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What is wrong in the Church of Scientology and why is it dangerous?


Silver Meritorious Patron
In October 2008 I have lost my brother in the Sea Organization of the Church of Scientology. Since then I was looking for what happened to him exactly and was reflecting our family history in and in contact with Scientology very meticulous. In this thread I will reveal the results of this search.

What is wrong in the Church of Scientology and why is it dangerous?
Part 1:

Scientology destroys families!

Our family was destroyed by Scientology as follows:

My brother Uwe Stuckenbrock already signed a Sea Org contract at the tender age of 16. During the 29 years up to his death he was only able to visit his family once, although in his telephone calls he
assured us he always wanted to visit us. I can remember two telephone calls in the nineties with Uwe where he clearly said that he could not travel because the Sea Org feared he would leave. Previously, we had even arranaged a period of time for his next visit, because Uwe wanted to visit his nieces. In the end, this visit never took place because he was not allowed to travel.

My brother Uwe Stuckenbrock died in October, 2008 at the age of 45 of his practically untreated multiple sclerosis, but more on that later in "Scientology offers medical services, without any qualification for it"

The contact with my brother Uwe Stuckenbrock was always hampered and controlled. Especially in the period 1997 to 2008 (i.e. the last eleven years of his life), it was extremely difficult to reach him by phone because he was by this time permanently in a so-called RPF of the Sea Org. In such a rehabilitation program no free communication is permitted. Even his mail got opened. And if we had to reach him by phone - which took at least three to four overseas phone calls, we always had the feeling that he could not speak freely.

When I in the late eighties once visited Uwe in Los Angeles, he had promised to organize accommodation and come and pick us up at the airport. My then-girlfriend and I had assumed we could stay overnight with Uwe - it sounded like it at the time after the telephone call. We waited 3 hours at the airport and nobody came to fetch us. Uwe could not to be reached by phone, so we had to search for a hotel ourselves. Then arrived at the hotel I tried again to reach Uwe and finally had success. He said he had sent someone to fetch us. I asked him whether we could meet tomorrow with him – he said that it was not possible to visit his accommodation and he offered us the next day to eat lunch together and afterwards to visit an amusement park. My girlfriend had no desire to be with these impolite, unreliable people. But, I enjoyed this one day with my big brother and that was a good thing for that was the last time that I saw Uwe alive, because afterwards no more visits with his family were permitted. The following day he had no time for me. I describe this here in some detail because it makes it quite clear how absolutely incredibly outrageous people in the Sea Org (which is called the most ethical place on the planet?) are handled. A brother comes once in 30 years for visit and it it is not even allowed by the Sea Org to fetch and personally grace him more than a half day with his brother The fanaticism, that leads to such stories is just sick!

We were informed not until five years (in 2002) after the diagnosis multiple sclerosis (which he got 1997) about the fact that my brother suffered this very serious illness. All our attempts to help (2002-2003) him with the usual medical approach were blocked by the Church of Scientology in Los Angeles. We were always told that the cause was probably found now (Amalgam fillings in his teeth was poisoning him) and that he was already better. Then it was said that a new alternative water therapy had begun, and that Uwe already started to make progress. The fact that altogether he got worse and worse was always hidden from us!

It was hidden from us that despite his severe illness he spent stressful long periods from 1997 to 2007 in an RPF camp full of up to 40 other RPF participants in a mass dorm. From 1997 to 2001 in Happily Valley and from 2001 to 2007 in the PAC RPF in Los Angeles.

To be continued soon.

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Silver Meritorious Patron
Markus, your story breaks my heart. I am so sorry for what Scientology has done to Uwe, you and your family.

I send so much love your way.
Seeking Justice for Uwe

Dear Markus,
If you have not already done so, please send all of your information about Uwe's lack of prompt diagnosis and denial of proper ongoing medical care, and his incarceration in unhealthy physical conditions on the RPF at INT and at Happy Valley to:

Rod Pacheco
Riverside County District Attorney
4075 Main Street
Riverside California, U.S.A. 92501

phone: 951-955-5400

Kristine Thornberry is the Director of Victim Services at the D.A.'s office, which provides free assistance to families of crime victims: (From the D.A. website)
"Help is available for victims of, and witnesses to, a crime -- the murder of a loved one ... a sexual assault ... the disclosure of a molest.

