Europe."

Walt Whitman:

"I know I am deathless. No doubt I have died myself ten thousand times
before. I laugh at what you call dissolution, and I know the amplitude
of time."

William Wordsworth:

"Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting; The Soul that rises with
us, our life's Star, Hath had elsewhere its setting. And cometh from

Jalalu Rumi (Islamic Poet of the 13th century):

"I died as a mineral and became a plant, I died as a plant and rose to
animal, I died as animal and I was man. Why should I fear ? When was I
less by dying?"

Carl Jung (See above video on Jung in opening post):

"My life often seemed to me like a story that has no beginning and no
end. I had the feeling that I was an historical fragment, an excerpt
for which the preceding and succeeding text was missing. I could well
imagine that I might have lived in former centuries and there
encountered questions I was not yet able to answer; that I had been
born again because I had not fulfilled the task given to me."

Henry David Thoreau:

"Why should we be startled by death? Life is a constant putting off of
the mortal coil - coat, cuticle, flesh and bones, all old clothes."


"I am confident that there truly is such a thing as living again, that
the living spring from the dead, and that the souls of the dead are in

Jesus Christ in Gnostic Gospels: Pistis Sophia:

"Souls are poured from one into another of different kinds of bodies of
the world."


"It is not more surprising to be born twice than once; everything in
nature is resurrection."


"God generates beings, and sends them back over and over again, till
they return to Him."

Josephus (most well known Jewish historian from the time of Jesus):

"All pure and holy spirits live on in heavenly places, and in course of
time they are again sent down to inhabit righteous bodies."

Honore Balzac (French writer):

"All human beings go through a previous life... Who knows how many
fleshly forms the heir of heaven occupies before he can be brought to
understand the value of that silence and solitude of spiritual worlds?"

Arthur Schopenhauer (Philosopher):

"Were an Asiatic to ask me for a definition of Europe, I should be
forced to answer him: It is that part of the world which is haunted by
the incredible delusion that man was created out of nothing, and that
his present birth is his first entrance into life."

Paul Gauguin (French post-impressionist painter):

"When the physical organism breaks up, the soul survives. It then takes
on another body."

George Harrison:

"Friends are all souls that we've known in other lives. We're drawn to
each other. Even if I have only known them a day., it doesn't matter.
I'm not going to wait till I have known them for two years, because
anyway, we must have met somewhere before, you know."


"Among the ancient Greeks, reincarnation was a doctrine closely
associated with the followers of the philosopher and mathematician
Pythagoras. According to Pythagorean teaching, the soul survives
physical death.

"After a series of reincarnations each one following a period of psychic
cleansing in spiritual environments the soul becomes free eternally from
the cycle of reincarnations."

Excerpt from 'The Act of Creation' by Arthur Koestler:

"At the age of twenty-two, he [Benjamin Franklin] composed a Pythagorean epitaph for himself; at the age of eighty-four, the year of his death, he ordered that it should appear, unchanged, on his tomb. It reads:

The Body
Benjamin Franklin
(Like the Cover of an Old Book
Its Contents Torn Out
And stript of its Lettering and Gilding)
Lies Here, Food for Worms.
But the Work Shall Not Be Lost
For It Will (As He Believed) Appear Once More
In a New and More Elegant Edition
Revised and Corrected
The Author


"Man doth not yield himself to the angels, nor unto death utterly, save only through his feeble will."

Joseph Glanvill​

:) On that note, any humorous videos or quotes regarding reincarnation are welcome.


Another aweshum post Veda, thank you! :bow: :rose:

To the OP, a belated welcome. :welcome:
As to my take on your question, hm, could it be that each of us can 'contain' parts of the infinite multitude of past experiences by others, from the well of a 'universal mind/consciousness' ? I think too, that we have the ability to tap into all sorts of different thought-streams, even live someone else's realities, in part, as your own, hence the conviction for some that it was they who had lived the life.
Problems arise, of course, when you get 100 Caesars, 1,000 Cleos, and all that asylum rottage (beware the next claim of being 'Hubbard" lolol). I have found, by past experiences of my own in dealings with people who make past-life claims, it can be shot down pretty quickly, like speak the language mon! Show me yer swording skills, clean that there rabbit and make me a frikken hut out of saplings ( what-ever), tell me a poem in ancient Greek... GAH!
We are well endowed with imagination imho, a sometimes frustrating thing to explain to folks who have been convinced to believe stuff, whether religious woo or just your everyday woo *sdhrugz* :)

My wee Oggy observation du-jour, my honest opinion, but it is how I see it.



True Ex-Scientologist
There's always the personal "But I KNOW I was Cleopatra" revelation angle. Highly unreliable.

But what does tend to reinforce the idea is when there's some lifelong difficulty one has had, and tried various ways to fix it and never succeeded, then one day one encounters some incident from a past life that perfectly explains the long-term difficulty and it relieves instantly never to return. It's happened to me. The details don't matter much, and it's not as momentous as the lame walking, but it was something I'd had all my life that was causing trouble, it relieved one day (in a False Data Stripping session, of all things) in 1986, and has never come back since.


What you are talking about is psychosomatic illness, not something like cancer.

I'll just make a guess that your pre-frontal cortex was interpreting feelings/notions from other parts of your brain.
Maybe what you did got them "in sync" and had nothing to do with so-called "past lives" as your pre-frontal cortex interpreted the feelings/notions from other parts of your brain.

All I am doing is offering another explanation/hypothesis other than the woo-woo past-lives explanation.
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Elronius of Marcabia

Silver Meritorious Patron
Interesting questions Dingo unfortunatley the experience of a recollection of a past life
is a lovley and romantic notion and reinforces the idea of you being an immortal spiritual
being and you will die only to live again feels really good :thumbsup:

That can't be a very hard idea to sell and Hubbard knew that, question for him was
how could he bottle and sell it and label it.

Here's a bit tougher question which the mind cannot except as its not built for
such "Nothing Forever" a single lifetime becomes much more precious and much
more special and a thing not to waste chasing questions which will inevitably be answered
or not, if not then it is a moot point yes ? If it's so then no concern:coolwink:

Paths are paths none lead out of the labrynth as Bhuddha so wisely observed and decided
to rest under a tree, stop walking and you will arrive :coolwink:the mystery schools will reamain a mystery
and behind the curtain will always be another curtain such is the nature of mystery.

Accept the all that is, shed the falseness of ego that needs to know its own immortality
and like a baby that needs constant reassurance it is loved, maturity will be yours not in
formulaic sense but in a natural and unforced blossom of a flower it opens when the time
is right becuase that is its essence its spirit, its beauty is to be what it is, no additive is
needed and certainly no phony Guru's such as Hoobard and his ilk.

Excuse my use of the proverbial "YOU" and realise this is more a note to self
than any kind of teaching or advice on my part and you and no one else will
be offended by my personal take :coolwink: as someone of altitude on the subject.

I have none and...........:biggrin:

We are all Bozo's on this bus some just have bigger red noses :roflmao:
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