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Getting around or where to go


I was allowed to slip through the cracks from the church. I had signed a 2 ½ year contract initially and was bullied to sign a 5 years one after I separated from my then husband after almost 2 years in staff.

After that, I blew staff in order to be able to go back to my home country. I was brought back and manage to have a 4 weeks leave of absence to go visit my family. I came back and I wanted out. Not because I stopped believing but because I needed to live my life and be able to support myself. I routed out without any freeloader debt since all services I received (and mind you, there weren’t many!) were done under that first contract that I did finished.

I found a job and started volunteering at the church. Life was going well. They wanted me back in staff but I used the “I’m an exSO so I can’t” card every time they mention something and I went on with my live. Then I met my now husband, got madly in love and move in with him. Now I had a family again (he has 2 children from a previous marriage) and was living farther away form the org, so I naturally stopped going.

There were many things that I didn’t like but I always assumed there were part of the many cultural differences and cultural shock of living away from home, in a different culture. I stopped answering the calls after it became obnoxious that they were asking for money that I didn’t have, and because of my upbringing I would have not go in debt to pay for whatever they were asking.

Then the Debbie Cook email came public and I put some dots together. Somehow I found about Marty and more dots joined the ones already connected. Upper management were doing some nasty things and were ruining the church, thanks for the ones who have left to keep the tech available… I would think of myself during that time as an “independent” for a lack of a better term.

I never went up the bridge, I did most of the life improvement courses, the purif (that BTY, I was rush to attest completion) and pro-trs. I just had enough data to help my life be better and dreamt of a day I would have enough money to pay off my bridge and do it full time.

Then I started learning about who really Hubbard was, but I still believed in the tech; then I found you and the rest of the dots got connected. And my stable data blew away. I don’t have the reality that the tech doesn’t work, even though I questioned many times the behavior of many OTs. I was offered kool aid, and I drank the basic flavors only because I didn’t have the money or the urgency to drink the others. I liked those flavors and was happy enjoying them.

It’s been 8 years since I’ve in an org. 8 years of keeping a dying dream alive. My life hasn’t involved direct scientologyfor that many time, you can say I don’t have many ties with them, and maybe that’strue, but now my whole ‘spiritual’ being is just confused, in pain and with loads of shame. I left many years ago, bu tuntil know I’m aware of how bad they really are. Where I go from here? I have a good life, just a huge hole in my being that I’m not sure how to fill again. Reading your stories, being made aware has been very painful. I don’t know what to do with this pain with this emptiness. Now I'm facing life without scientology.


Patron Meritorious

. . . . . . . . . . I left many years ago, bu tuntil know I’m aware of how bad they really are. Where I go from here? I have a good life, just a huge hole in my being that I’m not sure how to fill again. Reading your stories, being made aware has been very painful. I don’t know what to do with this pain with this emptiness. Now I'm facing life without scientology.


I understand and feel for you. Most of us have a hole in our lives caused by the time we spent in scientology. My advice, for what it's worth, is to fill that hole you presently feel with real life, attempting to understand that you DO NOT NEED scientology. It is fake. Smoke and mirrors. Get angry if you need to. Sometimes it helps.
Facing life without scientology is actually facing life. Not the isolated, redefined, invented life of scientology.
You've probably come a lot farther than you realize in your eight years out.
Hang in there and things will brighten up. Scientology's part of your history, as it is mine. And history's history. A done deal.
Good luck and good wishes !


Gold Meritorious Patron
I was allowed to slip through the cracks from the church. I had signed a 2 ½ year contract initially and was bullied to sign a 5 years one after I separated from my then husband after almost 2 years in staff.

After that, I blew staff in order to be able to go back to my home country. I was brought back and manage to have a 4 weeks leave of absence to go visit my family. I came back and I wanted out. Not because I stopped believing but because I needed to live my life and be able to support myself. I routed out without any freeloader debt since all services I received (and mind you, there weren’t many!) were done under that first contract that I did finished.

I found a job and started volunteering at the church. Life was going well. They wanted me back in staff but I used the “I’m an exSO so I can’t” card every time they mention something and I went on with my live. Then I met my now husband, got madly in love and move in with him. Now I had a family again (he has 2 children from a previous marriage) and was living farther away form the org, so I naturally stopped going.

There were many things that I didn’t like but I always assumed there were part of the many cultural differences and cultural shock of living away from home, in a different culture. I stopped answering the calls after it became obnoxious that they were asking for money that I didn’t have, and because of my upbringing I would have not go in debt to pay for whatever they were asking.

Then the Debbie Cook email came public and I put some dots together. Somehow I found about Marty and more dots joined the ones already connected. Upper management were doing some nasty things and were ruining the church, thanks for the ones who have left to keep the tech available… I would think of myself during that time as an “independent” for a lack of a better term.