Victim services staff members cannot take the pain away nor can they bring back a loved one, but they can help victims and their families meet the immediate and long-term needs created by crime in their lives.
They provide these practical services:

* Emergency Assistance
* Crisis Intervention
* Counseling Referrals
* Help in filling out applications for crime victim compensation
* Help in dealing with the confusing court process
* Ongoing support while they learn to cope
* Information on the rights of victims of crime"

Blue Spirit

Silver Meritorious Patron
I'm Sick

That I supported this SICK group just destroys me inside.

They treat people better in real prison than the RPF. :angry:

I just read again Ken Urquhart's Blog (a great FZ auditor) who

was with LRH for 15 years and broke with him in 1978,

apparently due to LRH turning the RPF into a punitive game,

whereas it seems Ken helped design it for pure purposes at the start.

Markus, I don't know what to say, but I feel your pain and sadness. :bigcry:

Keep posting about your story and that may help a bit about how you feel.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Scientology exploits its members and staff

Part II

Scientology exploits its own members and Staff

During the eighties (approx. 1985) two registrars from Copenhagen made my mother buy Auditing worth 180000 DM. I myself was present at the conversation and informed both men that this "transaction" will drive my mother into the certain financial ruin. This did not interest these "ethical" men at all, they intimidated her by saying she would endanger her health if she did not continue the auditing, she was going to become seriously ill. My mother let herself be convinced through fear and finally had to sell all her possessions (property and house in worth of approx. € 600000) due to financial need and had to watch for every penny for the rest of her life. Her income was much too low to ever be able to pay off the mortgage.

I know another family whose parents had personally been working in Scientology for years. This family is poor and could not survive, if both parents had not got a second job in addition to the long hours in the "Org".
As a logical result they have no time for their children at all!

I myself have worked in the early eighties 1½ years in a Scientology mission, the Sea Org in Copenhagen and in Flag. and thereby painfully experienced myself that employees in Scientology organizations are exploited. 80 to 100 hours per week for a payment of DM 100 per month or less were normal.

When I was 18 I was persuaded for three entire nights (about 22-3 o'clock at night) by two Sea Org "Recruiting Officers" to sign a Sea Org contract which I then finally did.

In Copenhagen where I did a training as a course supervisor on behalf of my "mission", I experienced several "All Hands actions" until late into the night. From time to time we had day off in the week but mostly it was only half a day, in order to do the most important errands.

I left the Sea Org in Copenhagen in the end, because of these inhuman conditions of work and went back to my mission to Ulm where I took over the management of the course area. Shortly afterwards a Sea Org mission came along and the mission was forced to send people to Flag – for some reason I was selected again and did auditing over there and also some courses When the Sea Org members found out that I already had signed a Sea Org contract in Copenhagen, they offered me the post of CO Communicator. Thus I began the EPF in Flag and was allowed to clean hotel rooms from then on. But thank God my mission wanted to have me as a course supervisor back, so they put a young lady on a plane which brought me out of my house in a secret early morning action in order to bring me back to Ulm.

In Ulm I then confronted the "succesful" registrar (he could at least afford a fat, ugly Opel as a car, because of the money he unscrupulously pulled from people), because he constantly took course participants to his office during course time. I used the correct "lines" to enter a written complaint. I did the same, because of the constantly rising book prices. I even wrote two letters personally adressed to L. Ron Hubbard, but nothing changed.

The Registrar continued to take participants out of my course. My statistics were supposedly bad because the predominantly young people in my course became "only" Staff members and did no Auditing and they bought too few of the expensive books. Because I continued to resist the influential registrar I landed on the street again and had to lure people in with the free personality test and carry out MEST work, such as renovating rooms. My wage and in general the wages in the mission had reached a new low point. Without the financial help from my mother and my grandparents I could not have survived. I finally had enough and blew also from the mission in Ulm to move again to my mother in Friedrichshafen and to make up for my missed "Abitur" graduation. My grandmother paid the 2600 DM for me, which I had to pay as a punishment for not keeping to my contractual obligations and I had to sign a statement that I left Scientology in "Good Standing" and that I wouldn't spread anything bad about Scientology or else the costs "to redeem myself" would have turned out signifcantly higher.

I have much more to say.



Gold Meritorious Patron
Thank you.

You have much strength of character to tell your story. I am deeply sorry for the loss of you brother. It is just a heartbreaking story.

Thanks again.

Happy Days

Silver Meritorious Patron
Hi Markus

Thank you for sharing your story.

How sad it must be for you and your family to have loss your brother in such circumstances. My deepest sympathy to you all.

