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A Scientology Christmas Story


Bardo Tulpa
Gather round children, and I'll tell you a story about the Scientologist who Celebrated Christmas!

It was 2pm on Christmas Eve, and all through the mission the staff were tallying up their stats and turning them in to the ED, who was holding HCO From Above.

One by one, the staff came in the door of the ED's office, laid their stat reports on his desk and smiled at him, wishing him a merry Xmas.

Everyone else was leaving, but the ED knew that there was a big wide planet to clear out there, and he was staying late at the mission that night to get the stats reported, and to get a head start on the new week so that the stats would not crash over the holidays like they always did.

The Treasury Sec, Barb, had to stay, too and to report the Treasury stats, which always somehow took a long time to compile. Being one of the biggest little dilettantes on staff, Barb was grumpy that she had to stay and work on Christmas Eve.

As the winter sun began to set on this Christmas Eve, the ED was working hard to do call in for course the next day - Christmas Day. He wanted to make sure the course room was full to the brim as the very best way to celebrate Christmas. Little Bob Cratchet should be so lucky to celebrate Christmas that way, he thought.

The staff were all at home, including the ED's wife - the PES. As the clock neared 7pm, none of the scheduled students were arriving for course. So the ED, who was also the Course Supervisor this Christmas Eve, called all his students for the night, and got answering machines for all of them. The ED informed each of his students that they were blown students right now and that the KRs had been written and sent to the Ethics Officer. (Who was also the ED)

He wagged his finger into the phone at each of them, and thought to himself that they all had other fish to fry, and that he would double his efforts to make sure that Scientology really got home to them, so that next Christmas, they would all be on course.

The most disappointing person who was not there that Christmas Eve, however, was George, the Mission Holder. He was an OT 8, and a Class 8 auditor. The ED thought that if there was ANYONE who should understand the importance of clearing the planet, of the R6 nature of Xmas, and of the total PTSNESS TO THE MIDDLE CLASS, it should be George, the Mission Holder!

But no.

George and his wife were having a Christmas Party at their home for, mostly, wog friends of theirs.

The ED readied his stat report and found that there was a No Report on the Letters Out stat for the week. Yes, that's right, a report was missing. He had reports from Timmy, from Vicki, from Lukey, from Barby and from Anny.

But none from George.

So the ED scrunched up his nose and turned to the phone. It says in policy that a NO REPORT equals DOUBT, and so he decided that it was his duty as an in-ethics, in-tech Scientologist to call George at home during his Christmas party to inform him that a No Report Report was being written on him, which per policy is very serious, and that he would need to come in RIGHT NOW to give the ED his report. The ED needed that Letters Out stat right now, and he needed it in writing before George had left. But George had failed to report.

Hence the No Report Report.

The phone was ringing and the ED sat at his desk in the mostly empty mission. He was hopping mad, and very self-righteous in his anger. For policy was very clear that a no report report was a threat to the whole organization, and often was an indicator of something more serious, a withhold, or a covered up crime, or even an out-ethics situation. Yes, his anger was totally justified. As a Scientology Executive, see, the ED could get mad. Because that's what gets and keeps everyone's ethics in.

George's wife answered the phone.

"Is George there?" asked the ED.

"Who is this?"

"This is Alanzo from the Mission."

"Oh. Hold on."

The outpoint about George's wife was that she had never been in the mission. George had said something about how she needed to do an RTC OT 3 Review cycle but had failed to get herself to Flag for over 5 years to do it. She was probably George's "Why".

The ED could hear laughter, glasses tinkling and other party sounds in the background over the phone. George answers.


"George. I'm compiling the weekly stats here with Barb and everyone else's Letters Out stat has been reported but yours. That's a No Report, George. I've written the KR and it is going in your file. I need you to come in right now and give me your report for your Letters Out stat this week."

"Alanzo, do you know what 'GI' means?"

"Yes. It means Gross Income." George's tone was unlike any time the ED had ever heard him. He seemed very 1.5, which was odd. The ED's hair was unprepared for what came next over the phone line at him:

"No. 'GI' means GOVERNMENT ISSUE. That means "property of the US Government" - a person who is so by-the-book that they are a total asshole!!!"

Then the phone slammed down in the ED's face.

The ED was stunned. George had never spoken to him that way. He was the ED's auditor. He was like a father figure to the ED - a father he'd never had. Was this what he really thought of the ED? Here the ED was doing exactly what 100% standard ethics, tech and admin said to do, and this is what George has to say to the ED about it?

The ED walked out of his office and looked out the windows of the mission while Barb, with her coat on, laid her stats on the table.