I never went up the bridge, I did most of the life improvement courses, the purif (that BTY, I was rush to attest completion) and pro-trs. I just had enough data to help my life be better and dreamt of a day I would have enough money to pay off my bridge and do it full time.

Then I started learning about who really Hubbard was, but I still believed in the tech; then I found you and the rest of the dots got connected. And my stable data blew away. I don’t have the reality that the tech doesn’t work, even though I questioned many times the behavior of many OTs. I was offered kool aid, and I drank the basic flavors only because I didn’t have the money or the urgency to drink the others. I liked those flavors and was happy enjoying them.

It’s been 8 years since I’ve in an org. 8 years of keeping a dying dream alive. My life hasn’t involved direct scientologyfor that many time, you can say I don’t have many ties with them, and maybe that’strue, but now my whole ‘spiritual’ being is just confused, in pain and with loads of shame. I left many years ago, bu tuntil know I’m aware of how bad they really are. Where I go from here? I have a good life, just a huge hole in my being that I’m not sure how to fill again. Reading your stories, being made aware has been very painful. I don’t know what to do with this pain with this emptiness. Now I'm facing life without scientology.

Keep writing and sharing. Most here have been through a similar emotional trauma and loss. Commiserating with them helps, and your writings will help the next one like you. I saw on SallyD's thread that you have read her story (to date, keep writing SallyD - and you Maria). You are not alone. And that black hole you feel inside, will fill with love, for yourself and others, for the compassion we share with and offer/give each other. No strings attached.
:console: :hug: :rose:

Free Being Me

Something for you to think about Maria.

Jack Kornfield: The Ancient Heart of Forgiveness

Jack Kornfield: Compassion


Gold Meritorious Patron
Hi Maria,

I know the ache. That empty feeling. God it hurts! I know all the words of others can't take the ache away. I know the long nights where the only words in my mind were "where to now without scientology in my life?"

Here's what I worked out:

To feel the need for a system/religion to fulfill me in some way was to constantly tell myself that I wasn't enough, that I needed "fixing" in some way. That was a big lie. External "answers" are only helpful to a limited degree. The real answers, the peace, the love, the joy, are all within self.

I do not rely on anything or anyone externally to make me feel whole, happy, contented, peaceful, etc. I am my own healer, my own voice, my own guide, my own wisdom. Sometimes I stuff up - big time. I accept I will stuff up and have the capacity to return to a better mood, a better way of living and so forth.

I have thoroughly explored many subjects on my journey of recovery. Subjects such as compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, theories on trauma, mind control, cult recovery, etc. I have spent hundreds of hours reading and playing with various ideas. I have watched hundreds of vids on Youtube and listened to hundreds of hours of interviews of other peoples "spiritual ideas".

And then I put it all together, my way. I follow no one! I filled the emptiness with love and wonder and discovered so much about myself along the way. Know thyself. Love thyself. Some might call this "self mastery". I simply call it living life, loving life, my way.

You have everything, deep within, to find your way home to peace and joy. Try to be gentle with yourself, try to be kind to yourself. Be your own best friend. Move slowly, gracefully, to trusting your own inner voice. Read and explore various subjects which may catch your curiosity. Give yourself quiet time to reflect and just be with yourself. Perhaps explore some form of meditation - my method is based on nothing more than sitting quietly and letting it all be for a few minutes each day. Nothing fancy about what I do but it calms my mind, eases the noise and makes me feel more centered.

Another thing I do which I hesitate to mention because it might me sound like a total dick, is I dance. Privately I let go and ungraciously and unconsciously boogie to a tune I enjoy. The thing is I can't dance for shit, I feel about as uncoordinated as a woman with two left feet. But it feels so good to move to music so I indulge myself, privately. It is very liberating and brings me a wonderful carefree sense not unlike that which innocent children have. Dancing has helped me heal and find that beautiful innocent joy children so naturally have.

Wanna dance with me Maria? I won't laugh at you if you promise not to laugh at me and my two left feet? :flowers:

Free Being Me

The greatest challenge for most of us is believing we are worthy now, right this minute. Worthiness doesn't have prerequisites. So many of us have knowingly created/unknowingly allowed/been handed down a long list of worthiness prerequisites:

*I'll be worthy when I lose twenty pounds

*I'll be worthy if I can get pregnant.

*I'll be worthy if I get/stay sober.

*I'll be worthy if everyone thinks I'm a good parent.

*I'll be worthy when I can make a living selling my art.

*I'll be worthy when I make partner.

*I'll be worthy if my parents finally approve.