It certainly shows that the SO is a cold, hard and unsympathic bunch.

I totally understand your upset about not seeing your brother.

My daughter is at CMO Flag and she too has said the same i.e. she wants to come home and that a visit is on the cards etc. Yet, in her 10 years in the SO she has had 7 days off, 4 days when her sister had an accident and 3 days before she left for Flag. Which is far more than your brother...

She was fired to Flag from ANZO 5 years ago and we have not seen her since. The communication is almost non-existent, particular now we have announced we are no longer Scientologist.

So, it truly does indicate that the SO is not a family friendly organisation and they do not follow their own human rights or WTH data. How hypocritical is that???

I look forward to reading more of your journey.


Markus, I strongly recommend that you find your own attorney, and don't accept offers directly from people on this site. Realize that one of the tactics of OSA is to offer help, and then the people that are helping you are actually only willing to squash the case and make it go away.

Don't go away.



Silver Meritorious Patron
Scientology medical claims and medical dilettantism

Part III

Scientology offers medical services without any qualifications for doing so and behaves in amateur and crude way. Ill people are discriminated against in Scientology as "out-ethics" I have the following proof for that:

Uwe was diagnosed in 1997 that he suffers from multiple sclerosis. Because of this diagnosis he was left by his wife Laurisse Stuckenbrock, so that she could continue her Sea Org career at the side of David Miscavige.

Uwe tried to leave the Sea Org because of this dreadful injustice and had already "blown" – then however was lured back by Laurisse, "He should not make such a stupidity." In the hope the relationship with Laurisse could be maintained, he came back.

Because of his illness and because he had blown, he was assigned to a RPF (in 1997-2001) Happily Valley/RPF INT). "Sick employees are considered to be "out ethics" and first have to work hard at themselves in an RPF program (working themselves upwards in three stages) to be "allowed" again to produce perfectly. With his severe MS, he spent the rest of his life in such a "labor camp". From 2001 till 2007 he lived in the PAC RPF (Blue Building) in Los Angeles. From 2007 up to his death he was accommodated in Royal Palm Convalescent hospital 630 Broadway in Los Angeles where he finally passed away on the 6th October, 2008, in the end.

Because in a RPF the communication to outside world is extremely suppressed, Uwe, in my opinion did not have the opportunity to freely find out and to inform himself in detail about his illness. Medical assistance is only provided by Scientologists when all Hubbard techniques (Assists, cleaning rundowns, Auditing, ethics programs) do not help or if the state of health is so bad that the life of the concerned person is in danger. Furthermore most Scientologists with illnesses forgo the necessary medications because they do not want to interrupt their Auditing or because they want to be cured by Auditing. The case supervisor decides whether Auditing may continue when taking a certain medication.

The promises made by Mr. Hubbard in numerous publications regarding the healing of severe illnesses by Auditing and his numerous campaigns of hate against conventional medicine and psychiatry and against "anaesthetic drugs" in general subsequently leads to most Scientologists forgoing the much-needed medication and to search for salvation in auditing instead. This dangerous mechanism caused by the false promises made in Hubbard's writings very likely led to my brother not taking or not accepting a much-needed therapy by treatment through medication against his multiple sclerosis. Written information about the false hopes created in my brother by the healing promises in L. Ron Hubbard's writings will most probably be found by police investigators in his PC folders (his auditing records),

For people who are trapped in the Sea Org or even in the RPF and thus cut off completely from the free world, free thinking and neutral information (the post is opened, they can not make phone calls without supervision, contact with the outside world and the family is completely prohibited on the lowest level of the RPF), the risk of such a fate is even much greater. The possibilities to cover up such fates are made easier by the controlling system in the Sea Org, so that I assume that my brother certainly isn't the only victim of this suppressive machinery which despises people. Example given, I knew another victim in person (Heribert Pfaff who was from my home town Friedrichshafen) and I'm aware of numerous other casualties - who could still be alive today were it not for the Church of Scientology's amateurish approach when it comes to illnesses- through my internet research concerning my brother's death.

Since he had or a period of 30 years, only received the usual Sea Org salary ($30 a week - in the RPF $ 11.46 per week.), he could not have formed any financial reserves, which could have offered him additional possibilities in his tragic situation. So he was left with the Church of Scientology as his only possibility, even a return to his home country would only have been possible if his family would have a big property at their disposal over there to pay for his medical treatment and/or for his accomodation at a centre. After all, he never had paid money into the statutory health insurance scheme in Germany.

