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South African Independent Scientology blog celebrates half a million views


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South African Independent Scientology blog celebrates half a million views since it’s inception 309 days ago.

From the South African Independent Scientology blog Scientologists getting back in comm:

Look what we did!

In the early hours of Saturday morning this blog reached a milestone:

Half a million views since it’s inception 309 days ago on the 25th of October 2013. That averages out to 1618 views per day.

We’d like to extend our thanks to everyone who comes by and those that interact and share their views and experiences. The comm we get on the back channels indicates that we are doing what we set out to do: Provide a place for communication.

Over the course of those 309 days we have published 214 articles (this being the 214th) on which we have had 8417 posted comments. That’s an average of 40 comments per article.

We are visited by 7900 unique visitors per month. .

We have had visitors from 129 countries.

In Africa, our blog has been visited by people from 16 African countries including Lesotho, Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia, Uganda, Ethiopia and Tanzania – to name a few.

The top 10 visiting countries are:

South Africa
New Zealand

Our top 5 articles:

Here’s their story: Gaye & Ernest Corbett

Ryan Hogarth, former Church President, Declared Suppressive!

Francois lays it down!

The Golden Age of Rod

The Covert character assassination of Gaye & Ernest Corbett

A Google search for “Scientology South Africa” will show this site at number 2.

And just as a general indicator of how this site does against the official South African sites per Alexa.com:

global ranking: 9,477,149

global ranking: 3,610,429

backincomm.wordpress.com global ranking: 708,839

Thanks for being there! Let’s carry this on!
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