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Jenna Miscavige Hill's story attacked on a baby blog!

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Patron with Honors
Even on a site about child raising and the healing power of Jenna's children on her life, she still (of course) has stalkers trying to discredit her as a liar.

Various commenters say that clicking on a link by the commenter/scientology shill who calls her/himself "Louanne", an OSA agent, causes your IP address to be captured by scientology - for what purpose, I don't know, since they can't monitor everyone who ever clicks on a link that takes them to scientology-run websites. Or can they? Still it's scary and creepy - that's the spécialité du cult, of course.


"Louanne" (inadvertently comically) refers readers of the blog to a scientology school that no longer exists, which "Louane" none the less seems to think is immaterial to the fine example it provides of how scientology treats children. In the fantasy world of scientology, whether something exists or not doesn't stop it from being a convincing argument. Hubbard's fantasy life was very contagious. Of course, "Louanne" doesn't address the fact that the "school" was a warehouse for neglected children and a prison for adults. The point is, it's a fine although nonexistent example of how scientology treats children!

Here's a bit of the interchange between "Louanne" and people who know the truth:

"xenubarb says:
March 14, 2013 at 1:13 pm
This is funny. Louanne blurps out a link to Castile Canyon School, the isolated place up in the hills behind Gold Base where prisoners and unwanted children were warehoused; the kiddies in bunk rooms, the prisoners in a huddle of trailers off to the side.
Thing is, Castile Canyon School no longer exists. The tribe of Luiseno took back the land and now, they’ve closed off the road leading in to the reservation where Scientology leased the land for their little prison camp.
There is no Castile Canyon school, Louanne. Come up to present time!"

To which "Louanne" responds:

"@SP ‘Onage
It is completely irrelevant if there is a Castile Canyon School in 2013. There was one from 1990 to 2000. If you would dare to read stuff that is a bit broader you’d found that out all by yourself."

As an antidote to "Louanne's" poisonous asides, here's some of what Jenna says about the transforming effect of becoming a parent. It's very sweet:

"In 2009, my son Archie was born and my life changed forever. My life has not always been easy, but being his mom has given me a self worth and happiness that I had never known previously.
Any mom will understand when I say, it is amazing how being a mom brings you out of your shell–from the moment your baby is born, when you are happily topless in a hospital room in front of multiple strangers, through the ridiculous things you do just to make your kids smile (from dancing around like a complete fool, to the faces you have to make) to the in-depth public conversations about poop and pee-pee. And in the process, they let you be a child again yourself."


In present time

Gold Meritorious Patron
Even on a site about child raising and the healing power of Jenna's children on her life, she still (of course) has stalkers trying to discredit her as a liar.

Various commenters say that clicking on a link by the commenter/scientology shill who calls her/himself "Louanne", an OSA agent, causes your IP address to be captured by scientology - for what purpose, I don't know, since they can't monitor everyone who ever clicks on a link that takes them to scientology-run websites. Or can they? Still it's scary and creepy - that's the spécialité du cult, of course.


"Louanne" (inadvertently comically) refers readers of the blog to a scientology school that no longer exists, which "Louane" none the less seems to think is immaterial to the fine example it provides of how scientology treats children. In the fantasy world of scientology, whether something exists or not doesn't stop it from being a convincing argument. Hubbard's fantasy life was very contagious. Of course, "Louanne" doesn't address the fact that the "school" was a warehouse for neglected children and a prison for adults. The point is, it's a fine although nonexistent example of how scientology treats children!

Here's a bit of the interchange between "Louanne" and people who know the truth:

"xenubarb says:
March 14, 2013 at 1:13 pm
This is funny. Louanne blurps out a link to Castile Canyon School, the isolated place up in the hills behind Gold Base where prisoners and unwanted children were warehoused; the kiddies in bunk rooms, the prisoners in a huddle of trailers off to the side.
Thing is, Castile Canyon School no longer exists. The tribe of Luiseno took back the land and now, they’ve closed off the road leading in to the reservation where Scientology leased the land for their little prison camp.
There is no Castile Canyon school, Louanne. Come up to present time!"

To which "Louanne" responds:

"@SP ‘Onage
It is completely irrelevant if there is a Castile Canyon School in 2013. There was one from 1990 to 2000. If you would dare to read stuff that is a bit broader you’d found that out all by yourself."

As an antidote to "Louanne's" poisonous asides, here's some of what Jenna says about the transforming effect of becoming a parent. It's very sweet:

"In 2009, my son Archie was born and my life changed forever. My life has not always been easy, but being his mom has given me a self worth and happiness that I had never known previously.
Any mom will understand when I say, it is amazing how being a mom brings you out of your shell–from the moment your baby is born, when you are happily topless in a hospital room in front of multiple strangers, through the ridiculous things you do just to make your kids smile (from dancing around like a complete fool, to the faces you have to make) to the in-depth public conversations about poop and pee-pee. And in the process, they let you be a child again yourself."

weird, i have seen that louanne name used all over the web. i must be a lot more caught up in all this than i wanted to admit. jenna strikes me as being quite centered, i kinda dont get the impression that she is bothered by this sort of random static.


Troublesome Internet Fringe Dweller

Thanks for that. Always good to know what Louanne is up to as she works her way through whatever endless ammends project she has got herself into. As for this . . .

. . . <snip> . . . Various commenters say that clicking on a link by the commenter/scientology shill who calls her/himself "Louanne", an OSA agent, causes your IP address to be captured by scientology - for what purpose, I don't know, since they can't monitor everyone who ever clicks on a link that takes them to scientology-run websites. Or can they? Still it's scary and creepy - that's the spécialité du cult, of course . . .

. . . I think its fair enough to warn others in case there are Scilons sneaking glimpses at the Internet. I wouldn't put it past Scientology to have a record of many of its members' IP digits. I'll just leave this here: https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en