My brother - with his severe multiple sclerosis by 2004 - had to sleep and "live" together with up to 40 other RPF members in a small room crowded with bunk beds.

Depending on how good or bad his current condition was, either one or two RPF participants supported him and gave him "care". If my research is correct, then none of these people had any form of state-certified qualified medical or nursing training. As I said, they were RPF members who had been transferred to the RPF as a disciplinary measures for some reason. The following people had looked after my brother over the years: Steven Wills, Tom Brandis, Alan Povall and Karen J. Wagoner.

Particularly in the last years in which an intensive care of Uwe was necessary - he could only move his head, it would have been essential to use certified nurses, in order to maintain his health (and to stabilize his quality of life on a high level) for as long as possible. Here it would been important to execute effective pressure sores prevention, to make a professional plan for his care and also to allow for an effective prevention of pneunomia."

I have an official certificate as a curative education nurse and speaking with professional experience of 18 years in my job I am sure that any layman was overwhelmed by this, no matter how well-intentioned and that inevitably mistakes in the care took place. Again, the arrogance of the Church of Scientology becomes quite clear - they believe in everything by their religion and organization come to grips with no matter whether the persons that are qualified or not. Because Hubbard said he had found the best solution for all problems in this world. What a stupid arrogance of an individual human being.

For years, we (Uwe's family in Germany) were either lied to or not informed about his constantly worsening condition. Everything was always good, or would certainly become good again. We were always told that when we demanded to finally use medication against his MS. He would get Auditing , which supposedly had already shown initial success. He would be detoxified on a purification rundown and would get vitamins and it would make him better, the cause - old amalgan fillings in his teeth, the poisons in his body (presumably still from his youth in Germany) was now found and they would go to a dentist, then certainly everything would become better quickly, a whole new expensive water treatment would be applied to him and would soon contribute to his healing, etc.

All attempts by us to help Uwe with medical therapies and medications were consistently, succesfully rejected by the Church of Scientology.

We were also obviously being lied to about the possibility to bring Uwe back to Germany. My mother was already told in 2003 that Uwe couldn't be brought back to Germany. At my father's last visit with my brother in LA (2007!), his superiors offered to him to take him back to Germany. At this point it certainly has to be said that my father has been a extremely convinced Scientology staff member for more than 30 years now. My mother separated from my father in 1980 and we were not and we are not active Scientologists or opponents of Scientology. This offer of Uwe's superiors was for the following reasons a barefaced farce. For many years Uwe is held in the RPF and his health finally gets completely lost due to the false treatment. Then at the moment when he isn't articulate and can't spill any secrets anymore (when he was still well he was the chief of security of Scientology Int.) his father gets the generous offer of taking Uwe back to Germany.

I have reason to suspect that my brother because of his multiple sclerosis was very rare seen by a doctor, who was independent of Scientology . Rather, it is usual in the Sea Org to bring ill people and above all seriously ill people only to hospitals and to doctors that are either infiltrated by Scientology or strongly influenced by Scientology.

As far as I have been able to investigate up to now, Uwe never got drugs against his quickly spreading multiple sclerosis. Here the medical documents of my brother should be thoroughly examined to be able to uncover this fatal mistake for Uwe.

-when he was getting worse it was even harder to reach him. Sometimes I called three times before he (was allowed?) called (to call) back.

-in earlier times (before 2002) we were always told that Uwe is working on secret material and that this is the reason for this "bad communication".

-I first recognized that Uwe's health is really worse was just after my mother died.(March 2004) She had cancer and it was clear that she will not survive the next two days. So I called to LA and asked if Uwe please could call back in order to speak to her a last time. But Uwe did not call back. I called there about ten times until I was in such a rage that I screamed on them on the phone that our mother is dying and they just give me their bla bla etc. then Uwe called back just a few minutes after our mum passed away. And this was the very first moment I recognized how bad he was doing. He hardly could control his words because of his MS.

-after this I tried one more year to get information by calling in LA. I only got "good food, nice weather" statements about my brother's situation. And they always promised to keep us informed. But we only got information when we called there.

-I felt so helpless and this made me so angry that I decided to give the responsibility to my father - he was and is still an active Scientologist and so is his third wife. Her mum was in the Sea Org in the US at that time and I thought that maybe this connections will help to get good information and some help to Uwe.

