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Is Scientology.org down?


Silver Meritorious Sponsor
Is there a Catholic priest in the audience?

Will an altar boy and seminary escapee do?

I may not effectively bless water, but, I can take a drop from a baptysmal font and fil a 5 gallon jug to sqiirt gun every demon or vampire available...



Gold Meritorious Patron

Let me know when I can claim religious discrimination...

I know, not yet.

But its heading that way with this ignorant shit.



Silver Meritorious Sponsor

Let me know when I can claim religious discrimination...

I know, not yet.

But its heading that way with this ignorant shit.


You're kidding me; right?

'Religious Discrimination' certainly applies to the government, and, thanks to legal strictures, to public corporations and even people operating within legally regulated industries.

Are these idiots any of the above? Or, do you consider it 'discrimination' because your particular 'religion' happens to have attracted their 'attention'.

Ahem. Do I think their 'operation' is a good thing? You know better. Scientology is nothing more publicly than the 'science of whining about being oppressed'.

Youse guys *luv* this stuff; even though you 'pull it in'. And, you do. You deserve it, even if the people pointing to your actual *crimes* know damn well that you and yours will whine and cry and wail about your being victimized ruthless supermen :)

You putz

If you want to talk about religious *discrimination*, well, listen to this:

I cannot conceive of a Scientologist allowed a position of trust, such as a teacher, a banker or anyone with access to confidential information, much less any kind of local or national governmental position because, per KSW, the 'Church' of Scientology is *senior* to any other trust.

I do not consider it religoius discrimination to recognize that a Scientologist *must* defer to Scientology when in conflict with secular office.

A Scientologist *must* put Scientology first, or he is not a Scientologist. This includes any case where he must swear an oath and there is a *conflict of interest* with Scientology. In such a case, a Scientologiist *must* lie; perjure; obstruct justice etc.

To recognize that is not 'religious discrimination', it's purely sane.



Patron Meritorious
The church will have that website taken down.

I had one there and they had it taken down. I really did not care if they did nor not. It was not being used anyhow so I and IFA did nothing about it.

They won nothing on that round as I hear.


Heres the link one of "them" posted here on esmb earlier...


They also plan to plug the toilets in all the orgs with tea bags dosed with sugar and yeast.

Nastier, they have lists of hideous photos of dead bodies and extreme sex to fax to the orgs.

And they are calling the media! (sarcasm)

Personally I think they project some of their own reliance on the 'net, onto scientology, as the sites they target are mostly pr, not the operations of the church.

The church has its business and email functions on private networks not the web. (and they are not linked in any way)

What they are doing is using scripts to download all the images from the various sites continuously, thus using all the bandwith.

It looks like some workaround is in place, as even though the images dont load, the pages and links still function.

But Hurt the church by making its website unavailable?


Just annoy!

Fun to watch, the enthusiasm of youth attacking what they barely understand.



Silver Meritorious Sponsor
The church will have that website taken down.

I had one there and they had it taken down. I really did not care if they did nor not. It was not being used anyhow so I and IFA did nothing about it.

They won nothing on that round as I hear.


Alex wants stories of Scientologists mauled by lions. He doesn't want to be mauled, and, he doesn't think any lions are going to specifically go after clams, but, he *wants* the stories.

It's his reality :) Despite how 'accepted' Scientology is nowdays, while it goes 'mainstream'....




Silver Meritorious Patron
The End

Seems like the COS is finally getting it's due. Attracking attention from hackers. Then more evils minions will pounce, etc...

It's normal. The COS has failed in it's mission and now people are ripping it apart. Just like a lame auditor gets cans in his face after a while.

Sorry David, you aren't OT enough and never will be. Accept it and get help before it's too late you moron! :p


Squirrel Extraordinaire
I cannot conceive of a Scientologist allowed a position of trust, such as a teacher, a banker or anyone with access to confidential information, much less any kind of local or national governmental position because, per KSW, the 'Church' of Scientology is *senior* to any other trust.

I do not consider it religoius discrimination to recognize that a Scientologist *must* defer to Scientology when in conflict with secular office.

A Scientologist *must* put Scientology first, or he is not a Scientologist. This includes any case where he must swear an oath and there is a *conflict of interest* with Scientology. In such a case, a Scientologiist *must* lie; perjure; obstruct justice etc.

To recognize that is not 'religious discrimination', it's purely sane.

Totally correct, Zinj. I agree 100%. Not one of your twaddle-moments. :)

For the record, for me right now scientology.org and dianetics.org are both completely down. The dianetics one was up for me the last time I mentioned the main one was down on this thread, so it looks like it's got worse for them.



Gold Meritorious Patron
Dont attack the messanger

Yesterday I posted a quote from the hackers web site. A site I went to after finding a link to it here on esmb, in a post by one of the "anons", which is what they call themselves.