*I'll be worthy if he calls me back and asks me out.

*I'll be worthy when I can do it all and look like I'm not even trying.

Here's what is truly at the
heart of Wholeheartedness: Worthy now. Not if. Not when. We are worthy of love and belonging now. Right this minute. As is.

The Gifts Of Imperfection - Brene Brown

Maria, we're all worthy right now, everyone, and so are you. That's one of the core lies of scientology, that we aren't worthy, we have to be a clear or ot, on purpose and all that rot, and we're never enough. Truth is we each are enough! Hope you and Sallydannce have a good time dancing!

Arthur Dent

Silver Meritorious Patron
Hi Maria,
I am just wondering...is or was your current husband a scientologist, also?

I recommend education. I don't know your education level or what work you do. But you can always do some more education and it is a great social
and intellectual outlet. You meet a lot of people who are at various stages of life and who all have learning in common.
The playing field is equal. People come from all walks of life and all backgrounds. Find some things that interest you and dive in.
If you don't like something you can always change your mind. If language is any barrier, you may be surprised at the resources available to you.

Hang out on this board and maybe that will help that empty feeling go away also. Be good to yourself.

Idle Morgue

Gold Meritorious Patron
Maria - BIG HUG! We have all been through the pain of being deceived and the spiritual abuse of this betrayal (from Scientology and the scam that it is) is extremely horrific! I can tell you that it does get better and you will heal with time. It is a trauma!

Feel, grieve and just find some good friends and family to surround yourself with. You will know what to do - don't fight the pain - surrender to it and it will subside! We are here for you and by virtue of this board - have SURVIVED getting out of the cult and have shared our stories (some undercover mind you).

You are loved and understood here!! You will survive it and be a better person because of this - strong and resilient!


Patron Meritorious

Do you realized how strong you had to be to get out of scientology ?

That in itself is good reason for feeling good about yourself and realizing your self-worth !


Thank you for sharing Maria, as you will notice you are amongst the many who feel the void left from Hubbard's mind-replacement scheme.
Maybe instead of looking at it like a hole/void, try instead to consider it a scar where the wart use to be. Trust me, with love and understanding, the emptiness is merely an illusion, it is something that the cult has fostered for years, you know, the whole 'Its us or them/there is nothing else but us/you can't be without Lron's 'tech'/blah-blah-blah ad nausea'.

Live a good life, you sound like an awesome person, nice to see you here voicing your feelings.

:cheers: & :cake:
It’s been 8 years since I’ve in an org. 8 years of keeping a dying dream alive. My life hasn’t involved direct scientologyfor that many time, you can say I don’t have many ties with them, and maybe that’strue, but now my whole ‘spiritual’ being is just confused, in pain and with loads of shame. I left many years ago, bu tuntil know I’m aware of how bad they really are. Where I go from here? I have a good life, just a huge hole in my being that I’m not sure how to fill again. ...

The reality is you are free to choose. You could do nothing. You could engage in a course of reading and self-study. You could join a "mainstream" religion. You could sample a variety of "self-help" and awareness seminars. Since you are not obligated to submit to the directions of the cult you have freedom to pursue whatever interests you have.

There are certainly no shortage of alternative practices and spiritual traditions to get on with should that be your choice. A few of the ones with participants represented on this board are: idenics, knowledgism, metapsychology, freezone, independent scientology, Buddhism, shamanism, etc..

And the exhortation to not "mix practices" does not apply hence you needn't feel compelled to restrict yourself to only one tradition or practice. :)

Enjoy the smorgasbord.

Mark A. Baker


Gold Meritorious Patron
There has been lots of good advice already shared. Be kind to yourself, live your life, find things that make you happy and do them. Get involved with friends/family.

It is not "failure" to leave a cult. It is proof of how strong you are. Live, love, forgive, move on. But stop by here (ESMB) now and then to join in the discussion and help others who have left and need some encouragement.


Hi, Maria.

I'm a book reader and am going to recommend some books to read. I found that these books dissolved Scientology and the Bridge and Case and all that for me - leaving me whole and fresh, no gaping holes. In fact, they were expansive and for me to be a Scientologist now would be restrictive...I would lose something to go there again.

Remember when you learned about the Tone Scale and engrams and the Bridge and Comm cycles and TRs and all of that you could actually see dramatizations and maybe predict behavior based on missed w/h "data" and all of that? Remember how you dearly wanted those around you to know and understand because of this new found information and your ability to see? How aware you became and how lost those around you were without it? Well, now I feel that way with Scientologists and Scientology in many ways. I wish they all could read these books and grow beyond Hubbard's Scientology.