- my father did not know anything about the severe situation of his son Uwe. But he promised me to look after him and keep me informed. Even inside the Church the communication seems to be very bad and “Black PR” is hidden very effective.
-he promised me that the guy who cares for Uwe will keep us informed at least every two weeks. But we only were informed once some days after my dad promised us that we will be better informed in the future. Then never again.

- after my dad called me on October 8. in order to tell me that Uwe has died I was looking for some information about his funeral in LA. And what I found was the letter of the RPF Insider. Before I thought Uwe was a high ranking Sea Org member in good standing - but what I found out by contacting people via internet who lived and suffered with him in the RPF was a total different reality. I was so stupid all those years!

However, what is extremely important to me is the fact that Uwe - according to my information - , when he wanted to leave the Sea Org in 1997 due to his illness and the experienced injustices that were connected to this, was held back and thereby kept in this deadly trap for him in my opinion against his will. In regards to this, the appropriate investigators should study my brother's personal ethic files really closely in order to uncover a possible inhuman crime.

"The bottom line is that Scientologists SOMETIMES seek conventional medical treatment for medical conditions, but only upon tightly controlled and monitored approval by the non-medically trained Scientology Case Supervisor, and this usually after it becomes apparent that all internal Hubbard technological approaches would fail to provide an adequate resolution of the condition "

In the case of my brother Uwe Stuckenbrock the above formulated fact has lead to a very cruel suffering and a absolute unnecessary death.

I also recommend you to study this thread of mine:


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Illegal Alien

Patron with Honors
Thanks for coming out with this story it brought tears to my eyes.

I only hope that if anybody with doubts on Scientology reading this decides to actually get out.

The fact that Scio actually gets away with this type of treatment is beneath me and I can only hope with enough of us speaking out that the truth is heard and people get out before their lives are destroyed.

My heart goes out to you and your family and please when you are ready send reports of these abuses to the necessary Authorities.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Thank you

Thanks for coming out with this story it brought tears to my eyes.

I only hope that if anybody with doubts on Scientology reading this decides to actually get out.

The fact that Scio actually gets away with this type of treatment is beneath me and I can only hope with enough of us speaking out that the truth is heard and people get out before their lives are destroyed.

My heart goes out to you and your family and please when you are ready send reports of these abuses to the necessary Authorities.

Thank you so much for your compassion Illegal Alien




Silver Meritorious Patron
you hit the nail on the head here Happy Days

Hi Markus

Thank you for sharing your story.

How sad it must be for you and your family to have loss your brother in such circumstances. My deepest sympathy to you all.

It certainly shows that the SO is a cold, hard and unsympathic bunch.

I totally understand your upset about not seeing your brother.

My daughter is at CMO Flag and she too has said the same i.e. she wants to come home and that a visit is on the cards etc. Yet, in her 10 years in the SO she has had 7 days off, 4 days when her sister had an accident and 3 days before she left for Flag. Which is far more than your brother...

She was fired to Flag from ANZO 5 years ago and we have not seen her since. The communication is almost non-existent, particular now we have announced we are no longer Scientologist.

So, it truly does indicate that the SO is not a family friendly organisation and they do not follow their own human rights or WTH data. How hypocritical is that???
I look forward to reading more of your journey.

Yes love and real compassion are totally missing in the CoS!



My Own Boss
In October 2008 I have lost my brother in the Sea Organization of the Church of Scientology. Since then I was looking for what happened to him exactly and was reflecting our family history in and in contact with Scientology very meticulous. In this thread I will reveal the results of this search.

What is wrong in the Church of Scientology and why is it dangerous?
Part 1:

Scientology destroys families!

Our family was destroyed by Scientology as follows:

My brother Uwe Stuckenbrock already signed a Sea Org contract at the tender age of 16. During the 29 years up to his death he was only able to visit his family once, although in his telephone calls he
assured us he always wanted to visit us. I can remember two telephone calls in the nineties with Uwe where he clearly said that he could not travel because the Sea Org feared he would leave. Previously, we had even arranaged a period of time for his next visit, because Uwe wanted to visit his nieces. In the end, this visit never took place because he was not allowed to travel.

My brother Uwe Stuckenbrock died in October, 2008 at the age of 45 of his practically untreated multiple sclerosis, but more on that later in "Scientology offers medical services, without any qualification for it"

The contact with my brother Uwe Stuckenbrock was always hampered and controlled. Especially in the period 1997 to 2008 (i.e. the last eleven years of his life), it was extremely difficult to reach him by phone because he was by this time permanently in a so-called RPF of the Sea Org. In such a rehabilitation program no free communication is permitted. Even his mail got opened. And if we had to reach him by phone - which took at least three to four overseas phone calls, we always had the feeling that he could not speak freely.

