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I like TREASURE...you do to, no?


Patron with Honors
Since 1992, this smooth operator has regularly hidden somewhere in or around Grand Rapids, Michigan. The lucky treasure hunter who solves his riddles and finds the bill is rewarded with $1000.

How It Works:

Mountain Mike releases clues every week from his blog, Purplehunt. These clues, when solved, will offer small pieces of information as to the whereabouts of the hidden . The current hunt has been going on since September and Clue #14 has been given. He loves using various codes and ciphers, as well as general riddle/trivia. The best place to get an idea of Mountain Mike's "style" is his old, turn of the millennium website which has previous Treasure Hunt Clues and Solutions. Unfortunately, "This page takes a few minutes to load -- contains some cool pictures!"

He also has this classy webpage with some background information.


Although some of his clues are admittedly limited to locals with specific knowledge of the area, many of them are ciphers begging for the power of the internet to provide a solution.

His website lays out the rules:

Mountain Mike posted:

Somewhere in the Greater Grand Rapids (MI) area, a special ten-dollar bill has now been hidden. Who ever finds that ten-dollar bill, and returns it to Mountain Mike, will receive $1,000!

How will you know if you have found the special ten-dollar bill? Simple. Just match up this serial number:


The treasure is hidden in a safe location which is in plain sight, outside. The treasure can be retrieved without causing any damage or disruption to its host hiding spot. The treasure is not buried in the ground.

It's location will not be inaccessible by an average snowfall. No shovels are necessary. No digging! Please do not trespass, or damage in any way, any private property in search of the treasure.

It is hidden in a public place. (Please note that theaters, stores, churches, etc., are all private properties; therefore, the treasure will not be found in such locations.)

Searching for this treasure will not take you into unsafe areas, such as busy streets, large bodies of water, or other dangerous environments. If it looks dangerous, the treasure is not there. The person who finds the treasure will not have to do any damage to public or private property in his efforts.

The 10 bill, as far as I know, is always wrapped around a nail and sealed with wax, usually nailed into some sort of post or log. This Page has pictures of the previous .

If You're Still Interested:

Because the is located on public property, an online map of the Grand Rapids area could easily provide many answers regarding public locations.

My current schedule does not allow me to dedicate nearly as much time to treasure hunting as I would like, but if people are interested I will do my best to post updates here with any solutions to the clues and ciphers.

For the super dedicated, the old website is terrible and filled with broken links and nonsense, but if you really feel like digging, it does give many previous clues/solutions which are very helpful.

Since 1992, this smooth operator has regularly hidden a ten dollar bill somewhere in or around Grand Rapids, Michigan. The lucky treasure hunter who solves his riddles and finds the bill is rewarded with $1000.

How It Works:

Mountain Mike releases clues every week from his blog, Purplehunt. These clues, when solved, will offer small pieces of information as to the whereabouts of the hidden . The current hunt has been going on since September and Clue #14 has been given. He loves using various codes and ciphers, as well as general riddle/trivia. The best place to get an idea of Mountain Mike's "style" is his old, turn of the millennium website which has previous Treasure Hunt Clues and Solutions. Unfortunately, "This page takes a few minutes to load -- contains some cool pictures!"

He also has this classy webpage with some background information.

Although some of his clues are admittedly limited to locals with specific knowledge of the area, many of them are ciphers begging for the power of the internet to provide a solution.

His website lays out the rules:

Mountain Mike posted:

Somewhere in the Greater Grand Rapids (MI) area, a special ten-dollar bill has now been hidden. Who ever finds that ten-dollar bill, and returns it to Mountain Mike, will receive $1,000!

How will you know if you have found the special ten-dollar bill? Simple. Just match up this serial number:


The treasure is hidden in a safe location which is in plain sight, outside. The treasure can be retrieved without causing any damage or disruption to its host hiding spot. The treasure is not buried in the ground.

It's location will not be inaccessible by an average snowfall. No shovels are necessary. No digging! Please do not trespass, or damage in any way, any private property in search of the treasure.

It is hidden in a public place. (Please note that theaters, stores, churches, etc., are all private properties; therefore, the treasure will not be found in such locations.)

Searching for this treasure will not take you into unsafe areas, such as busy streets, large bodies of water, or other dangerous environments. If it looks dangerous, the treasure is not there. The person who finds the treasure will not have to do any damage to public or private property in his efforts.

The 10 bill, as far as I know, is always wrapped around a nail and sealed with wax, usually nailed into some sort of post or log. This Page has pictures of the previous .

If You're Still Interested:

Because the is located on public property, an online map of the Grand Rapids area could easily provide many answers regarding public locations.

My current schedule does not allow me to dedicate nearly as much time to treasure hunting as I would like, but if people are interested I will do my best to post updates here with any solutions to the clues and ciphers.

For the super dedicated, the old website is terrible and filled with broken links and nonsense, but if you really feel like digging, it does give many previous clues/solutions which are very helpful.

tl:dr: If you are a cipher nerd, get ahold of me and we can win some serious loot


Gold Meritorious Patron
I think it's important to note a few things:

1) This is a game..........and IF Frankie wins, he's turning the $1,000
over to ESMB/Emma. So that's a good motivation.

2) It takes place in Michigan, but as he said in Chat a few miin's ago:

"FrankBooth 17th February 2012 01:18 AM
I need cipher nerds"

So check out the link.

Thanks, Frankie! :coolwink::biggrin:

Well, sadly I am not a "cipher nerd" :biggrin:, (my skills are elsewhere) but I do like a good treasure hunt, and can do research. :thumbsup: This sounds like a fun hobby, even without finding the hidden prize! :)

Might be a real fun group activity for a bunch of ESMBers! :yes: Thanks, Frankie! :clap:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Sadly I'm not a "cipher nerd" either...........but hey,
I'm going to give it a shot.

