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Another interview with Scarlett, on "Today/Tonight"


Patron Meritorious
Scarlett was absolutely brilliant. She was articulate and looked gorgeous, and her honesty was unquestionable. I can see her becoming an interviewer herself. I am completely, totally stunned by her performance.



Scarlett spoke so beautifully in this interview. She is one gorgeous girl and her parents MUST feel something in their hearts, and question what the hell they are doing.

The rebuttal doco makes very sad reading. These kids had nothing to compare a REAL childhood with, and therefore their unfortunate upbringing becomes normalised.

Love to Scarlett. Brave, beautiful girl.

In regard to the letters in the rebuttal - The parents who have written are used to deceiving to protect the CofS.......It's sad to see that the kids are learning to do the same.


Gold Meritorious Patron

Thank you darling woman. You are magnificent.

Please know there is great love in the world. It helps soothe and heal. Indeed in my experience of coming out of scientology, it has been the best healing agent. There is great love within you and surrounding you. Bask in it. You are terrific.


Free to shine

Shiny & Free
I just heard that ACA ran a story as well and I missed it! Also heard that Channel 10 did something on their main evening news.

Then later tonight don't forget the ABC's next instalment regarding the cover up of child abuse.

Today, every major news station in Australia is talking about the abuses of Scientology.

What an amazing 24 hours!
Scarlett on 4 tv programs (I've lost count?) and at least one radio show, Scooter on radio and more to come on Lateline tonight.

I hope that overseas friends can appreciate that this is a smallish country and this kind of saturation on the media means it is a huge story. What may seem old news to us is new news to the vast majority of the public....and it's only going to get better as more and more feel safe to speak.


good on ya scarlett!:clap: u are an inspiration to us who have grown up with you! pissed off with sarah's statement! but of course they have to find someone who has grown up with you that is still in there to try to make you look like an idiot but really she's the one who looks like an idiot cause we know the truth! more like she's the one who has been told what to say! ugh! really shits me! but i guess she's just following orders.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Awesome!!! I know Bryan was pretty pleased about this segment and I now understand why.

Bryan you are amazing and persistent and brave and we love you.

Scarlett, you were absolutely awesome. I'm so proud of you. You were dignified and calm and real. You said so much in so few words.

If I could have one wish in the world it would be that your parents are together right now, looking at each other and asking themselves "what the fuck have we done?"

It has to happen eventually. I hope for you and them it happens very soon.
This says it all. I loved the little smile you gave, Scarlett, as you suggested that your Mum could "step away". You're right. Not to underestimate how hard that would be, she could do it and find herself free at last, and able to be a mother and grandmother at last. I hope she does it.

Virginia, take a good look at yourself, girl. Scarlett is not the liar.
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That document from the COS looks so inauthentic and fake.
The fancy name is Discourse Analysis. The everyday term is knowing when someone is full of shit. They been in that org too long and don't know how to sound convincing to wogs. Linguistically deprived.

Human Again

Silver Meritorious Patron
How bitter sweet. Micheal Guillot: His Mum and Dad were amongst the most gentle and compassionate people I knew in the ANZO SO. Bindi : I assume is Alastair and Tania's child. Sue McClintoch, so like your Mum and your Dad that I feel I am looking at them both when I see you on the screen

They sound so reasonable, so happy and I know I would have sounded like that if I had been called upon to defend my trap while I was a dedicated Sea Org member. The sincerity is 100%. There is no doubt you are a joy to your parents, kids, but what about your chance to have chldren, a proper family, art in your life, music, anything other than Hubbard's intention in your life?

How bitter that you are not free to receive responses to your own words, how sad that you turn against Scarlet who was one of you and is stating her truth, disclosing her lonliness and you cannot flex your viewpoint enough to see it from her POV for even a moment. Or maybe you can and this is the chink in the doorway that you will walk through one day soon.

I hear the calm, sincere voices with which these children write and I know that they live under the indoctrination of "No case on post" No emotion other than that which is productive, "No other fish to fry" no purpose or desire other than what is sanctioned, "No entheta" pass on only good news and what is desired to be heard, don't face reality, speak your truth or question the powers that be.

Congratulations Scarlet - for upholding your own soverignty - I can only imagine the strength it takes after growing up within the trap, and I hope your parents can find theirs again so they can choose their bond with you over their false priorities and delusions about the world.

Arthur Dent

Silver Meritorious Patron
That document from the COS looks so inauthentic and fake.
The fancy name is Discourse Analysis. The everyday term is knowing when someone is full of shit. They been in that org too long and don't know how to sound convincing to wogs. Linguistically deprived.

Yes, they cannot think or work outside of their trite methodology. We all know how these "rebuttals" come about. And how the person does it for "the greatest good," bypassing all normal emotions and longings.
They have been brainwashed to believe that feelings are HE&R (Human Emotion & Reaction for those fortunately uneducated in the mind-fuck lingo) and therefore evil.:omg:

If a person grew up so happy in the sea org then I should think that if even one person was abused, let alone the many, that they would stand up to ensure that it was corrected. That would be true protection of their religion. But this is the brainwashed mind-fuck trap they are stuck in and cannot get out of. And it will be their demise.

p.s. Yes you can. Just walk away. Life is easy once you do that!


Patron with Honors
Like many of the previous posters, I also came away with an exceptionally favorable impression of Scarlett. She is such a beautiful young lady, and not just in terms of physical appearance. As others have mentioned, she is very articulate and comes across as a fair-minded and decent person. Her love for her parents is laudable in light of her deprived childhood. She is seemingly motivated by a legitimate desire to stop an ugly injustice.

I believe her testimony constitutes an important threat to the church for the reasons mentioned above. Additionally, her credibility is bolstered as she can't easily be pegged as having ulterior motives. Furthermore, she seems to speak with a natural ease and is eloquent yet concise. This stands in stark contrast to representatives from the Church of Scientology. Their communications are typically stodgy and guarded. Invariably, they appear more interested in obfuscating the truth rather than providing anything resembling a credible response. Yesteryears tactics have not only lost their efficacy, they are now undermining the Church's ability to devise and implement new strategies. It's as though the COS is trapped in a 1970's time warp. As the floodgates have opened, with ever-increasing numbers of new critics and inquisitive journalists, the Church has revealed major vulnerabilities. Its heavy reliance on Ron's policy letters, intended for a different time, are most detrimental to its survival given the realities of the internet age.

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Wow Scarlett you did so well, I hope that Vicky chooses right and walks away from the church, after she pulls her self out of the smoking hole that was OSA ANZO.