When I in the late eighties once visited Uwe in Los Angeles, he had promised to organize accommodation and come and pick us up at the airport. My then-girlfriend and I had assumed we could stay overnight with Uwe - it sounded like it at the time after the telephone call. We waited 3 hours at the airport and nobody came to fetch us. Uwe could not to be reached by phone, so we had to search for a hotel ourselves. Then arrived at the hotel I tried again to reach Uwe and finally had success. He said he had sent someone to fetch us. I asked him whether we could meet tomorrow with him – he said that it was not possible to visit his accommodation and he offered us the next day to eat lunch together and afterwards to visit an amusement park. My girlfriend had no desire to be with these impolite, unreliable people. But, I enjoyed this one day with my big brother and that was a good thing for that was the last time that I saw Uwe alive, because afterwards no more visits with his family were permitted. The following day he had no time for me. I describe this here in some detail because it makes it quite clear how absolutely incredibly outrageous people in the Sea Org (which is called the most ethical place on the planet?) are handled. A brother comes once in 30 years for visit and it it is not even allowed by the Sea Org to fetch and personally grace him more than a half day with his brother The fanaticism, that leads to such stories is just sick!

We were informed not until five years (in 2002) after the diagnosis multiple sclerosis (which he got 1997) about the fact that my brother suffered this very serious illness. All our attempts to help (2002-2003) him with the usual medical approach were blocked by the Church of Scientology in Los Angeles. We were always told that the cause was probably found now (Amalgam fillings in his teeth was poisoning him) and that he was already better. Then it was said that a new alternative water therapy had begun, and that Uwe already started to make progress. The fact that altogether he got worse and worse was always hidden from us!

It was hidden from us that despite his severe illness he spent stressful long periods from 1997 to 2007 in an RPF camp full of up to 40 other RPF participants in a mass dorm. From 1997 to 2001 in Happily Valley and from 2001 to 2007 in the PAC RPF in Los Angeles.

To be continued soon.


:omg: I wanna throw up. The bastards.


Silver Meritorious Patron
The RPF Insider"

RPF Insider#6

You see what happens when you start the program, you have to turn in
all your IDs; drivers' licence, passport, VISAs, credit cards, cash etc. My
credit cards are probably expired anyway and I can get new ones. I can
always figure out how to get some new valid ID. All RPFers' valuable
documents are kept in a file cabinet locked up so that you cannot take off
with your own documents. You are also not allowed to have more than $20 in
cash in your pocket, and if you manage to save up more, instead of spending
it in the canteen, you are supposed to turn it in for safe keeping. I guess
another freak-control-mechanism, making it really hard to blow. If the RPFer
is not from the US, a passport is obviously needed to get home, and it would
take some time and money to report it stolen and get a new one. I guess the
idea is that security will be able to find you "off guard," without any ID,
job, money, credit cards etc. I can imagine that it takes some guts to blow
not because you're fed up with the scene here but for the main reason that
you are hitting the streets with no money, no ID and no place to stay...