My view? You learn "something" every day----so I'll add this to my list.

HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin::thumbsup::happydance:



Silver Meritorious Patron
Well, what clues do we have solved so far?

What clues do we need to solve next?

Obviously, we will not know if we have actually solved any of them correctly until we find the treasure, so how about a list of the clues with our tentative solutions so we can review and maybe upgrade our tentative solutions?



Patron with Honors
I don't have time at the moment, but seeing as there is at least some mild interest, I would be more than happy to lay out a few of my theories here later on tonight, and a complete list of clues to date.

I might suggest, if you are interested, to look at the website and see some of the solutions for previous hunts...some clues are largely for locals and specific to the exact location, but many of them are not.

The clues containing the ciphers, etc. are not, and those I could use some help with.

I will have some time later tonight, and type up the list of clues and possible speculation.

In the mean time, here is a link to a previous hunt with the solutions:

p.s. Sorry for the horrible OP with repeats. I cut and pasted and lost some content, but you get the idea. Unfortunately, I can't go back and edit it now.


Patron with Honors
The website again: http://purplehunt.wordpress.com

The Area (roughly) where the Treasure Could be Hidden In:
The Greater Grand Rapids Area

There was mild interest in this thread at best, but here's the clues to date. Unfortunately, since I cannot edit the OP, or this post, it will be difficult for me to keep everything in one place, but should this gain traction, I can compile and update things with new posts.

Anyway, here is a complete list of the clues do date:

1. Mick Jagger knows something about this.
2. Is it too soon to get to the point? Will I ever?
3. Might consider a type of soup.
4. Plenty of Queen Ann's
5. Waterfalls without waterfalls
6. Go to http://jackhandlerny.blogspot.com/. Read chapter one 6.5 and 11.59-70.
7. Home of the Liberty Bell for many years.
8. Go to http://jackhandlerny.blogspot.com/. 10.10.1, 13.73-83, 6.7, 2.2-3, 11.43, and 11.1.30.
9. United we don't stand
10. Green is cool
11. What some new cars can do for themselves
12. Steve Martin might love this
13. Go to http://jackhandlerny.blogspot.com/. Chapter 36: What Jack heard “within a few seconds” should never happen while looking for the treasure.
15. When is a waterfall not a waterfall?
16. Where there's a nut there's a squirrel--or 18
17. Irving, not Berlin
18. Go to http://jackhandlerny.blogspot.com/. Read chapter 61 —Janice Hume’s comment
19. Commonly vocalized when shooting craps.
20. a four letter word that can be correctly used as a verb or a noun.
21. Garth would like this very much.
22. Reads the same upside down.


CLUE 1: Rolling Stones/Rock and Roll(?) An area with many large stones, perhaps.

CLUE 2: The first thing that popped in to my head here was Cedar Point. They had an old slogan "Get to the Point, Cedar Point"...so I was thinking it might mean cedar trees. Probably way off...

CLUE 3: Was thinking "Stone Soup", to fit the earlier theme, but who knows, really.

CLUE 4: Queen Anne's Lace...?

CLUE 5: Ideas include The Flat River, Fallasburg Park (a sort of portmanteau of Iceberg and Waterfall) , a dam, a fountain, a water pump....

CLUE 6: :confused2:

CLUE 7: Philadelphia, but more specifically, when I looked this up, there was a special pavilion built, that physically housed the bell for many years....so possibly an outdoor pavilion of some sort, as you find in a park.

CLUE 8: :confused2:

CLUE 9: This tied into the earlier Fallasburg Park thing, "fall"...but beyond that...??
I have no clue what he means with CLUES 6 & 8. Ive tried using different combinations of counting lines/words/letters/paragraphs and haven't come up with anything.

CLUE 10: :confused2: Could be anything really...something green in the area around where the treasure is...

CLUE 11: Park...drive? Parallel Park?

CLUE 12: I was thinking "Arrowhead" this might actually be a reference to Lowell (their mascot is the "Red Arrows"), and area just east of Ada. There is also "Arrowhead Country Club" out in the Ada/Lowell area.... Just throwing that out there...could be anything though.

CLUE 13: The text in the story is "Jack heard the window being forced."

*CLUE 14* This one I think might be critical, and I'm stumped. It also happens to be the one best suited for internet. Throughout the story at http://jackhandlerny.blogspot.com
he has puzzles in each chapter based on replacement ciphers. I will make a separate post concerning this clue alone, as this one has all of the resources to solve it on a couple web pages. This is one is one that would be a good collaborative effort I think.

CLUE 15: ??? A Dam, an Iceberg....:confused2:

CLUE 16: (disc) golf?

CLUE 17: Julius Erving/Washington Erving?

CLUE 18: The comment in the text is "Mrs. Fulbright, we are floored"

CLUE 19: I believe to be "Ada", in reference to Ada, Michigan, pointing us in that direction of town.

CLUE 20: Could be just about anything really..

CLUE 21: I was thinking "Brooks", so maybe an area with some streams...

CLUE 22: :confused2:

So there you have it. Just a note of personal appeal. This is something I have actually spent quite a bit of time hunting and am seriously hoping to find the thing. If people are interested, I have other materials I can share, but I only want to put the effort into getting it together if there is a serious interest...For example, I was thinking I could look up and put together a map of locations where it was previously hidden to give a better idea of the general area in which we're looking, but I'm not going to bother if there isn't any interest in this project.

Beyond that, any input is much appreciated. I'll meet any resident code breakers who want to give it a shot in the next post to discuss CLUE 14.