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see for yourself videos

George Layton

Silver Meritorious Patron
And I don't rent cars!an hour ago These past three days, thanks to Jillian, Tony, and Karen, our attention and outrage has been focused on the Sea Org and its horrendous living and working conditions which reminded me that I stumbled on a series of odd youtube videos last week that seemed to have been taken covertly at Flagg and deep within the secretive world of the Sea Org. I got "distracted" by Tony's fast breaking stories and never returned to the channel to finish looking at all the videos. I plan on doing that this evening or tomorrow but I thought I'd post the link now since the subject matter might be of great interest to some folks here. These were only posted a month ago and if I'm correct about the identity of the channel owner and the source of these videos, I'm afraid they'll be forced to disappear. Here's the link to the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channe...
And here are the links to two stories written by Tony last year about the woman who infiltrated the Sea Org at Flagg in 2013 and was caught by OSA. I believe, without further research on my part, that these are her videos. I could be wrong but some of them suspiciously look like they could have been taken using the infamous tampon spy camera "tech" we all joked about for so long. Links:
As I mentioned, I could be wrong about the identity of the channel's owner but the videos themselves are fascinating in that they reveal some of the secretive inner world of Sea Org training, meetings, and living conditions.
I don't know if this type of documentation would be admissible in a court of law. I'll let others far more knowledgeable about this sort of thng decide.
Photo of YouTube channel owner:

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this was on Tony's blog, I thought some of the videos were interesting.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Interesting stat mentioned by the SO ASHO speaker $50-$60G/per week. I am guesstimating that is roughly 2012-13 stats There are basically 3 public orgs in PAC right? LA org, ASHO and AOLA. Anyone have any idea of GI stats for these orgs at any time in the past?? John P from the Underground Bunker and who also has his own blog up would love that data. Is it possible to narrow down to within a month or two when these videos were shot?