What I wanted to say with this letter is something that I have had a
lot of attention on for quite some time. Specifically there are two RPFers
at the time. The first RPFer is named Uwe Stuckenbrock. He arrived in the
RPF here in PAC around 2001, but I believe he was on the RPF in Happy Valley
before he came here. He is diagnosed with MS, Multiple Sclerosis, a disease
that from what I understand (from having looked it up in the encyclopedia)
there is no known cure for. Over the last 3 years, I have watched him
getting worse and worse, though it seems that he is getting some of
attention and care. When he arrived he had a hard time walking by himself,
and this has deteriorated to the point of needing full time around the clock
assistance. He always has one or two other RPFers caring for him, as at this
point he cannot even make it to the bathroom by himself. He cannot walk at
all now and he has to be taken around in a wheel chair. What I don't
understand is that although he is being treated with a lot of natural foods
and juices and vitamins and assists he's getting worse and worse. He does go
to the local hospital sometimes with two people escorting him. He's getting
checkups at LA County Hospital or somewhere, where the church is getting
free service on Medicare, because we RPFers simply don't have any money for
any medical bills. Not long ago, we had to prepare a separate room for him
on the 2nd floor in the West wing, next to the stairwell towards Catalina
Street. He had been in the hospital and in critical condition. When he came
back he needed a cleaner, more private environment to recover. We spent
several days gutting out a little closed off room (where the other guy was
living that I'm going to tell you about, Mike Eves). The space was filthy
and outrageously dusty, like it hadn't been cleaned for months. We repainted
the entire room, put up new curtains, put in a new carpet, new cabinets,
etc. Uwe was living in a little curtained off space in a room with about 50
other guys.(the room I told you about earlier, with the bunks crammed in and
up to the ceiling.) It was decided that Uwe's condition was more critical
than Mike's, so we were ordered to switch their places!! Mike was recovering
from a very critical operation for cancer, and HAD ONE LUNG REMOVED! Having
watched this scene going on for years, it is obvious to me that THESE TWO
GUYS WILL NEVER MAKE IT OUT OF THE RPF ALIVE! It's technically impossible,
as you have to "make someone else better" i.e. your twin, in order to
graduate. These guys don't even have twins and are just fighting to stay
alive. Come on! Uwe cannot even get up to go to the bathroom. What in hell
is he doing in the RPF?? He cannot be getting enough professional care and
attention and it's INHUMAN to watch what is going on. All the other RPFers
are probably also outraged, but are suppressing their own feelings, in the
hope of not missing their own chance to get out of here. I'm actually
wondering how long these guys will survive and why they are not granted some
forgiveness for whatever they were assigned to the RPF for. Human decency
would be to sign them in to a proper nursing home to recover or at least die
in peace. The one theory that I have is this: Uwe Stuckenbrock was the
International Security Chief at Hemet. O'boy! What would happen if he had
the opportunity to let the world know what is going on up there or the
security issues that exist all over the planet. I'm sure that he's kept in
the RPF so won't be able to leak any data out. When he arrived on the RPF he
was at the caselevel of OT III and from what I heard, don't know if this is
true, but his MS turned on while he was auditing on this level. So what has
been done over the last 3 years to "handle" this? He completed OT III, was
audited through OT IV and has been getting sessions on OT V for at least one
year - I guess in the hope that he'd be getting better, but he's NOT
IMPROVING! He is getting worse!

OK, the next guy, Mike Eves. He also came from INT. I believe that he
arrived around the end of 2001. At first he was auditing and had a twin and
was doing the official program. For some reason he got sick and it turned
out that he had lung cancer. It was so critical that it was thought to be
terminal, but through some miracle he managed to survive. He had an
operation and they took out one of his lungs and he spent the last 2 years
recovering from this tragedy. And get this: his wife Cherie Eves (also in
the RPF) was assigned to care for him and she did so excellently. She was
with him day and night for months and his son Paul Eves, (ALSO HERE IN THE
RPF and also from INT headquarters!!) was with him in the hospital. I
believe he was so critical that he might die so he was allowed to be
attended by his son and wife. Can you believe it, the entire family in the
RPF under these conditions? Cherie "graduated" not long ago and went back to
work at Bridge Publications. She is responsible for the printing and
publishing of new LRH books and volumes coming out. I just don't see that
they will EVER get back together as a family. Since Cherie is gone, Mike
looks very lonely and it must be hard to be in a room alone with nothing to
do. The RPF rules apply to him to; you cannot have any news papers, cannot
listen to any radio, no CD's or any music of any kind, much less any TV.
TOTALLY CUT OFF FROM THE ENTIRE WORLD. By the way, you cannot read any
novels either, only books written by LRH. He looks depressed and very
unhappy, and I wish I could do anything to cheer him up. I don't see any
hope of any future for him, as it is right now, he is also doomed to die in
the RPF, as nobody is "letting him off the hook." I have no clue what he was
doing at the INT headquarters, but obviously he is a danger and menace to
David M's regime, and is being disposed of like Uwe.

Please do something for these guys, before it's too late. I hate to see
their last document being published that "they served the Sea Organization
for xx amount of years and are granted a 21 year leave of absence before
they come back." This is a fact, this is what is written for anybody who
dies in the Sea Org and it closes their PC folder, it is the last document.
When you "come back" in the next body, you can "continue up the Bridge from
where you left off." This "honorable" document is always written by
Executive Director Int, Guillome Lesevre. I hate to see these guys dying
here in the RPF and I wish they could get proper, professional medical care
under no mental and physical stress.