Also, one of the authors and their work that I am recommending people consider to be a cult and a cult guru. Well, that may be but I don't follow him and actually got from his work that there is nothing to follow and certainly no one who can teach it as the answers are in you and with you. Remember how Ron talks about remedying havingness and talks about merely replacing the mass to eliminate a loss? Well, I am certainly not recommending or talking about replacing Scientology with another guru and "mass"!!

OK, here's the books that I recommend...I think they complement one another and, as I stated, they dissolved my "need" for Scientology.

There Is A River by Thomas Sugrue

This is the story of Edgar Cayce and if you click on the hyperlink it's possible to download this book as a pdf. I haven't done so but it appears that this link will do that. I've read a couple books on Cayce and this is the best and definitive one. In it, near the end, is a wonderful summary of what Cayce had to say while in trance about the nature of the human race, spirituality and "truth". I found this particularly enlightening.

Journey of Souls


Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton

These hyperlinks definitely work as I just downloaded them. These works have to do with a regressive hypnotherapist who discovered the "between lives area" and the subsequent study of some 7,000 cases. These books were actually recommended by a thread here on ESMB by DullOldFart Paul. I found these books to be very enlightening and seemed to complement the others.

Finally there's a series by the guy who some proclaim is a cult leader/guru false, fake, facade. I don't know and don't care...the only thing I care about is that from these books I was able to completely view Scientology for what it is. I found them to be very enlightening and recommend them to any Scientologist whether active, questioning or ex.

Power vs Force by David R. Hawkins

Then it's "Eye of the I" and "I: Reality and Subjectivity", I believe that's the line up. He wrote about 9 or so books in this series but everything is covered in the first 3.

Here's an Amazon link to the author: David R. Hawkins

These works are descriptive of the ego/spiritual ego...something that I was familiar with but never understood. After reading these the Scientology thing went "POOF!" for me.

Hope this helps and certainly NOT recommending any gurus or Bridges or Tech, etc. If you read those Hawkins' books you'll have to read past the applied kinesiology material. He starts off pretty strong with that and tones down each book thereafter. NO NEW TECH RECOMMENDED!!



Sorry for the absence, I was planning a reply for this tread with the changes that came with only writing it when tragedy hit my family really hard.

I just lost my only sibling. I’m getting ready to go visit my parents. My priorities just changed and are not any more about me or scientology, it’s about family and love and life.

I’ll be gone for a while, I may lurk or not, but I’ll come back.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Journey safely, Maria. Take care. :wave: Hope to hear from you soon. Sorry for your loss. :rose:

Free Being Me

Sorry for the absence, I was planning a reply for this tread with the changes that came with only writing it when tragedy hit my family really hard.

I just lost my only sibling. I’m getting ready to go visit my parents. My priorities just changed and are not any more about me or scientology, it’s about family and love and life.

I’ll be gone for a while, I may lurk or not, but I’ll come back.



Re: Getting around or where to go - HOME

Thank you all for your words and advise. This have been the most difficult 8 months of my life. I'm hanging in there, one day at a time.

Scientology is now like a bad dream, but it doesn't matter any more. I have come back to the religion of my upbringing, which is the same religion my family shares and is what has given me comfort in these desperate times. As always, I have many disagreements with it, but it's familiar and I need familiar now. I take what works for me and my family and leave the rest behind.

So in a way, I have come home.

Free Being Me

Re: Getting around or where to go - HOME

Thank you all for your words and advise. This have been the most difficult 8 months of my life. I'm hanging in there, one day at a time.

Scientology is now like a bad dream, but it doesn't matter any more. I have come back to the religion of my upbringing, which is the same religion my family shares and is what has given me comfort in these desperate times. As always, I have many disagreements with it, but it's familiar and I need familiar now. I take what works for me and my family and leave the rest behind.

So in a way, I have come home.

Hi Maria. I wish you well on this journey and please remind yourself that you are enough. Here's link to a collection of self nurturing tools and I hope one speaks to you with empowering inspiring encouragement. Recovering From Scientology - Updated Post 12



Re: Getting around or where to go - HOME

Hi Maria. I wish you well on this journey and please remind yourself that you are enough. Here's link to a collection of self nurturing tools and I hope one speaks to you with empowering inspiring encouragement. Recovering From Scientology - Updated Post 12


Thank you for your words Free Being Me. Unfortunately, losing my only sibling cured me for losing scientology. I'm working on self nurturing, now that I'm an only child, my parents only have me and I can't fail them. It's been a bumpy ride, but I don't feel anything about scientolgy, it's just part of my past, long gone. It really doesn't' matter anymore.

I keep coming here because I have found some kindred hearts, and I'm nurturing myself with that love, and learning to laugh again.

It's not anymore about scientology, it's now about love, family and life.