The snow was coming down. It was 11pm on December 24th, and Barb was getting ready to head home. She walked up behind the ED.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing." The ED was crying and he didn't want her to see it.

"OK. Well, the treasury stats are on your desk. I'm going now. Merry Christmas!"

The ED kept looking ahead as people came out of the bar in small groups across the street, laughing.

"Merry Christmas."

The ED went back in to his office and called in the stats to Cary Goulston, the CO SMI EUS.

Cary yelled and screamed at the ED for the stats being so low. He wanted the ED to stay and write out a battle plan for how he was going to get the stats up for New Years and fax it in to him.

The ED stayed and stayed and wrote up the battle plan on how he would keep the stats up for New Year's. As he was faxing in his BP to Cary, the ED looked up at the clock as it turned midnight.

It's Christmas, said the ED, to no one but himself.

And so that's the story, children, of the Scientologist who celebrated Christmas.

EP - Ethics Particle

Gold Meritorious Patron
Stranger than fiction is the truth!

Gather round children, and I'll tell you a story about the Scientologist who Celebrated Christmas!


And so that's the story, children, of the Scientologist who celebrated Christmas.

A cautionary tale well told, my friend Alanzo. :yes:


Mike Horton

Good twin

What year was that Lanzo? I kept my course room open on Christmas 1985 for one student. My son was three years old at the time.

Cary gave me a real earful that Christmas too.


Gold Meritorious Patron
I too remember the insanity of "skeleton crew" for xmas day.

In the mid - 80s I was the Course Sup at Syd F and actually went from the beach one xmas day (where i was surfing with my nephews) to the org to "run" the courseroom for one student who had been "talked into" coming in for the night so that the execs could say there was still delivery occurring.

It was complete insanity and we all knew it but we all played along with it.:confused2:


Gold Meritorious Patron
I loved it! Like a charming bouquet filling the room with bright scents of olden days!

We have seen the ghosts of Christmas past, and present. All we need to complete the story is that wily spirit of the future. What tales of joy and good will might coming Christmases bring to our respective households?

Personally I would like three beers and some chocolate caek.


Diamond Invictus SP
What year was that Lanzo? I kept my course room open on Christmas 1985 for one student. My son was three years old at the time.

Cary gave me a real earful that Christmas too.

Hi GT,
Just read your story in your other thread about at the Mission, an incredible story.......thank-you for telling it! :thumbsup:

About this Christmas story, hmmmm, I may have played the role of one of the villains in a closely related story. Not sure if it was 85 or 84 for me.
I was Boston staff and got pulled to the CLO in NY to help run the "Festive Season" Program in the EUS, just for the regular orgs, not the missions. It was totally suppressive, to ensure that the stats didn't crash in the EUS as they normally did this time of year as staff and public wanted to go off and spend time with their families (and other crimes ;).
I'm afraid I did my best Cary Goulston imitation for a week while up there.
Totally against my nature to be that way, even back then, but somehow I became that way for this particular program.
Oh Alanzo, you finally made me cry!

I think it is the sign of a misspent youth that I actually understood every single word of what you wrote.

Merry Christmas, you darling, able survivor, you! And to all of you wonderful survivors out there. I hope it will be a very happy one this year!

Wisened One

What year was that Lanzo? I kept my course room open on Christmas 1985 for one student. My son was three years old at the time.

Cary gave me a real earful that Christmas too.

Cary chewed everyone all the time, it seemed. I still remember when Jan would be on the phone for like 2 hours straight on Wed nights or so just listening to Cary chew her up one side and down the other.

But I was in awe of how he never seemed to phase her, either. There were times, she'd hang the phone on her shoulder but her ear wasn't to it, then when he'd shut up, she'd pick it up to ack him then put it back down again, lol! :p


Diamond Invictus SP
But I was in awe of how he never seemed to phase her, either. There were times, she'd hang the phone on her shoulder but her ear wasn't to it, then when he'd shut up, she'd pick it up to ack him then put it back down again, lol! :p

That's pretty humorous, she must have got some great coaching on TR 0 Bullbait. :coolwink:


Gold Meritorious Patron
That's pretty humorous, she must have got some great coaching on TR 0 Bullbait. :coolwink:

I've known people like that, they have a sense of themselves or something that tells them their job is what counts no matter who thinks whatever about it.
Cary chewed everyone all the time, it seemed. I still remember when Jan would be on the phone for like 2 hours straight on Wed nights or so just listening to Cary chew her up one side and down the other.