On a similar issue, I wonder why older people are being put through the
same level of physical stress as the younger ones. The rule is in the RPF
that "you must always run." The former Captain of AOSH ANZO in Sydney is
here in the RPF, her name is Elaine Allen. She's about 60 years old and is
expected to work all the same hours. She has complained of aches and pains
in her hands from the hard physical work. The pain is so bad that she has a
hard time writing, typing and auditing which makes it even more difficult to
get through the RPF training program. Oh! by the way, another rule for
RPFers is that we cannot take any elevators. The showers are located on the
6th and 7th floor for the RPF in the big blue building. We take a shower
every day, and I don't want to calculate how many times I have run up and
down those stairs over the years... There are a few people that have bad
physical problems who get special permission by the RPF I/C to take the
elevator, but that's very few. Most of Elaine's family is in the Sea Org and
her son is working at OSA International in Hollywood. Another guy named
Henry Woodruff actually made it out of here alive earlier this year. He was
over 60, but very healthy and strong. However, what I didn't understand
about his situation was that he had to wait for OVER 6 MONTHS to be able to
leave. He had a "Committee of Evidence" that had to get approved before he
could leave, then he had to wait some more months for his $500 severance
pay. He was in the RPF's RPF for over 6 months, doing physical work in the
basement with the other guys for 10 hours a day - AT THE AGE OF 60!! I'm
sure he caught up with the "real world" when he was finally allowed to
leave. I don't know if he just got Fitness Boarded out or if he got SP

There are also a bunch of kids here that are under age. One that graduated
is Cameron Allsop. He was at the International Ranch for the kids, and when
he was about 14 or so, he fooled around with some girls or whatever and got
himself RPFed for out 2D. (Pretty normal for a boy that age to be interested
in girls as I recall, but not in the sea org!!) When he arrived in the RPF
he could barely read, due to his very low education level. It took him about
4-5 years to get through the program and he finally graduated with his twin
Eric Smith. Eric is back at CC Int as a security guard and Cameron is
working at ASHO Day. They are both about 18 or 20 now. It's common that
teenagers in the Sea Org get curious about sex, and not being allowed to
explore mother nature, they "do it anyway" and find themselves on the RPF.
These Sea Org kids grow up seeing there parents once a day for an hour at
most and often barely ever see them at all. How do you start a relationship
or a marriage, not being allowed to explore and enjoy what has been "the
birds and the bees" on this planet since Man developed? There is a frantic
control of the "2nd Dynamic" which is called the "family or sex dynamic." If
you want to look it up somewhere else, LRH explains what the "8 Dynamics"
are. I've seen it's a common thing that young Sea Org members get married
just to be able to "stick to the rules and still experience sex." Then if it
doesn't work out, a divorce follows shortly after. There IS NO FAMILY LIFE
in the Sea Org and what is there is frantically controlled. I think the
above should give you an idea of what some members are going through. I hate
to admit to this, but I have spent many hours "recruiting Sea Org members"
over the years before I came to the RPF. Any recruiter will paint up a story
how good it is and "it will all work out once you are a dedicated Sea Org
Member." I guess these newsletters should not be mistaken for "Recruitment
letters"!! Or what do you say? Come and join me! The RPF is ONLY for Sea Org
members and it's FREE! All they want is your mind, your soul, your life and
your next billion years.

"Not long ago, we had to prepare a separate room for him
on the 2nd floor in the West wing, next to the stairwell towards Catalina
Street. He had been in the hospital and in critical condition. When he came
back he needed a cleaner, more private environment to recover. We spent
several days gutting out a little closed off room (where the other guy was
living that I'm going to tell you about, Mike Eves). The space was filthy
and outrageously dusty, like it hadn't been cleaned for months. We repainted
the entire room, put up new curtains, put in a new carpet, new cabinets,
etc. Uwe was living in a little curtained off space in a room with about 50
other guys.(the room I told you about earlier, with the bunks crammed in and
up to the ceiling.) It was decided that Uwe's condition was more critical
than Mike's, so we were ordered to switch their places!! Mike was recovering
from a very critical operation for cancer, and HAD ONE LUNG REMOVED! Having
watched this scene going on for years, it is obvious to me that THESE TWO
GUYS WILL NEVER MAKE IT OUT OF THE RPF ALIVE! It's technically impossible,"

Well it seems that this was not done in order to help Uwe but rather to seperate him from the others. Does anybody know the reference on this?

" It's an LRH order that sick people are supposed to be "isolated"
from others."

Please read this story:http://www.spaink.net/cos/mpoulter/sods.html