Emma deleted it as I had failed to make clear that it was something I was exposing rather than something I was promoting. It contained references to illegal acts planned against the church.

I was also called an asshole and a cock sucker by this boards resident bouncer/cop/snitch.

But truth requires looking at the whole of the situation, both sides of a conflict, all the data, and that was my intent in posting the stratagey that the hackers are following. I believe it is valuable to know as much as possible about as many things as possible. Perhaps where I focus is not as well directed as it could be, but.....I mean well.

So from one of the hacker boards:


A snyopsis of their strategy including illeagal acts.

cosplay said:

Our first phone target is the Dianetics hotline:


Call it, and Rickroll them, ask them why theres a Volcano on the cover of Dianetics, ask to speak to high-profile Scientologists, and just generally bug the hell out of them.

This is phase 1.

Phase 2

We set up shell sites. This is where the most richest and Elite of /b/tards come in.

Simply put, we place all of the known facts of Scientology, and its inner workings onto it, in one repeating flash video, and we both digg it, upload it to YouTube under various names, as well as upload it to YouPorn and several other places. By then, they should take notice.

Also, email it to them.

This is phase 2.

Phase 3.

By the time the video circulates around the internet, and eventually leaking onto news stations like Fox and CNN, the shell site that we say that we come from will get a cease and desist letter from a Scientology lawyer, including the persons name, phone number, place of employment, and fax number.

This is where we bring the big guns out. We Harass the lawyer, and his/her Lawfirm: We call them, fax them Goatse and other shit, and complain to her/his boss that she/he is a crack whore/rapist/nigger/ whatever.

Scientology will begin to counter attack.

This is Phase 3.

Phase 4

This is where it all hangs out. This is the Climax of everything. This is where the most Elite, the ones who actually know what they're talking about begin their line of work.

Getting into the scientologist system will take time and effort. This will take more than just sitting in your basement whacking it to Hentai while you make crank calls and use gigaloader.

Whoever will complete this will be a god in the eyes of Anonymous.

One of us must get into a Church of Scientology. Preferably a small one in a small town some where, run by only a few people.

Bring along with you a flash drive with Keylogger in it. You must do whatever is possible to get behind the front desk.

Get someone to distract the people at the front desk. While they are busy, sneak to the tower of the computer under the desk, load the keylogger, and let it sit. Walk out, and come back in a day or two.

This is Phase 4.

Phase 5

The select individual mentioned before will go back to their local CoS.

Using the same technique, get the flash drive and the contents of teh keylogger, and make sure you wipe the logger form teh comp. They'll usually have little to no virus protection.

more than likely, you'll have the passwords and usernames for at least one of the employees.

More than likely, they'll have wireless internet set up, so bring a laptop. Hide somewhere outside the CoS building and connect to the net using their wireless. You'll now be using their IP.

On the keylogger, you should also get a link or something that will take you to the OL database of scientologist within that area.

You should be prompted for a username and password, and it will verify it through your IP.

Log in, and search around for a record of Current and former Scientologists in the area, and see if you can cause general havoc with them.

Copy and paste the list of Scientologist and their numbers/addresses and emails etc and post it into a new .txt.

Get teh fuck out of there, the cops may be alerted.

This is phase 5.

Phase 6

Take the list you gathered, get it on your main comp, and place it in a rar, and embed it into a peice of JB.

Everyone, this next part is important. We must all keep this in teh back of our minds.

You will post the image on /b/, in a new thread.

You will post this in the text field: "Itty Bitty Baby Boats Farter than Bob"

This will be the code word. All Anon will proceed to download the image, open the rar, and begin to call the numbers listed.

Scientology will not be pleased.

This is phase 6.

Aditional Info:

Description: ‚

Some Hak5 fans put together a USB app where when you plug it in, it steals the Internet Explorer history and saved form information, IM passwords, email passwords, XP password hashes, and product keys!

Keep in mind it does all of this in seconds, all in the background. So you literally walk up to a computer, plug it in, unplug it, and walk away. Or you say that you need to get a document off of your USB drive, whatever.

Note that the computer has to be logged in as an administrator to do some of this, but pretty much all computers are.


If you have a U3 compatable USB drive: http://www.users.on.net/~simmo_89/switchblade/V2.0BETA2.zip

If you don't: http://www.hak5.org/packages/files/Switchb...liv-1-3-0-1.zip

They plan commercial burglary, putting devices on church computers and stealing lists of "scientologists" to harass.

They plan to install key loggers and steal passwords.

The plan to clog the toilets!

And disgustingly they plan to fax "goatse" to the orgs.

Goatse is disturbing images of squashed bodies and extreme sex.

Such as at: http://www.rafflelot.com/images/


So, is this deserving of support? The hacker method, or does it remind anyone of the very same "fair game" tactics reputed to be used by the church?

Its a challenging game to bring truth, love and sanity to life as we know it, and maybe I am not in the best position to do the most good, but I dont see the ends justifying the means in the hacker path either. Just more opterm in an inherently two terminal universe, when love is a one terminal state.


Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Its a challenging game to bring truth, love and sanity to life as we know it, and maybe I am not in the best position to do the most good, but I dont see the ends justifying the means in the hacker path either.


I see absolutely NO reason to post that info here.
I think it would be a good idea to at least edit out the direct paste so if anyone wants the full picture they can follow a link.
I agree that what happened in chat was over the top.
That's no reason to respond and bring hate to this board with this post - it is certainly does not bring truth, love and sanity. There is plenty of info out there on what's going on if you want to find it - this isn't the place.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Alex, do you perhaps think that the CofS is reaping what it has sowed?

You say you are looking at both sides of the conflict, so you will agree that the CofS' years of abuse, intimidation, threats and worse is now coming back to haunt them.

Hubbard's own illegal black ops are being used against them. Looks like these guys have learned Ron's GO/OSA tech pretty well!


Squirrel Extraordinaire
I agree that all that is better not posted here. A link would work just as well.

I love the bit about putting "all of the known facts of Scientology, and its inner workings, in one repeating flash video". If nothing else, that should convince people in the CofS that this isn't coming from any ex-Scio or usual critic! Unless they've started making 1 TB Flash videos.

Maybe someone should tell them that the names of the richest and most prominent public Scientologists are readily available online in lists of high-level completions and IAS hot-shot donors. I don't see their current plan to be that workable, unless someone working at a Cont- or Int-level org copies the address-list. That would be illegal, anyway. I don't agree with harassing these people by sending them violent and/or pornographic images, but informing them of some truths about the CofS can't be worse than borderline objectionable. After all, they have to take some responsibility for continuing to support the CofS--they can't be totally blind to the abuses.



Silver Meritorious Patron
So, is this deserving of support?...

No, of course not.

Its a challenging game to bring truth, love and sanity to life as we know it, and maybe I am not in the best position to do the most good, but I dont see the ends justifying the means in the hacker path either. Just more opterm in an inherently two terminal universe, when love is a one terminal state.

The "church" you refer to has written policy, for example, to use the court system, not to win genuine cases, but to harass. A policy which it follows. It therefore, by admission of it own policy and actions, abuses something that the rest of us think (perhaps naively) as a right of citizenship.

Does such a "church" have a right to claim being a victim of harassment?

Certainly you cannot just sit there and claim that the CoS is simply and innocently trying "to bring truth".



Gold Meritorious Patron
I see absolutely NO reason to post that info here.
I think it would be a good idea to at least edit out the direct paste so if anyone wants the full picture they can follow a link.
I agree that what happened in chat was over the top.
That's no reason to respond and bring hate to this board with this post - it is certainly does not bring truth, love and sanity. There is plenty of info out there on what's going on if you want to find it - this isn't the place.

I think it is on topic in the thread and enlightening. The people who posted it are registered here and posting also, so knowing the mentality of these new players is important.

Chat was fun. I hadnt been live bullbaited in a while.

Its not my hate that the post is about, and it IS part of the truth. I'm sorry though that you were unhappy about it. That was not my intent.

I find it fascinating.



Gold Meritorious Patron
You're kidding me; right?

'Religious Discrimination' certainly applies to the government, and, thanks to legal strictures, to public corporations and even people operating within legally regulated industries.

Are these idiots any of the above? Or, do you consider it 'discrimination' because your particular 'religion' happens to have attracted their 'attention'.

Ahem. Do I think their 'operation' is a good thing? You know better. Scientology is nothing more publicly than the 'science of whining about being oppressed'.

Youse guys *luv* this stuff; even though you 'pull it in'. And, you do. You deserve it, even if the people pointing to your actual *crimes* know damn well that you and yours will whine and cry and wail about your being victimized ruthless supermen :)

You putz

If you want to talk about religious *discrimination*, well, listen to this:

I cannot conceive of a Scientologist allowed a position of trust, such as a teacher, a banker or anyone with access to confidential information, much less any kind of local or national governmental position because, per KSW, the 'Church' of Scientology is *senior* to any other trust.

I do not consider it religoius discrimination to recognize that a Scientologist *must* defer to Scientology when in conflict with secular office.

A Scientologist *must* put Scientology first, or he is not a Scientologist. This includes any case where he must swear an oath and there is a *conflict of interest* with Scientology. In such a case, a Scientologiist *must* lie; perjure; obstruct justice etc.

To recognize that is not 'religious discrimination', it's purely sane.


Nope. Not kidding.

Zinj, there are already scientologists running banks, holding public office, teaching and such. Your assertion that they would defer to the church is absurd.

I had a government security clearance with the full knowledge of the FBI that I was a scientologist.

You would be surprised to find scientologist in the media, law, and commerce functioning just as every other citizen, with out conflict and with out problems. Its the scientologists you dont see who are making the changes.

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