But I was in awe of how he never seemed to phase her, either. There were times, she'd hang the phone on her shoulder but her ear wasn't to it, then when he'd shut up, she'd pick it up to ack him then put it back down again, lol! :p

She was playing his game, rather than letting his game play her. Good Lord, I've been spending too much time with Ex's...I'm starting to think like one, let me go wander off and locate my Non valence... Merry Christmas, Everyone!


Gold Meritorious Patron
Nice one Alanzo you silver tongued devil. Did you ever consider starting a blog?

If there are any out there reading Alanzo's tale who were thinking about joining staff, please also consider that this is not an outlier. This is what you have to look forward to and the kind of shit you will be subjected to as a scientology slave.

Tiger Lily

Gold Meritorious Patron
Wow Alanzo -- I do remember that intensity. I even remember buying into that -- if it weren't for my wog husband and family who expected adherence to family traditions and such trifles, I would have been there on course on Christmas Eves during those years. (I remember one year choosing to celebrate my birthday by going in for an extra day on course).

I can't believe George did that to you though. I'm kind of speechless about that -- he was a pretty "GI" guy himself if I remember right. . . .and so extensively trained in communication and ARC and everything. . . that wasn't the side of him the public saw.

Thanks for the story -- you tell them well :)

Merry Christmas! I hope this one's much, much better!



Diamond Invictus SP
There are no holidays in scio. Never have been, never will...........except for LRH's Birthday. :D

Nice, sad story.

(MY words added in blue)

Merry Christmas, all you Free Beings!

Talleywhacker wrote this on another thread, felt it was appropriate to copy it here, too:

"Twas the Night Before Christmas"


Twas the Night Before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Org
Not a PC was red-tagged, not even on the scheduling board.
The repackaged Basics were lined up with care
In the hopes that some public would soon be there.

The staff were all bunked up, hardly room in their beds
For the visions of freedom that danced in their heads.
And I with my meter, my sole source of means
Just having eaten a plateful of beans.

When out in the parking lot, there arose such a ruckus
My first thought was, “Ah-oh, who’s here to fuck us?”
Away to the scene, I ran real damn fast
Knowing if something was wrong, it would be my ass.

The smog and the fog, gave little to see
But then in the lot, an old car was rolling at me.
The closer I looked, I thought I could discern
It was pulled by eight RPFers with lessons to learn.

The driver was short, could hardly see over the wheel
His windpipes so small, his screams were more squeal.
I knew in a moment it must be the COB
Shaking his fists, he’d come here to rob.

He leaned out the window, throwing curses my way
As he yelled at the staff who were pulling his sleigh.
Now Marty! Now Heber! Now Yager and Rinder!
On Mitoff! On Tommy! On Headley and Claire!
To the top of the graphs held up by thin air!
For the New Year’s event our statistics are there!

With a grunt and a pull despite being sore
They got the car over to the bookstore door
The back seat was full, overloading the wreck
Bright new releases, the latest lost Tech.

And then with a creak, a moan and groan
The staff braced itself and started looking forlorn
He opened the door and slipped out real quick
Surprised he didn’t fall, his shoe soles so thick

Dressed in all navy he looked like a sight
His brass was all polished and looked ready to fight.
Handmade Egyptian shirts he wore
Not the kind most anyone could buy at the store.

His eyes were glazed over with power and lust
He could break a man’s soul, his rank he could bust.
His troll little mouth was pursed and tight
The blood on his hands was hid by the night.

With the snap of his fingers, the world he could move
Short men want power, he had something to prove
A command over others, a girlfriend named Lou
His motto was money but debt for you.

He wasn’t real big, really more like an elf
I laughed when I saw him in spite of myself.
He muttered about staff’s lack of respect
But with empty orgs, what could he expect?

Then he spoke not a word but walked inside
Straight to cashbox to where the public did tithe.
He tilted the box and opened his bag
But there was no money, the staff were in rags

He cursed aloud then shouted out a plan
“A call to arms, shoulder to shoulder and man to man!”
Into the car, through the air he dove
Cracking the whip over those he drove.

As it started to roll, I heard the staff moan
Hardly a man standing, they were very downtone.
But I heard him exclaim as they rolled out of sight
“Unprecedented expansion is ours tonight!”

Humbly tendered as a Christmas gift to all Scientology staff: past, present and future.
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Patron with Honors
Good story. so true.
It seems that I remember some policy about observing local customs or something. Probably a PR Series thing. Somehow it was never applie to the observance holidays.

to me it is such an obvious out-point, the way the church bullies people at holiday time. Most of us put up with it for years. There is never a thrust for a person to enjoy the other area's of his life (formerly called dynamics). I feel for the people who are in and believe that there is nothing more important then scn. They are never allowed to just stop and smell the roses. If they do, they feel guilty. The world is a beautiful place.